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Dec 31st - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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31/12/2014 19:50
1 SHARE = $0.0335
I just invested $0.789 in 28 shares, once the prices gets to $0.359 I will get $1+ to upgrade to 2nd group grin
Traffic Value: $129,814.08188 Pakistan
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31/12/2014 19:52
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 TO ALL MTV/ PV USERS AND SPECIALLY JO..Who effort to run his business nicely..
Traffic Value: $294.25745 Portugal
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31/12/2014 19:56
People are buying shares like crazy!!  shocked
Shares already were sold when I try to buy XD
Traffic Value: $96.67225 Israel
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31/12/2014 19:58
Thank you Jo angel
I cashout some of my selling share's earnings (HyGU8vSvVgx9)
I will make a new strat from after zero
Happy New Year
Traffic Value: $151.02564 Spain
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31/12/2014 19:59
por qué no me han llegado mis nuevas campaña que he comprado, qué es lo que pasa, es un desorden ésta pagina, todo el tiempo que inviertes, y encima  ingresé 109€ a mi cuenta ahora  que esta en cero bap mi cuenta y las nuevas campaña no parecen, esos téctinocos , no se ponen en contacto para resolver los problemas, esto no esta bien, voy a  llamar a paypl, si yo  invierto mi dinewro por lo meno  tiene que producir o que vuelva  estar igual mi capital, no hay organización en esta pagina, pues yo si estoy molesto muy molesto.
Traffic Value: $11,862.5317 Chile
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31/12/2014 20:04
Please jo my campaign is still pending helpp

campaign : BA-1175714

transaction id          4W187126KF058783F

Support Ticket: #44060
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
31/12/2014 20:04
slosumo está trabajando en las campañas pendientes .. si ha abierto un boleto, sólo tiene que esperar y que será resuelto.
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
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31/12/2014 20:09
ashleysly like jo said, just b ready on the rush smile.
midwestscore i wouldn't call red facethe shares safer..i mean anyone who'd rather bop over to them over grin nteest rates; wtf ..

colas :p 10??? how abt 1 :p can we have 1 grin please ..
Traffic Value: $3,168.90253 Mexico
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31/12/2014 20:15

te he visto en varios post siempre ayudando a la gente con sus dudas, muy bien por ti smile

saludos desde mexico, y en horabuena las acciones estan subiendo poco a poco 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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31/12/2014 20:16
Most of the failed payments happened because of how much the slave servers were lagging behind the master one. So ad purchases have been disabled until tomorrow(as was the initial plan anyway) as it's too risky too leave them available without programmers during the New Year's eve and would cause more problems than good.

All those of you who have pending/missing purchases simply submit a ticket in the "missing deposit/pending ad campaign" category for your payment processor.

Make sure to provide the transaction ID/Batch number for your purchase, otherwise it'll take a bit longer to get approved!

I will check some more pending ad campaigns today, what's left I'll do first thing in the morning so you'll surely get your BAP before the first main daily ad issues.
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
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31/12/2014 20:20
About the groups posted on page 9.

Sorry I didn't answer you guys. 

We have group 0 and group 15 that will indeed produce the 16 groups I'm talking about. Remember that group 0 is still a group and therefor must be counted. It is like computer programming, it starts a 0. 
Traffic Value: $4,371.00849 Romania
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31/12/2014 20:21
In this rhythm.......the price will be 0.11$ in max a week. smile
But I dont't tink so, it will slow down.

Let the fun begin!
Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!
Play wise, dream big, lots of cash in 2015 here in MTV/PV!

My motto: dreaming...achieving...enjoying wink

So play big to earng big wink

Enjoy MTV! Enjoy PV!

I LOVE YOU JO! smile
Traffic Value: $7,625.7276 Belgium
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31/12/2014 20:23
@Slosumo, thanks, that is exactly what happened to me and I now have a pending ad campaign smile

I made a ticket straight away smile 

One question, with Transaction ID/Batch Transaction you mean the PayPal Transaction Id right ?(i paid with Paypal-)

Anyways, i probably shouldn't have been so impatient with ordering Ad Campaigns wink 

Thanks for all the support work you do.

- Korlean
Traffic Value: $582.69659 Indonesia
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31/12/2014 20:27
i already reply with id/batch paypal
Support Ticket: #44081 
please actived my ads

Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
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31/12/2014 20:35
Due to the server lagging's (right before the short maintenance was done) - I've opened one of my support tickets with the details from my today's Skrill payment to you.
I'm not sure whether you received it or not, and wouldn't like to 'reply' once again in the same ticket, that's why I'll just post you the ticket number #32647 and will be patiently waiting for you to check it.
If there is no new message to that ticket - please reply me with something so I should copy you the details once again.

Thanks in advance.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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31/12/2014 20:36
10000 shares sold within seconds shocked shocked 
Traffic Value: $280.94008 Pakistan
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31/12/2014 20:58
my account not have left 5439 you post all account left bap points but my account 0 bap points add my account
5439 bap points
Traffic Value: $120.62272 Costa Rica
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31/12/2014 21:00
Apparently someone is making himself very rich
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
5 like this post 0 people
31/12/2014 21:09

Yeah, there's actually a whole lot of people that have the opportunity to become and are getting rich here... there has been for some time...both those with small amounts of money and those with a lot!   Just gotta open your eyes to the opportunity around you.
Traffic Value: $2,411.54313 United States
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31/12/2014 21:14
How will I know when my shares have sold? Will I get an email?
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