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6th November - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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06/11/2014 20:50
Nice news, and I love progress you are making Mike smile keep it up.

Another amazing revenue day, maybe another record? It will be close one today!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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06/11/2014 21:06
Jmintuck02: Why? Canadian guys are rich right? I heard you got some relaxed laws/taxes and that salaries were high and land was cheap in Canada..

Those are the things I heard..
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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06/11/2014 21:19
Well Payment Depot is slacking at getting me the login info, but they still got 3 hours 40 minutes until the end of the California business day.

In the meanwhile, Skrill has finally sent me an email asking for scans of front and back of drivers license and scan of recent letter to home address, so I sent them that.

Let's see who finishes the race to get my business first.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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06/11/2014 22:19
new email login system is online some will have hard time now grin
Traffic Value: $416.3145 Netherlands
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06/11/2014 22:24
Yeah, i also sent my copies to skrill, then they closed my account and charged my 150 eur as administration costs.

Saying i was doing illegal things.
Skrill is some weird company.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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06/11/2014 22:29
Emailed scanned document of IRS tax ID document I got in the mail today and asked to set up a Skrill business account.
Traffic Value: $4,123.8325 Nigeria
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06/11/2014 22:56
what difference does it make using email as username rather than normal assumed username?
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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06/11/2014 23:24
The difference is that it's easy to find our username on Internet but our email address is more confidential and hence more secure. Some people dont know how to use bitly to secure their links which makes it easier to hack accounts.
Traffic Value: $6,467.88006 Germany
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06/11/2014 23:24
Your email isn't public, your username is.
Traffic Value: $4,289.08875 United States
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06/11/2014 23:33
But if someone did get in couldn't they see emails in ref logs?
Isn't this false sense of security?
Traffic Value: $561.64211 Algeria
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06/11/2014 23:47
today is low but not bad angel
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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06/11/2014 23:48
@whynot, that's already a different scenario.

The login change from username to email address attempts to prevent hackers from trying to login to an account where they found the username by simply looking at the ref link or from the list of members.
Traffic Value: $10,065.50805 Uruguay
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06/11/2014 23:56
"We may build a random question generator when viewing ads; as an extra defense against bots... So you'll randomly see an interim page when viewing ads asking you; "Are you male or female" ... or "What month were you born?" -- basically just re-phrasing your DOB / SEX info... And if we ask the question multiple times; we can correlate your answers; and generate some statistical data regarding the accuracy of your account data and what not... And with that model; we can predict which users are lying about their account data; and perhaps force them to prove it to us at a later date if required / re-verify their info."

Jo maybe you can put Multiple Choice, still working like defense of bots and it's easier for the user to click, because if we have to write 2 times a question, it becomes boring...
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
15 like this post 0 people
07/11/2014 00:27
Using emails rather than usernames isn't a major difference - but it makes it harder for people to target big users based on their published usernames.

The main reason for such is forcing people to use a valid email address. And to prevent brute force login attempts; as now you only have 5 login attempts before your account is blocked pending email reset.

We'll add more login security shortly... but we're busy at the moment.
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
6 like this post 0 people
07/11/2014 01:07
Well done, Jo and the entire MTV community... the new login, certainly adds some level of security.

15K+ as our daily revenue is the new norm. Let's keep it up grin.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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07/11/2014 01:25
its a great first step Jo, txs for being intent to our security!
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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07/11/2014 01:28
@Mike I just got back from checking out the site. I can see real where FBGL could put that site to go use in the future.
Traffic Value: $1,052.28274 Macedonia
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07/11/2014 02:29
I still wonder if Neteller will be added any time soon?

Credit cards were just like 'ka-boom' -> they are almost there and available to use, in less than a week, and for Skrill and Neteller.. it has passed months .. everyday is: "Carlos is working on it' ... what's he actually doing, digging a underground tunnel to Neteller's HQ ?

Sorry for being rude, but there are people like me who have most of their capital kept in one of those exact payment processor, for situations/sites/business like this.. and I was very motivated at the beginning when I joined to hear(read) that 'any time soon Neteller should be implemented' ... now, all the passion about it - is gone.
Traffic Value: $314.49204 Malaysia
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07/11/2014 04:36
@Jo. Please check Support Ticket: #29832. I think its an exploit. Please check on it.
Traffic Value: $8.91478 Egypt
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07/11/2014 05:47
Good luck for all ,

PLease Jo : reply to my  Support Ticket: #29440,
I want to buy ads.
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