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Whats a person worth?

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 13:02
I'm working with InfoModel to design our targeted ads system... and he's got some cool ideas for crazy targeting. And stuff that big commercial advertisers are looking for.

Anyway, so from that, we can generate crazy detailed profiles of which users to target. But what we need is a pricing scale... How much is each user worth?

I think we should use proven traffic value as the underlying minimum pricing model. And all the filter options, are just that, to filter down the users to target the ones the advertiser is looking for.


So help me out... How should we group / rank users by Traffic Value... and what price should we set to target each group of "traffic values"

$0-$0.50 ..... $______ minimum price per ad to target this group.
$0.50-$2 ..... $______ " "

So i'm asking you for two things; what range of traffic values form each pricing group. And what price for each group!

* If a user has their ad filter set; then it will override this minimum for that particular user. But for users without an ad filter; we need a minimum.

* We'll likely bill the advertiser 110-150% or whatever percentage of this value... But this value will be the click value of the ads each group receives.

** And when we add targeted ads; we'll install it quite heavily within MTV as well... So even if you're not an active PV user; if an ad targets you; you'll be notified at MTV. And you can go click on it; irrelevant of whether you have BAP, or whether your account is active. It'll just be money on a plate that you can take/leave.
( The system will be, that if you have BAP; targeted ads will deduct from it like any other.... but even if you don't; you'll get the ads anyway, as there is an advertiser wanting to pay to interact with you )
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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16/10/2014 13:13
Market ads + using the traffic value will be a must. Great ideas Jo.

Maybe we can use something like 0.1% min to 1% max of traffic value as traffic value this co-related to the BAP groups.

Bring the storm guys!
Traffic Value: $236.73065 India
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16/10/2014 13:16
Hi there, Does this means that even if we don't have any BAP, then also we will get paid ads? And the groupings can be as follows:-

$0 to $2 (minimum price of ads $0.01)
$2 to $5 (minimum price of ads $0.03)
$5 to $10 (minimum price of ads $0.05)

And so on. The groupings should be between big amounts because many users here are having quite large TrafficValue. Thanks and also what about the new calculation of TrafficValue, is it implemented or MTV is working on it?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 14:49
I'll throw out an example;

<$2.00 ...... $0.001/user
<$25.00 ..... $0.005/user
<$125.00 .... $0.01/user
<$500.00 .... $0.015/user
<$1500.00 ... $0.05/user
<$10k ....... $0.10/user
<$50k ....... $0.15/user
<$150k ...... $1.00/user
<$500k ...... $2.50/user
>$500k ...... $10.00/user

What do you think?
How would you change it?
Traffic Value: $114.77126 Pakistan
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16/10/2014 17:02
Dear Jo you are doing great day by day, thanks and salute for your efforts and being positive and creative. Regarding this topic I'll go with KJGupta
Traffic Value: $210.14336 Morocco
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16/10/2014 17:26
hi, i want to help you here and share my opinions. as a member, i am concerning of this positive long waited change.

so, you may target only active users who are disposable to click and view ads. the advertisers are looking for traffic but also interested people who could interact with their products.

i am okay with you, the targeted ads worth more than the standard ones. and the traffic value groups also are interesting. why not add a possibility to target with country?i have some modification to the groups and prices because i noticed that almost members have less than 1k in their traffic value. also, i believe that we deserve more high value ads.

traffic $value group    targeted ad issue ($)
<2                           0.001
2-9                          0.002
10-49                       0.005
50-99                       0.01
100-499                    0.02
500-999                    0.05
1k-9k                        0.10
10k-49k                     0.20
50k-99k                     0.50
100k+                       1.00

these is high value ads but also cheap traffic. the members will earn honourably. the purchase will be divided equally to all targeted users. the advertisers can also target more the one group.

good luck,
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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16/10/2014 17:27
That seems nice as cheap traffic are $0.0025/user wich would put somehere between $2 and 25$. If you increase this rates cheap traffic would become meanless i think.
Traffic Value: $210.14336 Morocco
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16/10/2014 17:39
Axiantor <- ok thanks smile for your advice. i have just made changes to both prices and groups.
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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16/10/2014 18:13
I agree with alienismail that these targeted ads should be reserved for active PV members, those interested in clicking ads and that do so daily. Why a MTV member without any activity in PV would receive these targeted ads?  Unless you want to enhance their earnings with this gift. Difficult to know what is better for PV/MTV.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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16/10/2014 18:23
long-time users should be more valuable than new users not only depending if they invest, and also we can see if they are active or only partial active with high trafficvalue

have a system % for calculating how old users account is or how active the user is + trafficvalue is more accurate
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 18:30
Cheap Traffic is just a cheap / pot luck advertising option for "micro advertisers"... users with $0.10 in their balance, that want to chance a referral link... But any user with an ad filter won't receive your ads. So you need to promote via another method if you want to target those guys. And that's what Targeted Ads will be for.

Targeted Ads is where advertisers are buying users off the shelf. They may only target 10 users via multiple selection filters; and they'll pay specifically to communicate with those 10 users.

eg. If you're selling an investment... you can try bulk advertising to spread the word randomly. Or if you beleive in your product; you can pay $10 for example, and pitch it only to Mike (our biggest BAP user). As if you convince him; he's clearly cabable of investing tens of thousands. So your $10 x 1 advertisement could pay off big time / finance your whole project!

Whereas if you buy cheap traffic ads; Mike will not receive those. As why would he waste time viewing an ad for a fraction of a cent, when he's earning $500+ daily.

That's the idea here...
And similarly, if you're promoting an online casino; you can target users of both high traffic value + that play casino games / bap games.... As you have a much higher payoff / chance of converting those users - than if you just randomly advertise to everyone who may not be interested in what you're selling.


And look at Google Adsense...
That has little / no "value targeting" - it just goes off keywords; and what they asume your value to be based on your location + what you're searching for.... Those can yield up to $50/click.

So that's an advertiser paying $50 for your attention; because they believe you're the client they're looking for...
So if we can provide an even more accurate way to link advertisers with high value / highly appropriate clients -- that's when targeted ads will be a huge success.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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16/10/2014 18:36
If more people targeted ad go for hire groups what will happen to smaller ones? they will not be out of sight?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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16/10/2014 18:38
Absolutely Jo!

I agree 100% with you on your last post. Targeted ads shouldn`t be confined to PV members, although, if not clicked by a sole-MTV member, the ads should be "recycled" to a another member. Some MTV members don`t care about PV as they don`t like clicking ads so this can lead to two things: getting the interest of non-PV active members on clicking ads and convert them to active PV members and also, give MTV members another earning option.

I agree more with Targeted Ads then Cheap Traffic. But I don`t think it`s fare to deduct BAP for these Targeted Ads since an MTV member will also get them without losing BAP.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 18:41
* Targeted ads don't recycle.
They're issued; and its just a matter of whether you view them or not, or whether we refund the advertiser.

* If you have BAP, they'll consume BAP & recycle after 18hours back to you, consuming more BAP. But they won't go to anyone else - as they're targeting you!

* If you have no BAP... you'll still get the ad. As if you interact with it; we make money from the advertiser.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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16/10/2014 18:45
I think it will be rare that an Advertiser spend $ 10 for a click
Personal  me when I promote  a link  on  adhitz my cost / max per click is 0.05c
we'll see

otherwise it is a very good option, already targeted  members by traffic value is an important concept for an advertiser, and this option I have ever seen in my sites where I promoted my links (adhitz / PTC)

otherwise is what advertisers can target members by geolocation
-south america
-Africa ...

This is very important as option
When I promoted a link I chose rather US members / Europe, even if I pay higher-price by click
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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16/10/2014 18:47
Yeah, I personally don't think a $10/click worth to buy as an advertiser.

I consider alienismail proposition as a balanced one.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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16/10/2014 18:49
Will targeted ads recycle within target groups?

Edit: Just read that they don't recycle.  
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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16/10/2014 18:49
Thats what i m saying more of u people from west then we Asian have to say bye bye to paidverts?
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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16/10/2014 18:52
Of course not.
The PaidVerts standard ads distribution is independent of the targeted ads. Targeted ads feature is only an add-on to share more earnings to targeted members and to generate more profits for PaidVerts.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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16/10/2014 18:56
May be i understood it wrongtongue
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