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Thu 12th June - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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12/06/2014 14:37
0.25% bidding fee and weekly ask cancellations is a great idea, prices will soar and there will be a much more accurate current market sentiment reflected.

Also, only one marketplace listing at a time per user will work very well too.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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12/06/2014 14:57
Here we go again, no one (except, offcourse, MikeMazzone as always) wants the weekly cancellations, but Jo already set up his mind and this is unchangable. Listen for one damn time to the majority of the members instead of being so stubborn. How in the hell is PV going to sell all of his shares if you should keep listing them over and over again? How will the price rise, as their won't be a reference point. There is not 1 single index in the world who has his ask-bid spread cancelled once in a week (not even yearly). The majority of very small members not reading the daily news will scream around again, which makes things worse and worse.

Maybe you can first introduce the other 2 points, which are actually good and see how that goes. That will result in less listings guaranteed and offcourse that will lead to a higher share price!
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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12/06/2014 15:02
Prices will rise, just check the chart for where prices were last week.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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12/06/2014 15:05
I agree with colasander

The 2 first points that Jo post are good way to keep the price raising.
The last one I don't agree.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/06/2014 15:15
Well initially the only point that's being programmed in is limiting each user to one share listing at a time. You can have one bid to buy + one listing to sell. But I don't want people stair stepping the price in advance. That just creates a wall / diss-incentive for people that want to buy with the purpose of raising the price.

We'll add a bidding fee later - I don't want to delay the install rightn ow. We need this swap up ASAP; as the uncertainty and lack of understanding about what a split actually is, is getting annoying.

And flushing the marketplace would be a manual feature anyway; that we can decide upon later. I've got no idea why you're taking it so seriously. All that happens is all shares listed for sale are un-listed. Then you re-list them again if you still want to sell.

The purpose behind it; is that when there are NO shares on the marketplace. The first person to list will reset the price. And then as everyone else re-lists, either around that price, or seriously undercutting it. The price will reset.

But it will give it an opportunity to reset to any value. And that will only ever be a higher value. As it cannot go lower - because the bids will provide a baseline.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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12/06/2014 15:19
Delete all the listings every week right after dividends payments are paid.  If anyone wants to analyze the previous week's bid and ask listings to develop a strategy for the next week, they can take screen shots.  There's no need for the market to reflect old sentiment.  0.25% bidding fee is very reasonable and there's no need for any one user to have more than one order in at a time.

Sentiment will naturally be more bullish right after shareholders receive their dividends, so that's a good time for the orders to reset.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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12/06/2014 15:22
Eventually all the shares will be bought up by people like me. (holders)

I am not selling, I am here for the long term, only wanting the dividends. 

Let's focus on creating money making products. What is our next product we are creating?
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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12/06/2014 15:28
jo is very aggressive, which is good!

However, I wish MTV can now focus on PV, Improve website, Settle the bulk payment & build the traffic steadily instead of make any major modification on the sharemarket.

I believe the first 2 ideas are good, but now isn't a good timing for it. Is good you can see the future, but please focus at the present.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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12/06/2014 15:33
The only way to be in Forbes magazine is to be in top wink
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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12/06/2014 15:51
I also think that limiting to only one listing is a great idea.  Then put a small 12-24 hour restriction on cancelling the sell listing. Then everyone has to think more about what they are listing.

I don't really think the bidding fee is necessary only the seller should incur fees. The proposed fee is so small it is pretty much negligible. The bid system definitely needs to return when the swap happens. Then sellers can sell instantly to people bidding instead of listing and waiting who knows how long.

I like the idea of share listing reset I do see the concerns though. I was one that did suggest periodic resets a day or so ago. Maybe it would be better to do random resets not on any set schedule. Then its never predictable for someone to jump on setting the price each reset. It could just be a nice variable when the market begins to stagnate. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/06/2014 15:57
Everything is in motion...
The shares idea is just a brainstorming session.

Carlos is chasing up PayPal regarding bulk payments. But PayPal cashouts are going to be a pain until the end of the month anyway, due to the 30day rolling reserve crippling our cashflow.

- Share Split is coming anytime now.
- Super User for PV is coming anytime now.
- Ad View Window, game promotion for PV
- Opening up the FT250 plan to unlimited investment
- A small admin function in the user profiles to swap balances in one click; that'll save me a load of time on tickets.
- Daily $0.0008 Account Maintenance Fee Thing
- Bulk Payment Software for Perfect Money
- Bulk Payment Software for Payza
- BAP Games

That's the high priority list. Then we have a million other things after that, including game installs. New ad types and all sorts.

Rayner is also working on a redesign for MTV. We'll hopefully see a preview there in about one week.

And amongst all this nonsense admin stuff; i'm working on the Targeted Ads spec, a super complex slot machine -- which will be awesome! And hunting down a big ass investor to propell this business forwards, so we can realize more of these cool ideas instead of just talking about them.

Jo smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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12/06/2014 16:15
We recently changed the looks of mtv. And changing our looks doesn't bring us cash, so why does it have any priority at all?
Traffic Value: $10,476.23915 Saudi Arabia
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12/06/2014 16:22
If I wanted to sell my shares, I wont be happy to have to relist them everyday.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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12/06/2014 16:38
with the number 3 idea I expect very different range of prices, high and low, and I think that's double-edged sword as it can boost or weaken mtv by resetting share prices every week.
I mean even now when you look at the share prices 0.48$-0.49$ or whatever, you can also find in history that someone manages to sell them under their real value like 0.40$

that's why I think with this number 3 idea share price range will fluctuate even more,(fluctuation is good if you know how to make money from it/if you're into forex trading...) but I believe most of the people here aren't traders so this creates fear - unstable prices! which is expected effect.

but as Jo explained in previous posts before, I realized that (if I may say it) in a way we are making our own "stock market" which isn't necessarily a bad thing for business wink
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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12/06/2014 17:23
Seeing as rayner has time and nothing else to do. Programmers are too busy for new games at the moment. I'm getting him to experiment with a complete redesign.

We've never changed mtv in 3 years. Tried adjusting the homepage content. But that was a fail. As it didn't improve the communication or appearance of professionalism any.

Let's see what he comes up with before you write it off as worthless. Perception is everything. And communication even more so. Let's see if we can improve it. Not going to slow the programmers down any. So no harm in trying.
Traffic Value: $329.227 Philippines
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12/06/2014 17:38
I'm concerned with the Daily $0.0008 Account Maintenance Fee Thing.
Is that really necessary?
I mean, after viewing 100 of 8*50 activation ads a member will receive only 2*50 which will equal to 100BAP and everyday there is a BAP tax of 25, isn't that a bit too much?

I already lost my investment here from games and I'm receiving 100BAP a day.
I don't know how I can earn here anymore.
Please give us some consideration
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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12/06/2014 17:49
Just buy ads with the money you earn on Paidverts.

For every 1$ you invest, you receive 3100 BAP. That equals to 1.55$ worth of ads.

Keep doing that and soon you will start receiving better ads.
Traffic Value: $329.227 Philippines
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12/06/2014 17:51
Like I said I already lost it from games. Including the money I earned from other PTC sitescwy
Traffic Value: $2,622.68265 Viet Nam
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12/06/2014 18:18
Just get free BAP daily and try to reinvest as much as you can.
Stop wasting your BAP for gaming, base on your traffic-value this is not a good choice to earn
Traffic Value: $329.227 Philippines
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12/06/2014 18:33
All I have left now is .48 cents and 4 shares
About that game settings that have been talked about before, in which a member can block the games. I wonder when they will be implemented.
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Forum - News - Thu 12th June - Daily News
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