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3rd Sep - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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03/09/2015 23:02
Probably, the problems with it is for large amounts. 
Traffic Value: $28,874.86613 Viet Nam
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03/09/2015 23:04
It's not only about exchange rates, it's about risk management i think. If you can easily to exchange with saver payment processor, go ahead with your decision. Please refer to the following FAQ for detail information: 

What happens if a payment processor collapses?
E-Currencies and payment processors are one of the risks associated with doing business online. We mitigate this risk primarily by keeping as smaller reserve as possible in each account. And diversifying our cash assets between as many accounts / payment methods as possible.
However, if a payment processor collapses, we will do as follows:
1) Write off the actual losses as a development cost, and apply it to the next product added to the portfolio.
2) We will then look to see how much value there is in maturing investments, shares and account balances for that failed payment processor / deposit method.
3) We will then provide a transfer form, where users can transfer their balance from the failed deposit method, to another for cashout. And charge a fee for that service. The fee will be designed to return 3.615x the actual loss written off on the portfolio.
Simplified Example:
Payment Processor 1 Fails. With $100,000 worth of value in user accounts.
Our actual losses from Payment Processor disappearing would likely be something in the region of $4000. (4% of the total value we're holding under that processor)
4% * 3.615 = A transfer fee of 14-15%

This thereby means users take responsibility for their deposit method of choice. And it makes a relatively sure fire "product" or "investment" out of each failed payment processor. As the value is already in the user accounts, and it must be cashed out. Thereby a safe investment for the portfolio to achieve what's required of it.
Traffic Value: $588.70285 El Salvador
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03/09/2015 23:43
Don't worry MikeKry and druth8x she is gonna use her email that use in facebook and she is gonna use her own payment processor account, she is gonna verify her pv account.
Right now my acccount is verified. I sent all documents that paidverts asked me (identification paper, a bill and a selfie) they accept everything.
I am gonna try that all my referreds verify their accounts...
I am gonna talk to other friends that have internet this week.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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04/09/2015 02:01
How long does Paypal account review usually takes? I mean, when can we expect if the review result is a NO or a YES?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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04/09/2015 02:04
depends on how much they think they can steal from us
in our case, I am betting they will drag their feet for a looooong time
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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04/09/2015 02:37
Coinph   good for philippin.
Traffic Value: $6.45866 Venezuela
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04/09/2015 02:53
good .. sorry , I have a problem with my actions , 72 became only 2, and my sales history or my bap points do not reflect anything of them
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
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04/09/2015 03:24
Do you mean these shares? 

(an extract of your history)

16:40:48PV-$0.20Slots loss$0.0261928/08/2015
16:40:46PV-$0.20Slots loss$0.2261928/08/2015
16:40:43PV-$0.20Slots loss$0.4261928/08/2015
16:40:41PV-$0.20Slots loss$0.6261928/08/2015
16:40:39PV-$0.05Slots loss$0.8261928/08/2015
16:40:10PV+$0.26772Sold 22 shares @ $0.0122 each to mio2815$0.8761928/08/2015
16:39:55PV+$0.60847Sold 50 shares @ $0.0122 each to mio2815$0.60847

And here the IP that was connected while selling shares/gambling money.

206.1… - 28/08/2015 - 16:39:43
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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04/09/2015 07:09
I'm wondering:

If Brainy would have sold his/her shares for cash and then bought Bulk Ads, I think that would get him/her more BAP.

What do you think?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
6 like this post 0 people
04/09/2015 07:13
Well, yeah, but with a 100 ad pack limit, which doesn't seem to be lifting:

100 x 3100 = 310K

100mil / 310K = 323 days, not counting ad issues in the mean time for the 75/25.
Traffic Value: $170.72939 Spain
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04/09/2015 08:14
@Catt , @slosumo , @Agency , @MarcdeKoning , @MichaelKline , @vecors , @Stephanos9
Hi grin!

I haven't a Traffic value and I can't post a topic in brainstorming, for this reason I'm posting here my idea.

Actually, Monitor only have the listing game. My idea is to make an other game. This game consist to predict if the value of bitcoin in the next hour would be higher, lower or the same. The name of the new product could be: "Bitcoin Predictor Game" (BPG).

The amount could be for example:

- 5 % for daily revenues in MTV.

-95 % for winners.

This game would not do negative revenues because only do benefits. Also it can include charts of the value of bitcoin, or satoshis or other virtual coins in order to predict the future value grin!

Sorry for my english jejeje What do you think about it?
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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04/09/2015 08:24
mod@ / admins@

everytime i buy bulk ads with credit card i should create a new account? 
because the second time i do a purchase, they ask me all informations again ( like card number, ccv, birthdate ecc) 
there isnt something like just "log in" ? 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
3 like this post 0 people
04/09/2015 08:42
Got and did my 10 ads for Group 1, a total of 42 BAP, ($0.021), even with no filter, such a low issue.

My no filter, even with recycle upgrade active, is giving me basically no other ads the rest of the day as well.
Traffic Value: $6.45866 Venezuela
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07/09/2015 07:21
and where is this history ? and happened if it was not me who performed these actions ?
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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07/09/2015 07:32

If it wasn't you, then you have been hacked. Don't use the same email/password in other sites. Activate the PIN and/or 2FA for more security. 
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
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07/09/2015 07:34
yesterdays daily news was deleted? smile
Traffic Value: $202.66535 Honduras
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07/09/2015 07:40
not have been removed , had previously informed the moderators , Marc was a bit busy at work and forgot to publish the news the day yesterday
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
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07/09/2015 07:55
ah thanks smile i was busy too.
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