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Why not provide enough ADD

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Traffic Value: $781.39217 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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27/08/2014 19:06
I have more than 180000 BAP  since 29/07/2014 it means I'm in 7 group.I should  receive over $ 2 ADD evry day.Its means that I for these 28 days should earn about $ 56 and I've earned around $ 34 it is not clear why
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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27/08/2014 19:09
Have you counter that Saturday and Sunday are always days whit low amount/value adds?
Traffic Value: $76.40605 Romania
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27/08/2014 19:15
The earnings differ each day, for example the today's earnings for your group was $1.1553030303, tomorrow might be $2-$3 or jst $1.
Weekends can get as low as $0.50, so don't expect the same amount of cash that you get today to get tomorrow as well.

Just think that you'll get your money in 2 months and the bonus in the third one (Depending on the ads sold everyday on PV).
Forum - Questions - Why not provide enough ADD
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