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3rd Sep - Daily News

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
42 like this post 3 people
03/09/2015 15:29
Fast tracks have been sent.

* Security Tip *
Secure your account with 2 Factor Authentication:

Lock any payment option you don't use at - Read what it does carefully!

We will reply to this thread throughout the day with any news and any other information!

Click the "Show only administrator posts" button above this post, to see today's news notifications. That'll hide all the user comments and chit-chat. (You can press "Show All Posts" if you want to read through all that).


Bank wire is available again (to fully verified members) for deposits at


PIN security feature has been added. You can set it up at

When set you will need to enter it once per session when making actions/accessing areas of our websites that deal with money, shares, BAP, account settings or investments.

If you lose your PIN/enter it incorrectly 3 times, the only way to reset it, is by contacting our support, who may require additional identity verification.

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Hello everyone, as some of you saw I posted some photos with Carlos on my facebook yesterday. (Sorry, no time to upload the photo's)


This week's dividends have been paid over night. We apologize for the delay in sending them due to technical issues, which have now been fixed to handle the huge amount of users.

Earlier we have also sent out an update email to make everyone aware that Credit Cards are now an option for ad purchases - please note that it may take a few days for everyone to receive this email.

First stages of testing move to Aurora have been successful, a few things have to be reconfigured for the full switch, with minimal downtime when it will happen.

Along with this a test server has been setup to test deployments/games, before going live.

Today's ad issue was sent a bit earlier:
Ad issue total: $7,213

BAP Group …... Percent (x100) …... $Available …... No. Users …. $ Ads /User

100 to 1599 …........ 0,000 …........ 0,000 155 15235 …........ 0,0000
1600 to 12k …........ 0,035 …........ 252.455 …........ 8181 …........ 0,0309
12000 to 24k …........ 0,023 …........ 165.899 …........ 2857 …........ 0,0581
24k to 48k …........... 0,058 …........... 418.354 …........ 3730 …........ 0,1122
48k to 96k …........ 0,110 …........ 793.43 …........ 4072 …........ 0,1949
96k to 180k …........ 0,130 …........ 937.69 …........ 2469 …........ 0,3798
180k to 360k …........ 0,162 …........ 1168.506 …........ 1562 …........ 0,7481
360k to 720k …........ 0,152 …........ 1096.376 …........ 792 …........ 1,3843
720k to 1.5m …........ 0,120 …........ 865.56 …........ 312 …........ 2,7742
1.5m to 3m …........ 0,085 …........ 613.105 …........ 114 …........ 5,3781
3m to 6m …........ 0,055 …........ 396.715 …........ 37 …........ 10,7220
6m to 20m …........ 0,040 …........ 288.52 …........ 14 …........ 20,6086
20m+ …........... 0,000 …........ 0 …........ 0 …........ #DIV/0!
50m+ …........... 0,030 …........ 216.39 …........ 2 …........ 108,1950

Ads were sent as:

v Default $/ad (Quantity) 1x Ad 19x Ads Remaining

100 to 1599 …........ 0,002 …........ …........ …........ …........
1600 to 12k …........ 0,005 …........ 3 …........ 0,009 …........ 0,000 …........ 0,007
12000 to 24k …........ 0,010 …........ 3 …........ 0,017 …........ 0,001 …........ -0,008
24k to 48k …........ 0,020 …........ 3 …........ 0,034 …........ 0,001 …........ 0,000
48k to 96k …........ 0,030 …........ 3 …........ 0,058 …........ 0,002 …........ 0,008
96k to 180k …........ 0,040 …........ 5 …........ 0,114 …........ 0,004 …........ -0,010
180k to 360k …........ 0,050 …........ 7 …........ 0,224 …........ 0,007 …........ 0,041
360k to 720k …........ 0,100 …........ 7 …........ 0,415 …........ 0,014 …........ 0,003
720k to 1.5m …........ 0,200 …........ 7 …........ 0,832 …........ 0,028 …........ 0,010
1.5m to 3m …........ 0,250 …........ 11 …........ 1,613 …........ 0,054 …........ -0,011
3m to 6m …........ 0,500 …........ 11 …........ 3,217 …........ 0,107 …........ -0,028
6m to 20m …........ 0,750 …........ 14 …........ 6,183 …........ 0,206 …........ 0,012
20m+ …........ 1,000 …........ #DIV/0! …........ #DIV/0! …........ #DIV/0! …........ #DIV/0!
50m+ …........ 2,000 …........ 27 …........ 32,459 …........ 1,082 …........ 1,179
Traffic Value: $255.97725 Denmark
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 15:30
Dividends paid sounds good
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
0 like this post 1 people
03/09/2015 15:32
I got the email! wink
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
9 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 15:36
"A test server has been setup to test deployments/games, before going live".This line is the Highlight of Today's News smile
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
1 like this post 3 people
03/09/2015 15:43
what is Aurora ?
this is game?
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 15:44
Few days? Fly pigeons, fly! grin

Nvm, just a joke wink

But, from all e-mails that were sent already (idk how many) I only recived one...
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
3 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 15:47

The below is the explanation of Michael,Moderator about Aurora :

MichaelKline - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $241.73046 United States
Amazon Aurora is a database engine. It was chosen because it is proprietary to Amazon and is fine tuned for [and only runs on] AWS Servers. Other database engines include Oracle, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server (these are the top three, by a long shot.) You can learn more about database engines here:
Traffic Value: $1,032.00321 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 15:54
I've received an email already
Traffic Value: $509.03945 Spain
4 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 15:56

Don't forget the Share buyback of Portfolio smile
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:00
lol i was think aurora is project 
Traffic Value: $588.70285 El Salvador
1 like this post 1 people
03/09/2015 16:11
I like to know what happen if there are 2 diferent members in the same ip and 2 diferents computers...

You may not sign-up multiple times with different email addresses. Your computer must not be shared with another individual that has an existing PaidVerts account. PaidVerts is limited to one account per household.

In this TOS talk about don't use the same computer....
I need Mods or Admins help, please
Can be 2 accounts in the same house with diferents computers?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
5 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:13
nothing happens AS LONG as those 2 people use different payment processors.
PV/MTV doesn´t enforce the 1 person per ip rule as long as its really different people.
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
9 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:31
Just posting this to test out this tool's bbcode and also this forum's bbcode. smile

Anyway, thanks for the news update.

Today's ad issue total: $7,213.00

GroupBAPPercentAvailableUsersAds per User
--100 to 15990%$015235$0
11600 to 12K3.5%$252.4558181$0.0309
212000 to 24K2.3%$165.8992857$0.0581
324K to 48K5.8%$418.3543730$0.1122
448K to 96K11%$793.434072$0.1949
596K to 180K13%$937.692469$0.3798
6180K to 360K16.2%$1168.5061562$0.7481
7360K to 720K15.2%$1096.376792$1.3843
8720K to 15M12%$865.56312$2.7742
915M to 3M8.5%$613.105114$5.3781
103M to 6M5.5%$396.71537$10.722
116M to 20M4%$288.5214$20.6086
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:37
Are you eligible to receive recycled ads? YES!$0.00 to go view

there is no link to purchase recycle upgrade thats not undersatandable
is this only for me or universal problem?shocked
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
2 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:40

I think you are at 0.996/1.0 dollar received or so. Then it shows $0.0 left, but you still have a very small amount to go smile
Traffic Value: $4.85374 Romania
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:51
[Edited by mod team: to know how much you should receive today, please consult the table posted by the admins]
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
1 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 16:56

"Few Days" is TAT (Turn Around Time).TAT is nothing but the Maximum time it takes.In Business, TAT is very Important.If Slosumo says E-Mails will be sent within 2 hrs, then if it accidentally takes 3 hrs Users will be disappointed which means they will be getting 0% satisfaction.But, if Slosumo says E-Mails will be sent within Few Days, even if Users receive E-Mails after 20 hrs they will get 100% satisfaction.Because, their mind is set for few days & 20 hrs will look like a short period for them smile
Traffic Value: $588.70285 El Salvador
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 17:05
Thanks Catt - Forum moderator, I asked because I have a niece who want to created an account and she has her own computer, she's gonna use her own personal information but we live in the same house and we use the same internet connection...
Isn't there a problem?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 17:11
no as long as she has her own payment processors and that account won´t be used only to generate/get commissions for another.
Traffic Value: $588.70285 El Salvador
0 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 17:32
No Catt , she is a university student and I was talking to her about paidverts 1 month ago and she was interest  in the business but I told her that we can't have two accounts in the same ip, but if you say that is possible I'm gonna talk to her today about if she still want to create her own account...
I have my computer and she has her computer too.
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