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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $109.64323 Spain
2 like this post 7 people
25/11/2015 17:29
And when the price is 0,00000000001 what? Even for the big fish that price is garbage and the RP market will be finished...GAME OVER
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
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25/11/2015 17:30
jmfjmf u dont have a single RP, and you are the loudest here.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
12 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 17:31
At that price, you earn more in dividends than the price of the RP.
I'll buy like a million of those please...
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
7 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 17:34
I wonder if Marc had done short video (less chance of photoshop) with him writing the % on that days newspaper (and not just in clear space but the whole page), what the actual % here would be. Would it really be this close to 80%?

BTW, Most of the US Government has 2/3rds to pass anything, not 50 plus 1.
Also, if you don't show up (the hundred thousand RP holders who won't vote), your vote is abstained.

Don't forget that MTV terms say 95%, 30 day notice, email and welcome message etc, which if this isn't using even some of that terms, I wonder when it would ever be used.
Traffic Value: $893.48155 Slovenia
7 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 17:36
Few things should really be taken in action here.

1. People with under 1k shares shouldnt be allowed to vote as my friend Casio said. (If u can't spend 10$ for shares in current state i doubt u will ever spend a penny).
2. All the votes from people registered after the date when thread was posted should be deleted, to eliminate a chance of people making multi accounts just to vote.

druth8x sadly MTV makes us follow their rules, but they don't follow them most of the time smile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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25/11/2015 17:45
Marc chose 80% because he gave his word, specifically on this issue, and can't get himself to break it, so, if 80% or more truly want a free open market (which is still capped at 0.0005 == 1 BAP), then he will allow a majority override of his decision.
Traffic Value: $176.69082 Argentina
0 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 17:53
just sharing my point of view, speaking from the logic, and not if the RP will fall im not going to buy now.
Traffic Value: $372.43143 Poland
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25/11/2015 18:04
Has thiago changed his vote to 'no'? I thought he voted 'yes' but i might be wrong... If so, im wondering why tongue Btw Brainy is always ahead...
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
5 like this post 3 people
25/11/2015 18:19
wondering how many of those 230 that voted no actually know what's going on smile
Traffic Value: $4,505.73202 Egypt
3 like this post 5 people
25/11/2015 18:20
Do not know what to say about it but prefer not to remove the limit, because this will kill the market and we do not want this certainly as this may cause us great losses, but I with the idea of increasing the limit to 0.10 this solution satisfactory to all parties and will make more movement of the market and will restore the people's confidence in the site I hope sosmile
Traffic Value: $11.6043 Egypt
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25/11/2015 18:26
We need a solid foundation and that we all agree is one not to walk all the way and so a dead end ... We all fear that loss .. or recession arrow in place for long periods and this causes insomnia and panic and discomfort ... so I would like you Mr. Mark said look at my humble opinion .. namely, (raise the minimum to $ 0.10) I think she land a solid to make the market rushes at lightning speed to a higher level is expected to reach $ 1 contrast raise the sales fee to 10% so as to have both parties beneficiary .. (but reduction 0:10 and fees of 1% will not remain constant), but we need it to avoid loss adjustment ...
Traffic Value: $331.09427 Pakistan
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25/11/2015 18:28
In most of the cases voting for Yes or No... Answer is based upon
What Suits to Indivisual Not to MTV... And ofcourse everyone looks
for his own interest. removing limit would be better in this hanged situation...
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/11/2015 18:32

My post was not trying to get Marc to change it to 95% or what have you.
I agree he said 80%, so he has to stick with that.
I was more pointing out to the others that 95% is in the terms, not 50%+1, and that 50%+1 is not common in the US Gov.
I do wonder what changes the 95% is supposed to go to.

I also wonder if he didn't tell us the %, but did say that he had set a % he would abide to (short video proof), what the actual % would be. Seems to me, that enough of the votes that can change the results, are dictated more by the % needed vs actual beliefs. I have strong feeling, that it would be closer to 85/15 or 75/25 if that was the actual disclosed or not %.

Remember, the BAP Market is open and will change dramatically if YES wins. Thus, sides don't matter if you want to daytrade BAP/RP, you work to keep it a guessing game, even back and forth, if your team has enough votes.
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
2 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 18:33
@ druth8x 
You wrote
BTW, Most of the US Government has 2/3rds to pass anything, not 50 plus 1

That means 66,66% against 33,33% which is quite different (who knows fairly) than 80% against 20%

The discrepancy in this company is they want our money self calling crowd funding but when it comes to bail decisions they set up such rules like as you said 95% and so on...shocked
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
3 like this post 2 people
25/11/2015 18:35
No matter what value is the limit, there will always be a limit. Now $0.01 limit, maybe later $0.001 limit, then later on $0.0001 limit.... or is the vote to open limit go to $0 which has no limit?

IF limit is removed. Then delete the BAP Market. Users should only trade RPs with cash, not with BAPs or any other bonus points. BAPs need to be exchange to cash first, via clicking ads, to get its cash value worth, before it can be used to buy RPs. BAPs to cash via paid ads, then buy RPs. 

RPs for cash only. RPs = cash.

P.S. I vote for deleting the BAP Market. I am fine with removing the RP limit or not removing it. But I am really for deleting the BAP Market. No BAP Market, better cash trading for RPs.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 18:36
For the first time I'm seing a sort of poll being done to evaluate what the crowd wants and thatbis really cool.

On the other hand, and I voted yes, druth has a point. There are TOS regarding this matter that are not being taken in account. Why is that?

Regarding to people that voted NO and say that this way they won't get their 10c value back, do you all really think that if you keep a 1c floor it will reach 10c? Daytraders will block at 1.5c and buy at 1c if they had the chance. And you're worried that RP's reach a price of 0.0000001$? Heck I would buy all shares and became 100% "owner" of this company at that price
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
5 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 18:39
Gotta disagree with that, register.
BAP Marketplace goes a long way in controlling the debt that ad packs produce.
Take that away and PV could be swapping more often than the FTQ!
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
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25/11/2015 18:43
Reducing BAP debt via BAP Market... why focus on that???
BAPs can wait, what is the hurry? 
Instead Paidverts should focus on INCREASING REVENUES not reducing BAP debt.
Reducing BAP debt but revenues going down or STAGNANT. Therefore, NO ADS!

Are people buying ad packs? No, why the need to reduce BAP debt when BAPs are not increasing.
Take out the BAP Market, so people will buy ad packs if they want more BAPs.
If they want more RPs, buy RPs with cash.... 

Paidverts was not created for BAP gamblers. It was created to add revenues via advertising (hybrid) packages... not to give money away to BAP gamblers. Paidverts is not a casino site. Games are only based on points, just BAP games. If the gamblers want cash, play cash games at MTV or the perfectmoney cash casino site.

Paidverts should in fact focus on its ADVERTISING products and create a package around it. Make the advertising packages more attractive than it was before... or more attractive than what other PTC/Rev Share sites offer online. But Paidverts need the ad revenues as soon as possible ASAP... there are no ads. PV needs ads!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/11/2015 18:44
BAP Gamblers would also be less active, if they can't convert BAP to cash except through ads, over a long period of time (even best of times it took a month or 3).
Traffic Value: $201.94002 United Kingdom
5 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 18:45
I'm with druth8x on this. Should have kept the percentage required secret.
It's very (big) fishy that the vote keeps swinging either way at such a fine margin. I've been checking this alot since the announcement and I haven't seen it swing even 5% either way, it's stuck right in the middle. It seems people are also changing their votes and the numbers keep fluctuating.

Going conspiracy theorist now but I predict that alot of big fishes have got together and discussed this. They're keeping people guessing at the moment so they can effect the BAP Market (cash one is currently dead). Within the last hour of this voting period there's going to be a big spike in yes votes to kill the BAP market so no one can react. 
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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