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Traffic Value: $0.33266 Slovenia
0 like this post 6 people
18/08/2014 04:26
2 weeks ago (10.8.2014) i was shocked, when i login on paidverts and i see thaht all my BAP points was gone shock
I was totalty freak out, i collect until than (8.8.2014) more thna 450000 BAP points.
However, i was trying to get your answer from support ticket.
How i get loose all my points... Friday 8.8.2014 i way trying get one more refer friend, associate at my work. I show hit hot sistem works, how get more BAP... When i finisher my work friday i was forger log out from my work-computer. This associate is woking 9.8.2014 and he goes on my computer and play some games with my BAP points, he dosent no that points is for real - is stupit hmmm
10.8.2014 mornig is played again...
When i find out is my points go, i was trying to geti it back, and he buy me some campain to get point and he go more play and lost again.

My question is - CAN I GET MY POINTS BACK until 8.8.2014 i like this site very much and i realy want continue with trading.

best regards
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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18/08/2014 05:36
Sorry for your loss, but it is highly unlikely you will get your BAP back smile
Traffic Value: $127.20102 Philippines
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18/08/2014 06:49
same here I played a lot before, especially flip coin, i am trying to earn in that game, at first i always win until i get 12,000 bap. but after that. i lost all the BAP. and i start again from 0 bap.
i learned that. you cannot win in the games.
Traffic Value: $0.33266 Slovenia
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18/08/2014 07:46
Sure, but problem is that this is not my fault...
Traffic Value: $127.20102 Philippines
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18/08/2014 08:15
its yours, because you forgot to
Traffic Value: $0.33266 Slovenia
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18/08/2014 10:18
How can i proof this????
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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18/08/2014 10:25
Sorry Tomza for your loss but how we can belive you? There is no way admin can refund your points, if he do so everyone who lose will write on forum looking for excuses.
Traffic Value: $0.33266 Slovenia
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18/08/2014 10:35
Traffic Value: $0.00 China
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18/08/2014 11:10
Even if u could Proof a friend of u did it.
u Still wont get ur BAP Back, because it is ur own fault if u forget to Logout.
Traffic Value: $5,421.7407 Ukraine
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18/08/2014 11:12
Tomza, why admin should refund your BAPs? Ask your friend to pay for ad packs.
Traffic Value: $0.33266 Slovenia
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18/08/2014 11:13
No time to start over again, i will delete my acc...
Traffic Value: $219.55896 Philippines
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18/08/2014 13:15
that's better....cause the case was you were the one who did not log-out your account ...if you want someone to pay your lost maybe it's yourself for being irresponsible user...i feel you i also lost baps in the games but i got a restart my self...(your claims is Denied since no one can tell if you were really trying to say the truth about your co-worker to play your baps)  
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
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18/08/2014 13:22
You are always responbillity about your account. And with playing gamble games you can lose heavely..

I think admin cant give you the bap points back, sorry.
Traffic Value: $1,238.07941 Singapore
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18/08/2014 14:33
the only suggestion to u guys is that dont play games.i stop playing game ever since the BAP tax i get more BAPs n wont be greedy over playing games n losing BAPs.
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