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Sun 11th May - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/05/2014 12:14
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Report a problem monitor listing, and earn $1:

Right, i've got through those 300 support tickets! If you have anymore problems, leave me out of it cheese

And i'm digging into the PayPal cashouts today, 6 at a time in 10-15min increments; thanks to their annoying security. And their support still hasn't replied about enabling bulk payments!

That's about all for now. If the programmers do anything later, i'll get back to you!

Seeing as it's sunday; todays PV ad issue is all small ads (or no ads if you've got the ad filter!). We'll do another big issue tomorrow. I prefer to do one big distribution every other day, than two smaller ones; keeps things interesting. And gives promoters something to shout about; when they get a one off outragiously big ad.

Jo smile

Large Depositor Promotion!
If you fund your account with more than $5000 up until 31st May 2014, we'll credit your account with a free 365 day upgrade (worth $2000) to our Fast Track 250 Plan. This will enable you to invest $100-$500 every day for the next year into our fast track queue without fees, pocketing the full 250% return.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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11/05/2014 12:37
The website works much better already, at least on my end! And if you manage to get redis through that would be a nice scalable solution. Since we're so close to breaking top 5k in alexa, will the two servers suffice, if say, within a month we double our traffic?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/05/2014 13:08
I should imagine so.
Could be as little as 10-14days until we hit 10,000 users earning daily. Assuming we keep adding 300-500 active users per day. And we're no doubt losing a few users with these bugs, errors and just through general attrition. But it's climbing nicely.

And the revenues too, over $200 in revenues and not even half the day has passed yet, plus its a weekend. Which are always quiet.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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11/05/2014 14:03
The micro add buttons would be very good for new users, as they see an activation ad, then can request ads immediately .

And there is still bugs at PV : blank pages, after viewing ads I get errors. It is a little bit annoying
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/05/2014 14:04
Yea, we're working on it at the moment. Blank pages should stop later on today. And i'm pressing the programmers for more resiliance regarding the ad view errors.

And Micro Ads should return once the white page stuff is fixed.
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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11/05/2014 15:58
My first investments started maturing - today I got my first fast track. grin

50% of that will go in PP 186% again and other half will go into shares. smile
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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11/05/2014 17:22
Pistas rápidas de hoy han sido enviadas !

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin :

Informar sobre un monitor de la lista de problemas y ganar $ 1:

Bien, tengo a través de esos 300 tickets de soporte ! Si usted tiene más problemas , déjame salir de ella el queso

Y estoy cavando en los reintegros de PayPal hoy , 6 a la vez en incrementos de 10 15min ; gracias a su seguridad molesto . Y su apoyo todavía no ha dado respuesta sobre la habilitación de los pagos a granel !

Eso es todo por ahora. Si los programadores hacen algo más tarde, me pondré en contacto con usted!

En vista de que es domingo ; ad tema de hoy PV es todos los pequeños anuncios (o no hay anuncios si tienes el filtro de anuncios !) . Vamos a hacer otro gran problema de mañana. Prefiero hacer una gran distribución cada dos días, que dos más pequeños ; mantiene las cosas interesantes. Y da promotores algo del otro mundo ; cuando consiguen un fuera outragiously gran anuncio.

Jo smile

Promoción Depositante grande !
Si usted financia su cuenta con más de $ 5.000 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2014, le abonaremos en su cuenta con una actualización gratuita 365 días ( un valor de $ 2000) a nuestro Fast Track 250 Plan. Esto le permitirá a invertir $ 100 - $ 500 todos los días durante el próximo año en nuestra cola de vía rápida y sin comisiones , embolsándose el pleno retorno del 250% .
Traffic Value: $1,768.51516 Brazil
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11/05/2014 17:40
AMigo blaxbla você pode da uma dicas de como posso começar  para investir e ter um bom lucro?

Desculpa qualquer coisa
Traffic Value: $556.4157 Brazil
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11/05/2014 19:31
Boas Dimas,
Tens 3 opções:
A primeira o Fundo com retorno a 186%:
Todas as semanas é feito uma espécie de pool, quem investir nesse fundo terá um retorno de 186%, assim se investires 1$ irás receber 1,86$ o tempo de retorno anda na casa dos 100 dias, pode ser menos ou mais depende do desempenho do site, isto é, se os produtos dos Sites (PV e MTV) tiverem um bom desempenho os Queque são pagos mais rápidos.

A segunda o plano a 250%:
Neste plano Pagas uma taxa mínima de 200$, onde 100$ são automaticamente investidos no fundo gerando um retorno de 250%, e os outros 100$ é uma taxa, e durante 14 dias podes investir 100$/Dia, este Plano tem mais dois níveis com níveis de investimento mais avultado.

A terceira Ações:
As ações geram dois tipos de proveitos:

1- A longo prazo que é a divisão dos lucros do site, não é muito e está sempre ligado ao desempenho direto do site:

2- A especulação: Isto é compras as ações a 0.25$ e esperas elas valorizarem para venderes mais caro, para teres noção á um mês as ações estavam a ser vendidas a 0,07$ hoje elas estão a 0,25$ e a tendência é de subida!

Bom no teu caso, acho que podes começar pleno 186% Plan, o investimento é baixo e o retorno é bom, mas conta para que só recebas daqui a 100 dias, mais coisa menos coisa. A tendência é esse tempo diminuir, pois com o crescimento do PV o MTV gera mais proveitos e com isso os investidores são pagos mais rapidamente.

Espero ter ajudado e Fica á disposição para perguntares o quer que seja.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
11/05/2014 20:26
@blaxbla, it's always good to spread your investments smile

Great to see MTV taking off. As a hipsters we can say that we joined MTV before it was cool.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/05/2014 22:48
Yea, things are going very nicely; today is almost $1000 revenue day; without any real gaming revenues. Impressive!

If this becomes the new baseline; then add in a big gaming revenue day. And that's some serious money!

And we're getting super close to the top 5000 most visited websites:

I'm looking forward to building on this!
As soon as we iron out these bugs and scaling issues... We can begin building new projects, and turn MTV into an empire wink

Our average revenues for the last 10days are $650/day. And that's even with transitioning to new servers; basically wiping out 1-2days worth of results... At this rate our entire fast track queue will be cleared in 150 days... That's 5months for 250% ROI.. Or 1.66% per day.

And if people start investing en mass to take advantage of that; the revenues will spike even further! Esp with the FT250 upgrade fees.

Looking good.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
11/05/2014 23:00
And our traffic is surprising even the programmers... We had the database issue the other day - which caused a temporary login problem; as a result of exceeding our maximum number of permitted simultaneous connections -- which at the time was 126.

So Alex set that to 250...
And I questioned whether that would be enough; seeing as we have up to 5x that many users online... And sure enough, within 24hours of increasing the previous max, today we hit 250+ connections also. Forcing another increase to the server config! Now set at 500 max.

Getting big!
Traffic Value: $7.44706 Latvia
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12/05/2014 11:08
Hi Jo,

I made another skrill transfer, can you check my re-opened support ticket?

Forum - News - Sun 11th May - Daily News
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