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Hi Jo, New Ads Purchase via Skrill

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Traffic Value: $6,007.44934 Singapore
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18/08/2014 15:10
Hi Jo,

I know u are busy but I would like to make new PV Ad purchase via Skrill, please check your support ticket wink thanks!

username : powervip
Traffic Value: $614.23297 Poland
4 like this post 0 people
18/08/2014 16:07
Yes , Skrill is better than Paypal !!!
Ad purchase and also add funds !!!
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
18/08/2014 16:22
Of course I`m using Skrill with PtCircle and is good enough.That`s a good idea to join Skrill to PV/MTV.
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
18/08/2014 16:51
There is some problem with STP I can`t deposit money?!
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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18/08/2014 16:52
@zachidro- what error do you see? it works for me
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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18/08/2014 17:28
@zachidro I couldn´t help but notice you use PTCircle.. are they trustable? Because I find it kinda fishy that you need to deposit $6 before withdrawing....
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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18/08/2014 17:38
I think there's an issue with our STP account. Carlos will contact them ASAP.
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
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18/08/2014 17:46

The error is that: mytrafficvalue account is suspended.
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
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18/08/2014 17:49

I´m working fine with them, that have paid me all the requests made till now.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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18/08/2014 18:15
I made enough to withdraw, but I wasn´t sure I wanted to risk paying them $6 and being schemed... if  you say they are working maybe I will give it a shot...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/09/2014 00:48
@zachidro you still able to deal with ptcircle? Because they changed everything in there and there´s no forum or support anymore.... I think I might have lost all the money I put in there...
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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03/09/2014 01:17
@Catt too bad to hear that. They may have gone full SCAM by now...

I got into cashout zone in April and two times I requested funds both was sent back with excuses that bitcoin cashout had trouble blah, blah, I complained in forums same as others, and posts got deleted. The few ones that got answers got some rude and evassive ones.
In may they changed policy to mandatory investment and decided to stop using that site altogether. Primarily because I did not have any kind of funds to invest at the time.
I'm so glad I did.... 
Feeling sorry for all the ones that fell to the mermaid song, though... they will get a hard hit when it comes.
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
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03/09/2014 01:18
@Catt  they change many thing but I`m still working fine with them.Now they pay $5.00 to view the grid 30 ads and You can earn more. For me they low the number of RR from 1.600 to 1.300 but as I have bought RR $1.00 and now each one costs $5.00 so I supose that I can continue earning about $30.00/$40.00 net per day.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/09/2014 01:44
@pauloma_u I am afraid for my money....

@zachidro have you cashed out after the changes?
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