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just checking up on the pyramid scheme

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Traffic Value: $255.97725 Denmark
0 like this post 15 people
20/03/2018 21:19
probably gonna be deleted but whoever might see this might help. so i havent been here forever realised id probably never see my $250-ish. some invested march 26th, calculated it should take 80 days still havent been paid out to this day, in 2018! same goes for 4 other investements. oh yea and the bap swap which everyone was sceptical about and didnt want, but we were reasured again again about we would of course get our value/money back, yea the RP is still going down in price, i put up my rp for the 0.1 they were traded for, guess what theyre worth $0.0016 now. good shit marc, is that piece of shit even still running this site. whatever so is the money ever gonna be delivred or or you gonna keep the scam up?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
8 like this post 1 people
20/03/2018 21:23
I'm incredibly amazed by your understanding of the business, chapeau.

*Insert sarcasm*.

I will keep your post up, since we have nothing to hide wink kiss
Traffic Value: $255.97725 Denmark
0 like this post 10 people
20/03/2018 22:00
so do you mind either explaining how its not a pyramid scheme, i know you overtook a sinking ship but, you ahvent done anyhting different it seems, atleast under the previous guy i got some money. RP have never recovered which you promised, and noone believe and its still down slope, only to your gain, see you going on some nice vacation on our money.. so when do you buy my rp and when does the FTQ pay-the-fuck-out
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
8 like this post 0 people
20/03/2018 22:10
All my money is mine, all the rest you could have known by simply reading the news we've provided.
Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
3 like this post 0 people
21/03/2018 03:21
FTQ will be started to pay out in 1-2 months and this is no longer a pyramid or scam scheme and there is no BAP swap or anything like that, what you are talking is of long time ago now everything has changed this has become a legit business and soon shares will also become real share with legalizationwink
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
21/03/2018 05:02
Pyramid schemes don't offer any tangible products. We offer many and we show our work. We may not offer independent audits of the company but that could be easily done if the money was worth spending on such a task

What PTC does that and if you made these accusations at Neobux not only would you be booted from the forum you would probably be booted from the company
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
2 like this post 0 people
21/03/2018 13:38

I understand you perfectly,but, let be honest those guys have worked, and they have created some really good ideas. I  like how PV works now/today, more than before 2 years, they have some outside sites, some were Jo's ideas too, BUT, but, war clicks rocks. So yes they have way smarter way than before. I will not go into some things I dont like, but hey, thing is they do have great ideas I do like.

Warclicks + PV improvement are great, and lets be honest, people do like them. Iinvested in PV because I saw how they work now, and trust me I was one of those who went 90 % out. So yes I think I talk pretty honest here, because why else I would return at all then? And put some money again in it.

I  do not want to be rood, but lets see facts........... I respected Jo, I  lost money, not that Marc did not warned us, lets be honest there. He did. Also there are many more sites online that are all but not sustainable at all. If you think thre are honest admins online, tell me why I could not sell my idea, or go to co-op interview with one of them after I published that I have fully sustainable project? Sure idea is radical and admins want ponzy where they can pay little to scam big, while my idea would cost 10 k or more to build, but hey better for them to scam people with litklle money than spend a lot to have lifetime sustainable project. Thing is I have not saw one SO CALLED honest admin online who was INTERESTED, because probably nobody likes honest way. What else to say?

You know who was only who at least reply'd? MTV & Marc, so yes, give them that, they deserve some respect. They are still here, and as far as I saw I didnt loose my money, and I was away until 2017, for cca 1.5 years? So lets be realistic. My money still here, they do have better results and I do believe they do business better. If I am not objective I appologize, but I have not seen Marc to attack me iether after I returned, and he could, so yes, lets show some respect. Oh, btw, forum is again great place, huge huge respect on that too. 

EDIT: I did received cashouts too, very fast if I may say, so yes, not that I can complain about at all. Things changed on better, at least I think they are. All I saw talk in that direction.
Forum - Questions - just checking up on the pyramid scheme
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