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6th November - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
40 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:13
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

* Reminder *
If you find a security exploit within MTV/PV, and you tell us about it (without first trying to cashout/spend your illgotten gains - we'll give you a $100 cash finders fee!

A new record revnue day yesterday, over $17000 portfolio revenues in a single day! I wonder if we'll hit $20k+ by Christmas?

I've asked the programmers to start writing me a daily note (1 paragraph) regarding what they've been up to that day... I want to get them into the routine of billing their hours daily, and including a small update to say what they've done... Initially I will forward this to you via the daily news. And after Christmas when we bring the programming queue onsite, they'll basically do the same thing - but you'll be able to see it directly.

And I wonder if we can automate their billing also... so they submit their hours; and for pre-approved programmers (ie. full timers) they get their hourly rate instantly added to their MTV account balance (and deducted from the portfolio) ... And we could do a similar thing for freelancers; once their project is marked as completed / approved via a fulltime programmer - it releases their fixed payment / hourly rate for accumulated hours. (And we could generate an automated invoice if need be)

And I wonder if at some point we can automate the daily news! Taking a snapshot of the programming updates from yesterday; along with new issues added to the programming queue, plus new user suggestions etc. Publish the PV stats automatically etc... Then just add a "Majority Shareholder" comment to that automated report with any other info.

I was also thinking about the FAQ... I wonder if we could create a crowd based system (moderated by the shareholder control panel)... where users can submit their questions; and users can post their answers. Then users vote up the best response... Then we create a search + categorizing system to display all the questions etc... And that could really make that section work -- and also make it multi-lingual!

I think in the next day or two, we'll be adding a question to the registration form, and also it'll display to all active users asking you whether you are male or female.... This will be a simple security question that you can't possibly forget (and validator to see whether people are lying about the data they give us), and also an experiment regarding the collection of additional data for our upcoming targeted ads.

* We may build a random question generator when viewing ads; as an extra defense against bots... So you'll randomly see an interim page when viewing ads asking you; "Are you male or female" ... or "What month were you born?" -- basically just re-phrasing your DOB / SEX info... And if we ask the question multiple times; we can correlate your answers; and generate some statistical data regarding the accuracy of your account data and what not... And with that model; we can predict which users are lying about their account data; and perhaps force them to prove it to us at a later date if required / re-verify their info.

* Just a small thing... and not masively important right now; we're just laying the foundations for potential future data collection / user profiling & account security functions.

Todays PV Ad Issue:
$2,613,000+ bulk ad campaigns sold to date
+$19,546.58 additional banner impressions
+$2,610.46 cheap traffic campaigns
+$4,720.83 solvemedia captcha revenues

BAP Group …........ Percent (x100) …........ Dollar Value …......... Participants …......... Ads Per User

100 to 1599 …............... 0 …............... 0 …............... 12908 …............... 0
1600 to 12000 …............... 0.0375 …............... 942.525 …............... 6015 …............... 0.1566957606
12000 to 24000 …............... 0.025 …............... 628.35 …............... 2457 …............... 0.2557387057
24k to 48k …............... 0.05 …............... 1256.7 …............... 2231 …............... 0.5632900045
48k to 96k …............... 0.07 …............... 1759.38 …............... 1991 …............... 0.8836664992
96k to 180k …............... 0.085 …............... 2136.39 …............... 1523 …............... 1.402751149
180k to 360k …............... 0.09 …............... 2262.06 …............... 1181 …............... 1.9153767993
360k to 720k …............... 0.075 …............... 1885.05 …............... 702 …............... 2.6852564103
720k to 1.5m …............... 0.085 …............... 2136.39 …............... 428 …............... 4.9915654206
1.5m to 3m …............... 0.1 …............... 2513.4 …............... 229 …............... 10.9755458515
3m to 6m …............... 0.09 …............... 2262.06 …............... 116 …............... 19.5005172414
6m to 20m …............... 0.105 …............... 2639.07 …............... 66 …............... 39.9859090909
20m+ …............... 0.075 …............... 1885.05 …............... 18 …............... 104.725
50m+ …............... 0.055 …............... 1382.37 …............... 5 …............... 276.474
100m+ …............... 0.0575 …............... 1445.205 …............... 2 …............... 722.6025

Todays PV ad issue is 1/3 the size it could have been... But I am saving $40k until either tomorrow or Monday, because frankly the results this week have been outragious... You've been spoilt! And it's completely wharping peoples expectations... Todays result is completely "normal" ($25k issue) - but I already see one comment implying its tiny / small etc.

So i'm going to take today, and perhaps tomorrow, to reset peoples expectations; along with the usual small weekend issues. To reset everyone's baseline opinion of PV's performance; and then next week; we'll plough the money back in; create another HUGE result and happy days again / another wave of positive word of mouth.

Jo smile

ps. Ethancruise, open a support ticket (in the bank wire section) regarding your bank wire cashout. And let me know if you have recevied a second wire with the difference. (Apparently it was sent before the 300euro one) ... If not; we'll resend it / find it.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
17 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:16
And I forgot to mention... look at the debt clearance by PV yesterday. Between recycles, cheap traffic ads, BAP tax, BAP games etc... we cleared over $13,000 worth of debt, even after giving away free BAP via the BAP ads.

* Plus our 48hour active earners are well over 40k now. And 24hour active earners are just about to cross 40k!
Traffic Value: $140.60933 Peru
2 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:17
Well done, Jo.
Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:19
Think you are talking about converting the FAQ into some sort of Wikipedia format. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
6 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:20
Not so much wikipedia, more like Yahoo Questions.
Traffic Value: $4,297.92067 Israel
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:23
@JO Looks like I got about 2.012$ at BAP group 6. Typo here or bug on PV?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:26
If you received more, then bonus!
Assuming they aren't recycles, 1% ads, super user ads, or cheap traffic ads.
Traffic Value: $19.34207 Indonesia
0 like this post 1 people
06/11/2014 13:27
price ads in grup 2 is down
Traffic Value: $1,637.46367 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:29
nice add issue smile
Traffic Value: $4,297.92067 Israel
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:29
@Jo Just counted again and it's my mistake. 1.912$ not 2.012$.

BTW, did the top group guys sue you for yesterday for giving them a 500$ ad when you say the max per ad is 200$? grin
Traffic Value: $2,105.50634 India
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:30
jo, i upgraded from grp 8 to grp 9 today. unfortunately ads were issued much earlier today . now i got the ads of grp 8. i was in loss a bit i think?????angelangel
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:35
Jo, a couple of things.

1. Why are you holding that much money in online payment processors? Offcourse I can understand you keep a lot of money in PP, that one is trustworthy. But why is the total amount of money in the other processors we have that high? We all know what happened with LR. And yes, I also know the way you handled that, but better safe then sorry. I would like to see most of the money in your bank accounts, as those are probably safest (not especially the Spanish banks, as they might still collapse at any moment in my opinion). 

2. I want more information about your holiday. How long are you going? What makes you so sure you have access to internet to do everything as normal? Are you giving instructions to the other programmers to do issues/daily news if you can't?
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
1 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:36
$722.60 with $0.0025 blocked by ad filter
Still waiting to get login info for, their customer support has not been very helpful, hoping Drew can help once he's available.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:37

What's LR?
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:40
Liberty Reserve. A payment processor that was shut down somewhere in 2013.
Traffic Value: $2,105.50634 India
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:40
lr stands for liberty reserve
Traffic Value: $3,261.99794 United States
1 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:41

Didn't you read news on 4th Nov?

These are the ads issued to Mike...

It seems there is no any limit on the value of the ad issued to the members..Just it depends on the BAP we are having.

Traffic Value: $2,105.50634 India
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:42
yes its true.. there is no limit for the ads
Traffic Value: $2,368.44924 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
1 like this post 1 people
06/11/2014 13:44
jo take look at this please:

please add an option to be able searching referral names in my_referrals page

Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
06/11/2014 13:49
I've some questions about data collection; would this data be used to send advertisement on PV to users more effectively ? And how would our privacy be protected ? Otherwise I'm all for increased security ! smile

P.S.; enjoy your vacation
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