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Dormant accounts

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Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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24/08/2014 12:23
How about taking out bigger tax fee for inactive accounts that are over 1 year old. For example. Gummibear. . I'm sure he has over thousands of dollars sitting there doing nothing for over a year. MTV shall impose 1 dollar tax on those 1 year or older inactive account... Just my two cents .. I wonder how many of those such inactive accounts ...
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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24/08/2014 12:29
Because of the debt swap, all old inactive accounts probably only have shares. So a bigger tax fee will not work i guess.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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24/08/2014 12:37
We'll look into this next year...
And create some system to accurately identify truly dormant accounts (12months+ of inactivity). And then design a fair process to recycle that value back into the portfolio.

But for the moment... We just leave them be.
Mini dormant accounts should be wiped out via the account maintenence fee & BAP tax (unless they have shares). And whenever we come to do the next debt swap; we'll delete all accounts with zero value + zero shares in them again.

Dormant accounts with shares is more tricky. We have to be careful to not be accused of stealing their money!

We'll think about this some othertime...
Gummybear might come back at some point. He was the 4th user to ever register! And he's got a lot of referrals. Strange he's gone AWOL.
Forum - Questions - Dormant accounts
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