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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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03/02/2021 07:16
Those having captcha issues, you're having issues with google captcha or visual? And have you tried switching between them?
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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03/02/2021 08:02
Good morning slosumo,

emptied cache, locked out and in again, didn't help. 

Google Captcha on the ads doesn't show up at all.
I got some bitcoin faucets where it works fine.

Strangely they show up on my mobile phone.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
03/02/2021 08:23
By cache you mean localstorage or cookies as well?
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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03/02/2021 09:15
complete browser history
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
03/02/2021 11:23
Hmm, this looks like some local issue then. Can you try from a different browser?

Also, I'm asking again to be sure, but have you tried switching to visual captcha here, if google isn't working for you:
Traffic Value: $778.90677 Portugal
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03/02/2021 11:34
mio2815 I also don't get the captha on my cellphone but on my computer browser I can. These days I only click my ads on my computer.
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
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03/02/2021 11:53

haven't done anything the last 3 hours, but now it works don't know why.

Thanks for the help.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
03/02/2021 13:01
Sometimes doing nothing, is the best thing you can do LOL
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/02/2021 13:25
I wanted to advertise my PBG referral link, but when I copy and paste that link into address bar, it shows blank page without any info/error
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
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03/02/2021 14:36
@slosumo I know you're very busy, but could we maybe get a quick update on how the sales for Simpocalypse are doing? 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
03/02/2021 15:21
@freak Was due posting an update, so I just posted one in the news smile
Traffic Value: $433.16796 Romania
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03/02/2021 15:23
Hello, my friends

Please fix the ''visual'' captcha. It's not working. I had to switch to Google ReCaptcha to see the ads with the high value. For the rest of the ads, I lost it.

I cleared the cache from the browser, still no fix.

I can't use Google ReCaptcha to see all the ads. 

Thank you in advance.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
03/02/2021 15:29
@corciscanu Can you give some more contextual information on that please:

What exactly does "captcha not working" mean:
a) Does the captcha box not show up at all
b) Does it show up, but clicking on it does nothing
c) It shows up, and you can click properly on it, but after confirmation of it finishes, an error is displayed and you can't continue viewing the ad?
d) Something else? <- please explain

We've had a look at this earlier and couldn't find any weird server activity, nor any of us able to replicate the issue, so additional info like this is extremely helpful to us.
Traffic Value: $1,128.79879 Sweden
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03/02/2021 16:18
The visual captcha..
the captcha box not show up at all
Not loading.
Google is working fine...
Traffic Value: $433.16796 Romania
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03/02/2021 16:45
Slosumo, the visual captcha is not showing. there is no captcha there.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
03/02/2021 22:06
why are we not trying to raise some funds with a crowd project fund to give sympocalypse a big promotional boost after the launch of the update next month ?

something like:
earn back 125% within 12 months . at least 50% of the monthly profit go back to the fundraisers
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/02/2021 05:47
OK, I DO occasionally have the issue with captcha at all showing up. I just close that tab and then open the site again and it shows up.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
04/02/2021 14:31
Ah yes, there were several other websites removing Payeer and since all the playing volume preety much stopped, I already thought it might be the same for PPG.

All in all did it make a profit while it lasted?
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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04/02/2021 16:37
Are all cashout methods payed within 24-48h?
I have a BTC pending for 3 days...
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
6 like this post 0 people
05/02/2021 17:23
I'm glad to hear that we finally hired an SEO team. Our products do not appear in Google for none of the interesting keywords. 

The competition is crazy high. We gotta be careful. 

We need at least 20 high-quality articles focused on low-competition keywords related to online casinos. We could also use some recommendations, guest posts, sponsored content on similar websites. Most our users have a website. Placing a link to the PBG would be a first step towards ranking higher 

This is our top competitor in SERP: 
There are some cool, moderately light competition keywords, I could work on that if need be. 

Don't believe if they promise you rank 1 in Google right away. It doesn't work like that. 

slosumo, can You tell me something more about:
- link building strategy?
- content strategy (keywords, search volume, keyword difficulty),
- do we have someone to write the articles? 

If not, I may have a solution for it. I know people that write good quality articles, mostly gaming related, but they can do some BitCoin casino too: GamerSEO

Don't order some black hat, 0.02$/word trash articles. Google is not dumb. If they told you they will give you 20 articles, 20$ each, dump it. 

Order from reliable sources. If You have any questions, I'll gladly answer as best as I can.
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