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Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
6 like this post 0 people
16/01/2015 20:01

2 things

some users are in panic
some users want to sell shares to invest into the plan (last opportunity) 
and than some other users keep buying all the shares
Traffic Value: $5,421.7407 Ukraine
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16/01/2015 20:01
@ folx
people want to buy upgrade for 250% plan while it still available
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
13 like this post 0 people
16/01/2015 20:02
Just bought as much shares as I could grin, thank you to everyone who paniced
Traffic Value: $613.52616 Poland
14 like this post 4 people
16/01/2015 20:02
"I would prefer 3000 bap for 1$, and possibility to buy for each 0,50$ (1500 points)
To be honest - who cares about visitors??"

I think this is very good idea: 3000 bap for 1$. Take it Jo, people like it!

I'm really not happy that you have not abandoned all that ponzi "investments" plans. There should be one 155% plan for all members for collecting funds for any new developments and products.
That's all !!
No need for more expensive plans that could ruin the whole MTV/PV programs.
Traffic Value: $421.09642 Serbia
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16/01/2015 20:03
well the patient ones sell for adequate BAP amount... smile to climb up the ladder.

others...well I don`t know smile
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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16/01/2015 20:03
imagine now if PV starts buying shares
Traffic Value: $421.09642 Serbia
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16/01/2015 20:04
i`m imagining i have money on balance so I can buy ... grin
Traffic Value: $74.71612 Poland
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16/01/2015 20:06

Jo announced they are taking down 250 soon. Thats why people exchange their shares for money to catch up with last moment with 250 investment
Traffic Value: $150.69194 Greece
1 like this post 1 people
16/01/2015 20:06
My question remains.... If the xROI decreases so much at 170.1% plan. Will this also decrease the mature time for our investments??? Or it has not to do with this anyway?
Traffic Value: $3,528.12439 Slovenia
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16/01/2015 20:06
they need money for 250% plan , beacuse 500$ they can get from shares 500.000 they sure wont get grin
Traffic Value: $813.41795 Argentina
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16/01/2015 20:07
hi all, there is something I do not understand
January 1 change bap shares to pay debt payverts,
and we are indebted again ???
eye, I am not complaining, I just do not understand

hola a todos , hay algo que no entiendo
1 de enero  se cambio acciones por bap para pagar la deuda de payverts,
y ya estamos endeudados otra vez ???
ojo,  no estoy reclamando , es solo que no entiendo
Traffic Value: $421.09642 Serbia
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16/01/2015 20:09
hmmmm a HUGE gap between share prices right now
Traffic Value: $3,286.0289 Cyprus
1 like this post 1 people
16/01/2015 20:11

 I think it will decrease a bit because if someone invests $2000 above you his return will be $4000 and not $5000 like now ( in the 200% and 250% respectivelly),

  but it will always depend on how many people have invested before you and how succesfull our products will be.
Traffic Value: $150.69194 Greece
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16/01/2015 20:12
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
11 like this post 1 people
16/01/2015 20:12
The question is, will shares outperform the 250% plan in the coming months?  Time will tell.
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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16/01/2015 20:13
well usually more way more
Traffic Value: $3,528.12439 Slovenia
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16/01/2015 20:15
Mike yes that is my question also, is really worth investing 500$ ...  maybe shares will do bether so it would be wiser to invest those 500 into shares..
Traffic Value: $112.59583 Indonesia
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16/01/2015 20:17
always late... what happen jo?
Traffic Value: $543.62195 Greece
3 like this post 1 people
16/01/2015 20:17
I like the changes, except for the one about the bulk ads. 
I think it's better $1 for 25(or 30) visits + banners + 3100BAP
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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16/01/2015 20:18
PANIC !!!!

LOL, next step for my project was planned but was sooner than expected grin

we should really implement better form for selling shares...
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