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Dec 31st - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $336.39868 Tunisia
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31/12/2014 18:40
Can we buy ads now or we need to wait ?
Traffic Value: $283.54589 Greece
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31/12/2014 18:42

I was absent because of these days...Please send me this link to read the details please.....I just got surprised by that....200000 is not a small amount u know.!!!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/12/2014 18:44
@AnilSuthar, Same here. My trading history doesn't update and I don't see that transaction either in the SCP. However, my total shares actually increased so I did get those shares.
Traffic Value: $283.54589 Greece
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31/12/2014 18:45

haven't logged in for ages here. I was surprised to see 200000 bap's been swapped for shares......! Please send this link that explains this transition.. No offence 2 grin
Traffic Value: $294.70198 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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31/12/2014 18:46
Damn it :@ i posted multiple times, and it did not show, and now when it appeared  i can't delete it sad just great....
I ended up looking like an idiot.
Traffic Value: $391.22992 United States
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31/12/2014 18:48
So can we purchase ad packs once the reset happens which is either 7 or 8 p.m. tonight my time which is Eastern US time or do i have to wait until it is officially january 1st for everyone then we will be able to buy adpacks?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/12/2014 18:48
@AnilSuthar, same here. My trading history isn't updating. I don't see the record in my transaction history via SCP either. Although my shares are actually increasing so it shows that the purchases did push through.
Traffic Value: $283.54589 Greece
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31/12/2014 18:48
Thanks for the tip.. Please send the link with this explanation....No offence 2 grin
Traffic Value: $217.28786 Italy
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31/12/2014 18:49
Help please, I bought campaigns for $ 21, but I did not arrive

On paypal but 'I have been taken off the money ...

Support Ticket # 44361

Details Transaction: (paypal)
Payment by rapid procedure sent (Transaction code 4YB305293L052110D)

ADPACK - BA Campaign -
Item number: BA-1178085
Traffic Value: $2,284.35123 Norway
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31/12/2014 18:50
I too tried to buy an AD campaign with paypal for $100 + fees, and it is pending for the first time for me.  Need to climb a couple of BAP groups before new  new AD's start to come.
Traffic Value: $3.40771 Venezuela
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31/12/2014 18:52
In my opinion is not profitable, is a madness to sell... for example: in my case I have 564 shares is 120.000 BAPS will I sell them 0.0279 per share? is 15$ where is the profit if 120.000 is 60$ I prefer don't sell
Traffic Value: $75.77736 Argentina
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31/12/2014 18:53
So we will force again to reinvest. This prevents the bubble bursts.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/12/2014 18:53
@anil, it looks like there's simply a delay in the updating of our trading history.
Traffic Value: $283.54589 Greece
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31/12/2014 18:57
Sorry but 200000 baps isn't a small amount. Please send me the link with the explanation..grin
Traffic Value: $294.70198 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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31/12/2014 19:08
Traffic Value: $29.32895 Spain
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31/12/2014 19:09
sergiogmz. Mucha gracias por la Respuesta no tendre mas remedio que espera para poder vender, poque esta muy por debajo del numero de bap que yo tenia. ¿ sabes si nos seguieran llegando anuncios todo los dias gratis? ahora hasta que no tengamos bap no nos empezara a llegar
Traffic Value: $71.81537 Portugal
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31/12/2014 19:13
Now I'm gonna have to sit and wait. No money to invest. No money in account to buy ad packs. And both sell prices in money and BAP are way to low. But that was to be expected as Jo warned that it would take a few weeks or maybe more. I'm just sad I'm gonna loose the initial big ads. smile
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
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31/12/2014 19:14

Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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31/12/2014 19:15
We can't buy ads until tomorrow. So we need to wait next yeargrin. Happy New Year everyone.
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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31/12/2014 19:18
calm down, you just have to wait for the price to go up again and then sell your shares. Don't sell for 2 cents if you don't want to. Have patience. 
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Forum - News - Dec 31st - Daily News
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