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Traffic Value: $95.48117 India
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03/08/2016 17:47
@siddartha149-hi I want to know.xapo is legit or sc@m.because I Google it some body says its please tell me how long to you use xapo.because already I lost 4000inr in I want to know xapo is legit or it legit how many days takes to send btc via xapo to MTV.please help.I want some help if you tell me your email id...
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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03/08/2016 18:10
I did not buy btc from them but they are a good wallet.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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03/08/2016 18:32
Dear Raja
Don't use Xapo to buy bitcoins, because they have higher fees for buying. But you can surely use it for sending and receiving bitcoins. Xapo is popular Bitcoin wallet and its not any sc@m. I have been using it for past 1 year, without any problem. It takes about same time as other bitcoin wallets to send and receive bitcoins from Xapo, but it depends more on websites and block chain verification. But I can assure you that Xapo is 100% safe for sending or receiving bitcoins.
My email id is ->
Traffic Value: $95.48117 India
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03/08/2016 18:38
@Siddartha-Thank you very much dear friend for helping me.sorry for my English
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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04/08/2016 03:35
Raja, no need to say sorry for your English. My English is also bad. But this is not Oxford University's forum, so chill.
Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
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04/08/2016 09:32
Mate, when do they pay?
I've requested small payment just to see is it working
got paid via Box not directly.
but no transaction appears on my Xapo 
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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04/08/2016 10:03
Nenorma, you will need to withdraw at least 13000 satoshi from "faucet box" option, then it will come to your bitcoin wallet such as xapo. How much did you withdraw?
Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
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04/08/2016 10:32
2350 or so... Ok i'll have that in mind thx
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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04/08/2016 10:49
Don't worry your satoshi won't be lost. When you will claim 11000 more satoshi, they will come together to your xapo wallet. It usually takes 5-6 hours to reach your Bitcoin wallet. But yes, you should claim at least 13000 satoshi in a single claim, so you get it that day
Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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04/08/2016 15:24
@ Nenorma,
Faucet box is the most trusted Micro wallet with prompt payments for  last (about) 3 years.
It have Automatic Payout to your BTC Wallet address after the balance is reached  0.00013000 BTC and more.
You can check your balance at Address Checker page of Faucet It gives progress to pay out threshold, history of credits and payouts etc  in your account,

Currently I am getting  payout from Faucet Box daily using the following 3 faucets, (both joined using MTV monitor link) and
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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09/08/2016 08:26
My 18th Payout

Constantly paying, one of the best faucets
Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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09/08/2016 15:55
whats up with this i cant reach site .is it maintence or down
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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09/08/2016 15:59
Rayden I am able to access this site normally. Try switching your browser.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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09/08/2016 19:32
The site was down for at least 2 hours...but it`s ok least for me...
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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16/08/2016 03:55
My 19th Payout

 You can join this faucet here->

[Edited by Mod Team: Please, advertise each monitor listing in their respective topic.]
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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24/08/2016 10:15
My 20th payout

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