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3rd Sep - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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03/09/2015 17:45
Yes, @paulneelam, of course I know that smile

It's just that it reads a tad funny... and instantly popped the picture of messenger pigeons in my head grin
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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03/09/2015 18:04
There is no problem whatsoever then
Traffic Value: $185.96051 Mexico
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03/09/2015 18:42
because I have no friends baps was in position 6 and not because I no longer have happened if alguiebn know me might say
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
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03/09/2015 18:43
September 3rd $1,531

September 2nd $1,589

September 1st $1,575

wow great to see
today adz buying now 1500$ reach
and to finish day remaining more 5 hours
it's mean today buy adz will cross 2k 
and i think the reasion is Brainy sold shares for bap and now people trust on paidverts again
without paypal going to cross 2k it's very nice i'm shocked 
when paypal comes ... it will cross 4k everyday
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
7 like this post 1 people
03/09/2015 19:51
Good times ! $1.50 dividend today becomes about 140 shares smile
Traffic Value: $944.5882 Czech Republic
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03/09/2015 20:09
@ Mr Green ?
 What ? 140k shares ? You mean LOL
Traffic Value: $395.15912 Indonesia
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03/09/2015 20:24
look at shcp. u will see how much profit created by Brainy.
Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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03/09/2015 20:37
Quote you: "wow great to see
today adz buying now 1500$ reach"

Actually if Daily Revenues for the day shows $1500 from PV  Bulk Ads purchase,  today's Ads purchase is to be about $15000.
You are showing the  Revenues from PV Ads purchase.  10% of Bulk Ads purchase goes to Daily Revenues.
Traffic Value: $45,492.60776 Pakistan
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03/09/2015 20:46
now it's

Date Ads Cashier Chargebacks Premium Ad Filter Vacation Super user Recycle Time NET Revenue
September 3rd $1,703.29 $2.556 $0.00 $34.20 $250.00 $11.94 $481.50 $19.99 +$2,503.476

without paypal 1st time reached $1,703 and net revenue going to cross 3k
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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03/09/2015 21:27
Could be a big results day tomorrow.
They still have to credit share buy back to results & acct maint fee totals  will be over $1k once it catches up lost days. 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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03/09/2015 21:29
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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03/09/2015 16:37
Are you eligible to receive recycled ads? YES!$0.00 to go view

there is no link to purchase recycle upgrade thats not undersatandable
is this only for me or universal problem?[img=20x20][/img]

I get this every time as well, just need to wait for ANY recycled ad to come in, then it recognizes it finished it. And, unlike the 1 person who helped you, I often hit $1.00 exactly (like I was at $0.999 and then get a $0.001 recycle ad, then I get that $1.00 out of $1.00 message) But as soon as I get 1 more recycled ad, of any value, I'm free to buy again.

This bug wouldn't be an issue, if we could at least prebuy 1 recycle upgrade at a time. Waiting for them to fill up, having them fill when we are gone for a few hours (bed/out of the house) is not an ideal situation.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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03/09/2015 21:32
I don't think they will make up lost days of maintenance fees, there is no precedent for that.
Traffic Value: $71.66295 Czech Republic
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03/09/2015 21:34

no as long as she has her own payment processors and that account won´t be used only to generate/get commissions for another.

Could you please explain me what exactly mean "own payment processors"? my opinions are

1) for example: His own paypal acc and Her own paypal acc

2) for example: He has paypal and She has payza

(in short, can they have the same payment processor, but registered to different persons?)
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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03/09/2015 21:44
Is there another way  2 c  this weeks fast track until it reappears in fast track list?

Considering my first non rebuy FTQ since day one of RD 66.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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03/09/2015 21:50
1. Is perfectly fine.

And, we don't want to ban honest people. So, if the system thinks you are the same person, first step will be to send in more verification to prove you are 2 different people. Which, sense you are, (at least I hope you are being honest), shouldn't be an issue. Andraz tells us that it's pretty easy to tell if you are genuine or not.

So, stop worrying, if you are legit, and obey all the rules, you will be fine.

But if say, you have referred her, and neither of you have verified your account, and you basically quit (only using her uplines referral commission & only cashing that out), then it will look like fraud. Which maybe you burned out, but hey you did refer her, so might as well collect ref commission. Which, if that's the case, the system may catch you and then you will need to send proof of 2 human beings.
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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03/09/2015 22:04
Total $6576.21612 today's revenues. nice
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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03/09/2015 22:09
Mostly due to:
$1,355.00 Share BuyBack

And both lots of cashouts with a positive gaming result.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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03/09/2015 22:33
Quote from Slosumo:

slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
29/08/2015 08:27

We have yesterday increased payeer deposit fees to 25% as they are currently showing potential signs of collapse, and they are currently hard to exchange anywhere/for very high fees.

If the situation escalates we will increase the deposit fees for Payeer further and potentially even remove them from the list of available payment processors. Should their situation normalize, we will be lowering the fees.

If anyone is using Payeer we suggest caution at this time.
Traffic Value: $113.22286 Venezuela
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03/09/2015 22:45
Hi guys, I wanna ask if there is going to be any update about mark's meeting yesterday with carlos, i was hoping that he makes an announcement about PV-App, I mean, I am (and many other users are)
waiting for it like a kid in Xmas LOL, I know that he has better things to do, you know like actually doing something important, and I also know that he can't give us a deadline with something so relative as development and testing because anything can delay it.
Traffic Value: $804.38371 India
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03/09/2015 22:56
It's unfortunate that payeer deposit fee is 25%..
Right now, i exchanged it  to PM and exchange fee was 9% . 
Exchange done in 45 second...

Even to exchange it to Bitcoin is even low..

May i help you Admins ?????
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