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Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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18/05/2016 16:23
30 k satoshi on every chesttongue
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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18/05/2016 16:59
800 satoshi. And if you play more levels than you can also win the daily competition, where 1st prize is 50,000 satoshi.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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20/05/2016 12:18
My fourth payout.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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25/05/2016 08:24
My fifth payout.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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30/05/2016 05:32
My 6th payout
Traffic Value: $139.48404 Hungary
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30/05/2016 07:35
this program is good but since they planned to fight harder against bot users (like who said here he works with it 24/7) site had been instable!
but this is a good way to earn around 800sat / hr which is good nowadays when btc is around 520$?
so they are working in background so hard, agaonst bots i gave them some tips ^^ just because i see who use it and i know how can you fight against these..
Paid : 750599 satoshi      check
so i think this is a good chance to earn some and after every 4 round you get 2 round captchas, so you can plan this.
the upgrade also good, normally you earn some 130sat for 1 day as bonus, i asked him(Mark) when you upgrade they garantee 39k-31k satoshis as bonus for the 2nd-5th round. somewhere there you will get the bonus box
and if you calculate a little, 30day*30ksatoshis al already 900k satoshi and upgrade is 1million sat. so profitable as well because if you upgrade you loose 1 level for every round not 2 like free member!
if you use it 10hr /day only you can earn as freemember 8k/day. for a month you can earn 240k but if you upgrade you can earn more.
but your choice, there are other sites where you can earn lot ^^
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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19/06/2016 14:58
My 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th payout. Bitcoin prices are high. It is wise to join good faucets to increase your funds.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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22/06/2016 07:25
My 12th payout
Traffic Value: $1,350.76645 Australia
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22/06/2016 14:00
payment has gone down to 65 per game now but still very worth the time.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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22/06/2016 14:17
Yes the per level payment has gone down, but that's just because of rising bitcoin prices.
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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22/06/2016 14:55
And bitcoin going up is why faucets become pointless, feel so good I did them like maniac in 2014-2015 smile , but still I found out of BTC existence way too late...
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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22/06/2016 16:13
Don't know why you keep criticizing other member's monitor lists.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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28/06/2016 14:40
My 13th payout
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
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28/06/2016 16:12
pfff the per level payment is down to 65. So? Nog big deal. Mario's jumping at the same speed so the level is completed quicker. I think Hitpxl is still a good faucet: they still exist and they pay
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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28/06/2016 17:20
Thank you Benrijk for your
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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29/06/2016 15:36
This is what you get after completing 56 levels.

Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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29/06/2016 15:51
Bad time to get the bonus I guess, wonder if it was higher too...
And I though nobody used old anti human recaptcha...Can't play this even if I wanted to...
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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29/06/2016 15:53
I used this for a while but in my opinion there are too many captchas now.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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04/07/2016 16:06
My 14th Payout.
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
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04/07/2016 19:17
Hitpxl is very slow over here (but i got a withdraw of 50K satoshi)
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