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Dec 31st - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $103.04276 Indonesia
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01/01/2015 03:00
oh user keywest is rockin', earn $611 from Super User - Mega Upgrade.
What a perfect timing
Traffic Value: $129.7967 Sri Lanka
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01/01/2015 03:02
Only 100 baps remaining Wat To Do tongue ?
Traffic Value: $4,289.08875 United States
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01/01/2015 03:33
Buy one share
Traffic Value: $248.52651 Hungary
0 like this post 19 people
01/01/2015 03:48
Traffic Value: $248.52651 Hungary
0 like this post 21 people
01/01/2015 03:49
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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01/01/2015 03:54
@lali6757, did you notice that the server time is still at 4AM? Jo already mentioned that someone will look into the issues with the ad purchases but expect it to happen later today since it's still the wee hours.
Traffic Value: $2,410.06945 Myanmar
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01/01/2015 04:19
Don't rude here! without reading News.

Most members like PV/MTV.
appreciate it.

your money will get back within 1 month.
Don't worry.
After, you will get profit.
Traffic Value: $4,835.35362 Portugal
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01/01/2015 04:30
my problem is,i was ready to go to group 10 and the system not allow me buy ads,I am mega upgrade and 0 ads,how can someone get 600?
at least the rivals shut down the site and try be fair to everyone
happy new year
Traffic Value: $975.91894 Canada
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01/01/2015 04:34
A bit pissed since we currently have no real way to get bap and the market ain't exactly moving up fast enough to regain our groups quick enough and im pretty sure not everyone wants to invest out of their own pocket again for this
Traffic Value: $4,835.35362 Portugal
2 like this post 1 people
01/01/2015 05:02
it,s another false issue from the site,They  said thursday you can buy,still saying and far as i know in this moment is thursday,even if i can put 2000 i can is this ?how the people can trust?Never ever i saw from admi one word like,tomorrow this happen and in fact happen.Programmers??Pay a £100 an hour and the site run smooth and fast,with the people that work a life for that...programming
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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01/01/2015 05:10
It's said we can buy on Thursday but it wasn't mentioned at what time it will be opened. If you check the server time it's still 5AM. They still need to work on some issues that arose when the purchases were enabled like "Missing BAP". It's no use reopening purchases if we'll encounter those issues again. Check back later. Anyway, it was mentioned that we can purchase ad packs until 2PM server time Jan 2 and we won't miss out on the daily ad issue since there won't be any today (Jan 1st). So technically, you're only missing on 1% ads and recycled ads.
Traffic Value: $158.22571 Pakistan
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01/01/2015 05:17
what is this 
Traffic Value: $4,835.35362 Portugal
0 like this post 1 people
01/01/2015 05:17
and you think is litlle wast of money?Just answer this and i will be satisfy.Why some users get 1% already and i not have the chance to get it?
Traffic Value: $129.7967 Sri Lanka
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01/01/2015 05:18
Now the big Investment we can make is Celebrate The New Year.
Happy New Year guys !@!
Traffic Value: $541.26955 Philippines
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01/01/2015 05:21
happy new year everyone!
Traffic Value: $1,699.92249 Lithuania
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01/01/2015 05:28
what does "AWOL" mean?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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01/01/2015 05:29
@nelalita, we received 1% ads because we have BAP in our accounts. We waited for the swap to happen and when it was done, we immediately tried purchasing ad packs, even though some of us encountered "missing bap" issues. If you don't have BAP or have a few in your account, you won't be able to get those 1% ads since there's no BAP to deduct it from.
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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01/01/2015 05:31
@yallit: We are missing out on the 1% ads from ad purchases....which could lead some to file PP claims as it is written that we will receive those as part of buying the ad packs, same as we receive a certain number of ad views. Frankly, I don't really care about $2 worth of ads but some people do. The site should have been closed while it was sorted out as we are now in a situation where a small percentage are enjoying all the benefits of, presumably, huge profits from the 1% upgrades while most people are, in fact, losing money from not receiving their ads as they should, never mind the upgrades (and, yes, I'm fully aware that the selling of shares can, potentially, create more profit but that's beside the point). Frankly, if Jo's post on the first page saying they need to bring in someone to consult is anything to go by, then I am not expecting ad purchases to return till after the weekend as who will be around to consult on NYD or the 2nd? Ultimately, major issues were pretty much guaranteed, as that is the way Jo likes the site to run (major issues to overcome)...the site should either have been taken offline until they were 100% sure everything was working fine or the swap should have been done at a time of the month when people are focused on their work and not half focused on their New Year plans.

Yes, I'm moaning but the regular major issues get tiring after a while and the lack of inclination to do what need to be done to minimise them is's all well and good being able to say "we've always had issues and overcome them, that's how we roll" but people want stable websites...MTV/PV may be one of the best earning opportunities around at the moment but it also has more issues and problems than most.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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01/01/2015 05:36
last night I was left with 66 BAP's, today morning I had 6 BAP and 3 ads worth $0.01.    Its awesome. grin
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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01/01/2015 05:37
I don't see anything in the FAQ or TOS that guarantees us receiving 1% of our personal ads. What we're purchasing in PV is advertising credits. So as long as they're being delivered, you can't file a PP claim regarding it.
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