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Sat 26th April - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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26/04/2014 11:15
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Report a problem monitor listing, and earn $1:

Not a whole lot of news today; just business as usual!

I've finally caught up with the support tickets (what a chore - hundreds of those this week!), so that's good. And next i've got a bunch of cashouts to check & process. Earning my money this week confused

Programming wise;
- Micro Ads is coming ASAP
- Along with Multistrike Poker (BAP Game)
- And a bunch of small upgrades / improvements etc.

Concept wise;
- I want to sketch up the Targeted Ads section
- And I also want to work on a "banner impressions" ad option. Where advertisers can pay per impression, or per click... And perhaps we can introduce targeting options there also.

Jo smile

Large Depositor Promotion!
If you fund your account with more than $5000 between 9th Apr 2014 and 9th May 2014, we'll credit your account with a free 365 day upgrade (worth $2000) to our Fast Track 250 Plan. This will enable you to invest $100-$500 every day for the next year into our fast track queue without fees, pocketing the full 250% return.
Traffic Value: $11,870.94014 Netherlands
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26/04/2014 12:46
Hi Jo,

It is ofcourse nice to see that Paidverts is a big succes. Unfortunately, with so many visitors, there is also another side to it.
The site is at the moment either very slow, or I constantly get white pages or even
504 Gateway Time-out BlockDOS. Also, at a lot of the ads I get the message "an error occurred, please try again".

Today I had 104 ads and it is getting really annoying to view those ads when the site is slow or off-line or you constantly getting errors.

Is it perhaps time to look for a better server or hosting?
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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26/04/2014 12:59
I waiting your Request Micro Ad button! 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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26/04/2014 13:35
We're looking at this at the moment. I know there has been a few minutes of downtime around the same time at least two days in a row.

Let's find out what the cause is. Might just be a network glitch.


And PaidVerts is continuing to buy-up shares. Seeing as there seems to be a consistent flow of people undercutting the 10cent price point. I'm hanging on for that; and snapping them up as they appear.

Then as we accumulate enough funds to snap up all the 10cent shares in one go; we'll make a move on the share price. But until then, we'll keep snapping up the bargains!

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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26/04/2014 14:44
There are currently 21,621 shares listed for $0.10. That would then cost $2,162.10 to buy all of them.

If you continue to split 50%/50% of buying shares and invest in 250FTP, it should not take long to buy all of them .smile

Of course you can continue to get the cheap ones at $0.08-$0.09 until people don't feel the rush to sell them right now and understand they can make a lot more money.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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26/04/2014 16:22
The hosting seems to be a problem... We've transferred 1.2 terabytes since the beginning of PV. So that's rather a lot!

And every 12hours the server makes a full backup of the database and what not; so that's why it keeps crashing in the middle of the day. High traffic + high server load.

I'm investigating solutions at the moment.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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26/04/2014 17:03
terabytes. Oh my. That is a LOT. 

maybe streamlining the programming. 

1. placing Cache for the logos and information that doesn't change.

2. Are the ads tunneled through mtv or are they called from the user window? That might be the biggest chunk.

3. There is an abundance of free hosting for images. very cost effective. 

4. Most importantly, Google will hold a TB for $9.99/month.
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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26/04/2014 17:07
Is this bug?
I login site, but i cant!
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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26/04/2014 17:13
i think it is not bug it's happened than when u try to login with low speed or might be ur login page is refreshed more than 10 mints before login if u refresh than it's work properly .
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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26/04/2014 17:16
refreshed, but i see bugs when login to site!
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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26/04/2014 17:20
it's working now

when backuping the database it will lock all database accesses and is no way around that
the only way is to create the backup when it is under maintenance so users know whats going on because the database cannot be updated

best time to do when it not so many users or create a backup system like facebook has, they have a system that copies itself on multiple servers every time a update occurs
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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26/04/2014 17:27
ghinlop - i've asked the programmer to look at your post. I'll get back to you.

And yes, the database backup is the choke point. Maybe we can skip the mid-day backup. And just do the midnight one (maybe even move that to 3-4am. As our traffic is virtually zero during the night.

Anyway, i'm getting quotes for a server cluster + cloud options at the moment. The cluster maybe the way to go; as with the cloud you have to pay for the traffic itself; and we have a lot of traffic! Might be better to buy the servers; for unlimited traffic.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
26/04/2014 17:40
But things are really going very well with PaidVerts. 2366+ users earning in the last 48hours. We were at 1500users earlier this week.

If we increase this another 4fold; that'll be 10,000 active users earning daily... And if they average $0.50-$1 worth of ad purchases per day between them. That's $500-$1k/day in revenues for MTV.

And $1k/day revenues is the "critical mass" figure I have in mind to both explode MTV; and for it to be 100% sustainable in terms of covering salaries and what not with zero investment growth. (Beyond replenishing the debt repaid via the 1k/day)

So this is very good!
And $0.50-$1/day with 10,000 users; thats $5-$10k per day; which translates to 2500-5000 per day to bump the MTV share price & push the FT250 around. That is going to have a sizable impact.

Anyway - fingers crossed. We are looking good wink
Traffic Value: $2,520.36922 Poland
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26/04/2014 18:04
PV seems to be down at the moment as I'm getting timeout on all browsers and two machines I can check - can you guys get it to work?

as for the DB and traffic - might be worth hosting the site yourselves but only if professional, reliable hosting can't be found - it's a lot of electricity, cooling and processing power.

Not sure what architecture is used - as I'm dealing more with non-web environments - but we've got similar problem with DB full backup crippling DB and application performance back on SQL Server 2005...
Switching to Compellent Storage solved the problem as we were running some old SCSI drives...

Either way it seems you'd need a lot of bandwidth and IOPS grin
Keep it up! smile
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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26/04/2014 18:05
Hi Jo!
I think this is bug. You can view
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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26/04/2014 18:36
From the programmer:

"Looks like javascript on user-side didn't load properly, I've just forced browsers to refresh scripts, should help"
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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27/04/2014 07:02
I see late update, wesite load very slow, and my ref ask me, he was not saw money when him fund PM Gate. Can you recheck and fix
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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27/04/2014 09:50
Submit a support ticket and I'll get to it asap.

We're working on the speed issues from two angles;
1) Investigating a server upgrade, either to a more powerful dedicated server. Or begin a server cluster.

2) The programmers are working on the code and database queries.

Right now, we don't really need a new server, but we need to improve some of the code. However a new server will be required shortly if we keep growing at 5-10% per day.

Jo smile
Forum - News - Sat 26th April - Daily News
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