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Thu 12th June - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $142.28114 India
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12/06/2014 18:44
should avoid playing games if you can't limit yourself...sorry for your loss..and like antu said, collect free BAP and try to reinvest again and focus well to keep it up smile
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/06/2014 19:24
The game limits are far off from being implemented. It is a very low priority upgrade. You just have to restrain yourself from playing - all it takes is some discipline.
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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12/06/2014 19:33
Jo, in my opinion I think now we should focus on raising the members in Paidverts.

MTV is in a good way and soon it will start explode. If we wan't to force everything, soon or later can be bad for everything.

This business has a huge potential and everything could be fine if we are smart.

I love your last post saying what programmers are doing now and what they will do in the future. That's what we need from you. We need an admin who tell us everything about the business.

But, and again, in my opinion, posts on Facebook, email or in the forum, about the 100K investors, are a bit of begging. It's like you are desperate about money and things like that.

Keep calm, MTV have time to grow and now it have more potential than 2 years ago. Am I right? So, let's focus on Paidverts for the next 2 months, and I have sure MTV will grow a lot because of that.

Like I said, it's my opinion about the subject. I'm not attacking you or something like that. I just wan't this business to grow because it's one of the best (if not the best) business in the moment.

Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/06/2014 20:21
Yes a bit of patience is likely necessary. But I've been working and waiting three years for this to come together. And now it's in plain sight. So i will make sure someone acts upon it. So there's no chance of it passing us by. As the prize is too big to pass up.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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13/06/2014 00:23
Jo, I also would like to see an 'un-assigned Paidverts funds' in the system overview of the daily revenues. Because I want to know how much money PV has for shares/250% plan. Because 11 june PV sold for $5982 ad packs, and you reinvested only $564,5 in shares and another $500 in the 250% plan, while you said half of the money of the bought ad packs should be reinvested. Maybe you can implement the PV money balances into it or something like that!
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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13/06/2014 00:34
And by the way Jo, can you make an early ad issue tomorrow? Tomorrow World Cup Spain versus the Netherlands (where we have to get revenche for 2010 sad), so I am going to Amsterdam the whole day and do not have access to PV later on the day!
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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13/06/2014 04:46

wow, you are great at paying attention to detail. 

Thank you. 
you're someone I would like to learn from. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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13/06/2014 09:54
We'll look into the PV stats thing...
It's not so much "un-assigned funds" ... but we could provide a summary of PV's active investments & shares somewhere.

If you crawl through the logs, its all there already. But a summary is definitely more practical.
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