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Whats a person worth?

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 18:56
There are only a couple users on the entire site with more than $500k proven traffic value. So this $10/click is a small issue.

And we're only talking about the value of each user.
There will be dozens of filter options;

- Location
- Age
- Sex
- Payment Processor
- Browser Type
- Mobile Users
- Proven Value
- Gaming Volume
- Referral Counts
- Forum Posts
- Specific Games Played
- 250% Plan Investors
- 186% Plan Investors
- Exp Fund Investors
- Shareholders
- Advertisers
- Users that have promoted a certain referral link in one of their PV campaigns (eg probux. Or a random hyip to know that they're specific hyip people rather than PTC people)
- Click Volumes... users that have clicked LOADS of PV ads vs users that have only clicked a few.
- Time of Day Users... target users that are online at a given hour.
- Users that have purchased a given upgrade

The amount of targeting you can do is amazing... And you'll be able to combine multiple filters. Eg target males, between a given age, from a given country, that play cash games and have a proven traffic value over $100.
It'll then generate the list of users and the price; and you can edit that list; delete individual users (perhaps with a crazy ad filter)... Or target the top/bottom __% of that list.

The targeting will be unbeleivable!
And with such filtering... we need a simple way to price each user. As there will be thousands of filter combinations; we can't make unique prices for each. So instead, users have a baseline value (according to their Proven Traffic Value)... then you just find which users you're looking for. And boom, you communicate with them. Or get a full refund.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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16/10/2014 19:00
$10 to target $500k+ traffic value users will be worth it with all those filtering options.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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16/10/2014 19:01
that's incredible like targeting, it's the dream of all advertisers wink, congratz !!!
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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16/10/2014 19:09
If Jo make it open to non members its going to genrate huge rev?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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16/10/2014 19:13
So, if the targeted member(s) do not click on those ads, advertiser gets refunded?

Well, in that case, I think that this could be even better than I had thought first. I will definitely be an advertiser!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/10/2014 19:32
Of course... guaranteed delivery.
All our ad options do that...

Bulk Ads.... refund after 180days of non delivered clicks.
Cheap Ads... refund after 14days of non delivered clicks.
Targeted Ads... likely the same 7-14days.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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16/10/2014 19:35
Very nice grin

Great job Jo! MTV/PV can really help changing lifes! One of these days I`ll stop by the southern Spain wink
Traffic Value: $210.14336 Morocco
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16/10/2014 22:08

thanks to your attention paid to my suggestion. like Jo said, the advertisers who buy targeted ads are looking for interested users who can interact with their products.

the traffic value give great idea on how much the MTV/PV user is able to invest. also, the filters used to target are very good. they will show if the filtered users may be interested or not by the advertiser's offer instead of his value.

i think if the advertisers are looking for cheap targeted traffic, they still have the possibility to, they can select filtered cheap users wink
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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16/10/2014 22:49
If I understand it right, people could also buy one targeted ad to send to a specifiek user? w00t

Hello foodchain - always nice to meet you.devil
Let me play the advocate of the devil.  
So people can transfer each other money in the form of targeted ads, pimp their downlines,
pay RCB  and form divers internal pools to ponzi up their levels.
Sort of an internal black advertising market with Kings of Spam.   
If you must transform targeted ad to a hidden currency you might as well add a white market in which people can offer or ask services in  exchange for targeted ads to balance things out. 

Whatever - I am going to buy more shares, because this could get wild and get my chair ready for the show.
Above all:  
Target me,  I target you back with 1% interest two weeks later. LOL
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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16/10/2014 22:51
I'm worth $10.000.000,-

Send it by bank wire please, thanks smile
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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16/10/2014 23:07

What if you took the targeting to the next level...what we do offline, i.e. hobbies, sports, etc.

Personally I like to camp & fish and am also interested in renewable energy. I'd love to see ads highlighting new products/services in these areas. Some of the coolest/newest stuff I've gotten recently has been from Kickstarter Campaigns. If ads like those could be shown, now that would be cool.

I don't think the ads themselves have to be online income oriented.

That would really open things up.

Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
3 like this post 0 people
16/10/2014 23:54
Thinking about this more...

The whole "Crowdfunding" idea is quite popular now, including MTV/PV...

If we designed an affordable advertising solution for those Crowdfunding sites (Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc.) to pitch their products/ideas/movies/whatever they have to the right people (targeting) it could really take off. 

As far as I know they mostly rely on word of mouth/social media to garner investors/support for their project. could be huge.

Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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17/10/2014 02:55
 I think if we want to determine the value of a certain user in the PV System, we must take into account the following factors on which to receive a certain score (I know it's more complicated, but it will encourage more and more users to be active, and that's the ultimate goal - TO HAVE AN ACTIVE COMUNITY) :

- total value of Ad purchases [this must be the primary criteria, because encourage users to invest their earnings]
- numbers of active referrals the user had.
- numbers of Captchas/Ads completed in the last 48 hours

- total amounth of BAP he had at that moment in the account [users with large BAP should have an advantage over those that have less]
- also there are users that played their BAP in games and loosed a big amounth and now have less BAP. It doesn't count, we can take into consideration the BAP Gaming Volume. This will advantage the people that love gambling, and also encourage more people to take this risk.

I'm not the adept to taking in consideration the Referral Commissions or Proven Traffic Value because those don't reflect the real value of an user. [eg: If there is an inactive user, that enter once per week only to withdraw the Referral Commissions. If he has few active referrals that invest a lot of money and he make $100 per month he is not more valuable than an active member, that solve much captchas, do all his ads and invest buying ads. His only merit is that it has brought active people that make investments]

How much is each user worth? Should take into consideration active users that:
[FIXED Criteria - that cand be easely viewed]:
- promote Paidverts and invite people, gets lots of referrals

- make investments (buy ads) - Here i think that buying $0,10 Fast Traffic Ads are more valuable than buying normal 1$ Ads [because all the money go into system and helps to gain funds to pay people, and the users gets only traffic for his site and no cash back]

- play BAP/Money games

[FLEXIBLE Criteria - that must be reseted every 48 hours for new values]
- solve lots of captcha / view all his Adds [these actions also brings money into system from SolveMedia]

- how many Ads the user bought in the last 48 hours
- how many Money Gaming Volume or BAP Gaming Volume had spend/won the user in the last 48 hours [I think that should be taken in consideration to ecourage the people to play daily as much as posible]

- Money Gaming Volume last 48 hours (no need to transform in dollars, we can take the sum)
- BAP Gaming Volume last 48 hours (transformed in dollars)
- Ad purchases (no need to transform in dollars, we can take the sum)
- numbers of active referrals the user had(here we need an ideea how to calculate the value in dollars).
- numbers of Captchas/Ads completed in the last 48 hours (the total value he bring in the systemsolving those captchas)
Also i have another proposal. To introduce 5 Captcha for completion Daily, and  the posibility for users that don't want to solve them to buy another premium feature that last 1 month and that is equal with the sum of money earned from complete those Captchas Daily. Those captchas can be puted:
- on every login
- when we want to unlock the dayly 8x25 BAP Ads
- 2 captcha when we want to unlock the 2x50 BAP Pack Mini Ads
- when want to buy Ads
- also can put an captcha when want to buy a feature ($0,05 / $2,99 / $19,9 Upgrades) or (activate Vacantion Mode);

To solve the problem which will be placed the Captcha, you can create a new menu Daily captchas / Daily Activation, and here we can Chota We Want the option to enabled, solve captchas and THEN go to view or buy ads, etc.

I'm sure most of you will understand the need to help all in creating a sustainable and secure many years to come. This can help to gain more money for the beutiful PV & MTV comunity.

Another proposal would be the need for users to have the posibility to choose
Demographic targeting, It can be purchased for a small sum of money or BAP. If the System can not meet the requirement, then the ads will be divided as usual.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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18/10/2014 09:41
Jo I've been thinking about those Targeted ads and I came to the idea. I dont really know if its hard for programmers to make it but what do you think how would it go with poll? I'll give an example: I'm promoting my website which is about some sport, lets say football, and now I want to target people who are interested in sports/football. Yet how can system know which people are interested in those things? I was thinking about this : if you want to be able to receive targeted ads, you have to do a poll which PV creates, it's universal poll about your life behind the computer/and life on the computer. Now when user wants to distribute his targeted ad he gets lets say a table to select what is his ad about, whether its about sport/politics/ptc/science it doesn't matter all he has to do is just to select one/more types which define his ad and that ad will be distributed to the people which are interested in certain thing/things. I don't know if i explained it good but I think its understandable.

Short keys:
- Pv makes a poll specifically for targeted ads
- People who wanna be able to receive targeted ads need to complete the poll
- Ad distributer choses what their poll is about
- Ad gets distributed

It's just an idea, dunno if its doable.
Traffic Value: $79.99441 Philippines
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18/10/2014 10:11
Country/location should definitely be a factor, of course.
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