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Dec 31st - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $80.51159 Poland
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31/12/2014 21:19
Traffic Value: $318.33769 Bangladesh
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31/12/2014 21:23
EXCITED........!!! for the big change w00t
Traffic Value: $2,354.6858 Peru
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31/12/2014 21:25
Traffic Value: $2,411.54313 United States
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31/12/2014 21:30
I have just listed my shares for sale, first time doing it. My question is how will I get notified of my shares being sold? Will I get an email?

Thanks smile
Traffic Value: $1,010.8232 United States
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31/12/2014 21:37
watch your account if you sold for cash look at cash balance if sold for baps check your bap balance

easy peasy also you can check your MTV shares next to marketplace there it will show the shares you sold
Traffic Value: $4,616.96337 Slovenia
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31/12/2014 21:38
pilot you can find all info needed under  Invest / shares / my shares grin
Traffic Value: $844.59284 Egypt
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31/12/2014 21:41
watch marketplace price or watch my shares history and if you check email notification you will receive an email.wink
Traffic Value: $2,411.54313 United States
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31/12/2014 21:42
Thanks y'all grin
Traffic Value: $931.89245 Tunisia
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31/12/2014 21:43
please all member i want to know one thing. If swap is done all member have 0 BAP and buy ads is disabled. How many member still have BAP point and buy share with low price (100 bap per share) and i have only 1 share per 220 bap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Traffic Value: $228.68304 Poland
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31/12/2014 21:53
I have a question about marketplace. Can i always cancelled my bid? Or i must waiting when i can sell my shares with price that i will to pay? I can cancelled my bid in every moment when i want it?
Traffic Value: $4,616.96337 Slovenia
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31/12/2014 21:54
Yes you can cancel it whenever you want ( for now)...
Traffic Value: $375.79897 Mexico
0 like this post 1 people
31/12/2014 22:03

Entiendo que no nos llegarán anuncios mientras no tengamos BAPS.
Solo recibiremos los anuncios de BAPS, no los de dinero.

Traffic Value: $54.47963 Morocco
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31/12/2014 22:05
Please tell me when jo will send the ad issue and what the last delays to purchase bulk ad to receive the first issue of ad
Traffic Value: $280.94008 Pakistan
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31/12/2014 22:11
shaukat19 brother you add me skype shakeel.kof and facebook dr-silent pak add me please
Traffic Value: $375.79897 Mexico
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31/12/2014 22:16

Please check Support Ticket: #44349

It´s about Increase My Weekly Limit to purchase with Neteller.

I saw this message :
Payment Method: Neteller (Payment Processor)
Payment Method Limitations: Minimum $10, Maximum $11/week (Your limit: $11)

 I want to buy 15 Bulks Ads, at least.

Have a Nice Day and Happy New Year.
Ps:  Something was wrong with the system, I saw a strange message. And did not see the Support Tickets created, sorry. I create three Support Ticket in Total, about the same
Traffic Value: $683.36649 Venezuela
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31/12/2014 22:20
jo could tell me what time servior is in may buy BAP
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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31/12/2014 22:21
Wow, look at all the excitement. It is still early but it looks like the initial phase of Jo's plan is working as well as he expected. Even the share market is doing better than expected.

31/12/2014 19:13 Now I'm gonna have to sit and wait. No money to invest. No money in account to buy ad packs. And both sell prices in money and BAP are way to low. But that was to be expected as Jo warned that it would take a few weeks or maybe more. I'm just sad I'm gonna loose the initial big ads.

Make sure you buy the 5 cent recycle upgrade. Me and I hope many others will be recycling ads in order to help as many people back into the BAP market as possible. So keep clicking your activation ads and get that upgrade
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
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31/12/2014 22:23
See this kind of people about 20 Shares some price.

Username Shares Price
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334
irubik 1 $0.0334

[right]1234, ... , 304305306[/right]
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
31/12/2014 22:34
LOL! well, that's one strategy. grin

That goes to prove that you don't need to be a whale to control the market. You only need to think like one.

Touche irubik! I have to admire your wisdom
Traffic Value: $13,281.88295 Pakistan
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31/12/2014 22:39
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Forum - News - Dec 31st - Daily News
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