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Mon 6th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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07/10/2014 08:51
Thanks slimgeld, your reply is greatly appreciated. I will look to get an app together for mac osx in the next few days and share with the community.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/10/2014 08:59
So Slosumo, the current BAP marketprice is 498BAP.
Then, buy your equation  share_price/3100*1.032, we are buying shares at $0.1657.
So right now it is better to buy in the cash marketplace ($0.1584/share)?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/10/2014 09:11
Ugh never mind, that equation is wrong grin Your calculation will be much more correct.
It's just that I calculate independently for each of my purchases and don't go by a "fixed equation" so that was out of my head and just plain wrong. So by that the BAP price is a tiny bit lower right now.

Usually the price is always better when purchasing with $$, especially if bidding.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/10/2014 09:14
Ok, thanks for your help.
I woke up and I was afraid that I did a mistake in the
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
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07/10/2014 09:48
Fantastic new home page! With the sign up form right there, thanks smile
I am now waiting for the new banners of MTV and maybe new ones for PV too cool
Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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07/10/2014 11:21
@ dan1989,

I doubt you have NOT considered 3% commission on sale in your calculation.
When 1 share is sold for 498 BAPs actual credited BAPs in seller's account is 483.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/10/2014 11:50
@dear123 If you consider 3% fee for the "BAP shares" then you'd have to consider it for the "cash shares" as well. So it wouldn't make a difference relatively. If you consider it for none then the calculation is fine as it is.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/10/2014 11:52
And that only applys who is selling. I gave an example if you were buying shares. 
The person that buys, doesn't have the 3% fee.
Traffic Value: $556.4157 Brazil
4 like this post 0 people
07/10/2014 12:56
Lets Imagine the scenario:

Buy 7 Shares on money market corrent value 0,1577 = 1,1039
Than you sell that shares on BAP Market, 
499 BAP/share
484 liquid value (499-3%)= 3388 BAP = 1,694$

If you buy 1 Add Pack in PV 1$=3100 = 1,55$ let´s say it´s possible to buy 1,1039$ in Pack in PV if possible = 3422.09 BAP = 1,711045$
So in order to compensate ans earn more money that buy a Add pack on PV you need to sell those shares by 505 BAP on Market:
Calculus 505-3% = 490 BAP * 7 shares = 3430 BAP* 0,0005$ = 1,715$

Hope this help, take care
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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07/10/2014 13:03
Don't forget you also get 10 daily 1% ads for buying an ad pack, so that's an extra 10% worth of earning potential in 10 days.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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07/10/2014 13:12
But you need BAP to get those 10% ads, so only 32% is pure profit from this 10% ads.
Traffic Value: $128.88901 India
0 like this post 5 people
07/10/2014 14:40
No ads today ? 

Still waiting to see daily ads of 7th oct..... 
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
2 like this post 0 people
07/10/2014 14:42
Be patient, it's just 14:42 server time, more than 9hours to go till the day is over wink
Traffic Value: $128.88901 India
0 like this post 1 people
07/10/2014 14:44
ohhhhhh lol .... they was used to send this time everyday mmm, let's see , i am not feeling well as saturday and sunday no ads , i just thought like today also lol ... 
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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07/10/2014 14:49
Geez... got some 16 cents in ads in group 3 ermm and today's ad issue was not posted yet... hope that's not all!
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
3 like this post 1 people
07/10/2014 14:50

the misc will be now finally fully repaid!

NOW, what will happen to the revenues of the misc?
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
4 like this post 0 people
07/10/2014 14:54
We will be filthy rich man! sick

and also we have a confirmation of the business model 3.63x

This will continue to pay all the investments.
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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07/10/2014 15:51
Folks I have been hard at it for the past couple of hours to give you all a present to say thanks for being a great community and making a noob like me feel accepted. I have put together a quick calculator for calculating your profits and required reinvestments. I hope admin don't mind me posting a link to my blog where users can download a version for Windows, Mac and Linux. May do a Android version soon if folks would like it. Download links found here Free Paidverts Calculator 
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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07/10/2014 15:54
If anyone has any issues on the apps, please just pop a comment on the blog post and I will support issues the best i can from there.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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07/10/2014 16:02
Actually MikeMazzone has an amazing position right now.

He can make about $7000 in pure profits a month and once his group gets too crowded simply sell his BAP for shares..
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