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Mon 6th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $3,227.52975 India
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06/10/2014 18:59
hope Jo resolves missing bitcoin deposits by today, lost todays big ad issue ie approx 15$ today as i am still in a earlier bap group
Traffic Value: $1,545.61328 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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06/10/2014 19:02
maybe increasing min. cashout even more, 10$ perhaps?
yeah bitcoin is slow... it takes 10 mins for a block to be generated,
nowadays almost all other altcoin block generation is set below 2 mins
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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06/10/2014 19:09
I am available to translate to Albanian, a few of my refs quit because they don't understand english quite well. I wonder why no body has offered to translate Italian in here, if Italians are lazy , i can translate to Italian too no problems.
Traffic Value: $210.12547 Romania
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06/10/2014 20:21
I could also help with the Romanian translation, if you want.
Traffic Value: $27.02152 Malaysia
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06/10/2014 20:29
Hello Admin?

I want admin guide to me


Thank You
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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06/10/2014 20:58
I've gone through all the BitCoin tickets... and added those / requested more info.

Tomorrow i'll go over all pending deposit tickets; and then have a think about the "others" !
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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06/10/2014 20:58
@kedji: there is a big Italian community on MTV (see italian topic on the forum) 
so I'm sure there will be an Italian member which  will   helped jo  at translate the site if needed 

anyway it's great the community of MTV is really active for the success of MTVwink
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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06/10/2014 21:29
Help for German translation is still over here wink

... if needed wink
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
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06/10/2014 22:03
Any news about Skrill???
Traffic Value: $85.20716 Romania
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07/10/2014 03:40
Hello Jo, if you need translation into Romanian, I'd be very happy to translate both MTV and PV for you smile
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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07/10/2014 08:05
Hi Domen97, liking the look of your calculator, looks very useful, I am a dab hand at a bit of programming so I was wandering if you would be willing to send me the formula for the calculations, I would be more than happy to produce a Mac OSX version to go along side your Windows one when ready, if you like? 
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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07/10/2014 08:10
The reinvestment calculation is very simple.

$1 ad purchase -> 3100 BAP
3100 BAP -> $1.55 earnings -/- 5% = $1.4725
$1 / $1.4725 = 0.6791

You have to reinvest (at least) 67.91% of your earnings to keep the same amount of BAP.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/10/2014 08:12
I want to buy shares. What is the best marketplace to buy? cash version or BAP version?

Cash marketplace: $0.1585
BAP marketplace: 498 BAP

498BAP/3100BAP = $0.161

So right now the cash marketplace is a little bit more cheaper. Right?
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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07/10/2014 08:13

Or place a lower (cash) bid, and wait for someone to accept that.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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07/10/2014 08:17
You guys keep forgetting the 10 1% ads the first 10 days tongue
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/10/2014 08:20
yeah, but that will also consume BAP when we receive those ads. So to stay in the same BAP group, you will need to reinvest 70% of those ads and the reaming 30% could be used to buy shares for example...
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/10/2014 08:24
Correct. With the 10% ads, the equivalent price is actually:

Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/10/2014 08:42
Does this makes any sense?

The purpose of this is to buy shares.
I buy $1 in Paidverts and I get 3100BAP.
For the next 10 days I will receive 1% * 10 of $1= $0.10. $0.10= 200BAP (extra BAP that I can use to buy shares). But:
5% goes to my upline, so 200*95%= 190BAP. (10BAP goes to  upline = $0.005).
This ads that I will receive will consume my BAP, so to have the same amount of BAP, I will need to reinvest 70% back again. 190*70% = 133BAP, that I will need to reinvest. And the extra BAP that I will earn with the 1%*10 ads of the amount of the purchase is 190BAP*30%=57BAP.

So if this makes sense, then we get 3157BAP (3100BAP+57BAP) for every $1 invested. This includes the 1% *10 ads.
Current price in the BAP market place is 498 BAP. To convert this in the cash market place we divide 498/3157= $0.1577.
So the BAP market place is a little bit more cheaper right now (cash marketplace $0.1584).

What do you say say about this?
Traffic Value: $1,779.68609 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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07/10/2014 08:45
It would be nice if daily reinvest percentage could lower for atleast 5%
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/10/2014 08:50
The way you calculated dan is that the extra earnings you get from the ads for buying BAP decrease the "share value" when it's on the contrary.

Just go by share_price/3100*1.032, logic being that you get 3100 BAP for 1$ and 0.1$ of ads. 0.032$ of which is pure profit(after commissions and reinvesting) and thus for every dollar you use to convert to BAP you also get 0.032$ extra, hence the 1.032 multiplier at the end.
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