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Traffic Value: $34.15185 Poland
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09/02/2015 20:36
Mondays are bad, this Monday especially unlucky for me paidverts.

But from what I see, not only for me, I'm from the morning of the fight this.
Traffic Value: $197.92733 United States
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09/02/2015 20:37
I have 176 $0.05 ads to click ... and they are still trickling in. lol
Traffic Value: $1,625.74344 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 20:37
what is going on here with BAPs? I lost 70000 baps, Is it a fault or?????????? one problem after one. We get a good news with 3 bad news
Traffic Value: $9.78095 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 20:38
Traffic Value: $803.1182 Turkey
3 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 20:39
Is that coincidence?
I don't think so.
Jo was planning the bap loss situation.
Now everyone in caos.
WE all clicked 150 ADS
For ?
For nothing 
I hope it ll fix asap.
Traffic Value: $108.93638 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 20:40
yeh dhaandli hai angry my 600 BAP gooooone
Traffic Value: $1,627.13167 United States
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09/02/2015 20:41
If I is Admin and If I had money in the account 1m.
I could create a situation like this. loltongue
Traffic Value: $1,312.65076 Bulgaria
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09/02/2015 20:42
Sorry to interrupt all the BAP loss hysteria, but would anybody care to speculate about the BAP/Share price reducing further.

Right now its at 190 - do you think it will drop further?
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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09/02/2015 20:43
eXtremeX - Thx a lot for taking the time. Yes, you are right, I do not think that Catt would do something like this. I have to stay calm, it is easy to get soaked in into this hype here right now. But Slosumo should post something in the DailyNews now, this would calm the people down, I think. Thx for your kind answer, I will calm down myself.
Traffic Value: $396.8053 Portugal
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09/02/2015 20:44
Slosumo said that there was a issue with the ads, we were deducted and the ads got auto recycled. I've lost 16k BAP (8x$1) that i didn't received. They are aware of this problem, i guess cron is like Garfield, don't like Monday's ermm
Traffic Value: $68.93944 Morocco
0 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 20:44
The solution to the huge ads number

I know that this big number of ads is due to the huge undelivered views ( about
400,000,000 ). So here is the deal, jo has to let users buy bulk ads without forcing them to fill up the field of website URL they'd like to promote, because personally I don't have a website and I don't care about that, I just put a random website there, that's it. So instead of people seeing my website which I don't care about it to be visited and which is not mine in the first place, those views can be redirected to another website if the field of the URL to be promoted wasn't there. The thing that will enormously reduce the unwanted views. And I think that the majority of users just put random websites like me. So this will definitely reduce the number of views and raise the value of ads. I hope what I said is right smile
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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09/02/2015 20:44
I hope the programmers can write a script to refund BAP consumed by duplicated ads. These tiny issues create such chaos and nightmares for the programmers and especially the support team. I wish there was something that I could do to help. As the saying goes 2 steps backwards for every 1 step forward. The important thing though is we are still standing just gotta keep one foot in front of the other.
Traffic Value: $296.99123 Serbia
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09/02/2015 20:47
gloriabieser - No problem, you're welcome. You're already calm and you asked some good questions, I'm mostly referring to the people who come here, don't bother to read a single reply and just write in all caps 'MA BAPZ MISSING, JO WTF????"
Traffic Value: $407.70605 Romania
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09/02/2015 20:47
Jo I want to say something about paidvertsgrid. You said you will allow users to click 10 times I think. But you can allow them more for example they click down ten then they will have another 1 chance for 0.002$ or 10 chance for 0.019$ or 20 chance for 0.037$ and so on...
And from that little money will go to the prizes and also will remove ads and a tiny amount of debt. I think it's fair idea but you can look after this.
Traffic Value: $904.8075 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 20:48
Keep complaining and lose your trust and move on!
the end is not near.
I will
Traffic Value: $338.00421 United States
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09/02/2015 20:48
if you press the show only administrator button you will see it... if is  afew post down but right there
Traffic Value: $3,569.90294 Spain
9 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 20:50
people cry for a $ 1, I'm in the group 11 and I lost $ 100. stop solution and to give hope to have it fixed us

-removed harsh language- by The Moderators Team.
Traffic Value: $171.39726 Germany
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09/02/2015 20:53
i hope everythings gets refunded + add more time
Traffic Value: $34.15185 Poland
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09/02/2015 20:53
Shop to recharge BAP advertisement, which escapes me very quickly, or wait for the end?

I keep my fingers crossed for you people!

50% Ad is damaged.
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
1 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 20:54
I lost 500$ but that was my mistake............Here we talking about thousand of users...........tiny ones.......
Who doing a lot of work and this type of situation will make them run away......................
Put ur self in their boots and see who is moron...................
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Forum - News - Feb 9th - Daily News
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