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Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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06/12/2016 04:44
I'm having a problem with PV advertiser page whenever the page reaches 0 it says pen Sans">Please do not cheat, the time has not passed yet, please refresh the page.

pen Sans">No matter what I do it keeps popping up and I can't get into my PV account so I can start watching my Baps ads etc....
pen Sans">It's probably a bug.
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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06/12/2016 05:40
Revoltchka Yes this seems to be happening to a few members. I've had it numerous times also. 

It will be fixed as soon as possible. 

I used the sw@p ad button on the ads it happened to and got to view them all ok in a reasonable time. I dont know why that worked but it seemed to help me. 
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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06/12/2016 07:04
When people pay advertising, they pay for their ads to be shown to a certain audience and PV's audience is mostly a bunch of people who click ads for often less than a cent. Why would big brands ever advertise in here? We are trying to compete with Google or even television channels but we can't because PV has such a small reach compared to those. 

That is why I have previously suggested that PV should become more of a site to make surveys on the ads of those big brands before they are launched to the big advertisement platforms.

Allow me to further my explanation with an example: A "Brand" is about to launch a new ad to boost the sales of a certain product, and for their ad to reach most of the population, they want to show it on TV. However, they are not sure if the ad is going to really make the audience want to buy that product, so they send it to PV and we, users, after seeing it (forced view always) have to answer some questions. Maybe 2 or 3 control questions to make sure that we really pay atention to the ad and then on to the real survey where we say if we felt a desire to buy the product, if it made us feel anything towards it, what could be improved, etc.

If more people come to PV to click ads in the way it is being done so far, 99% of the ads will be HYIPs and sc@m sites. We can't get much credibility for it and PV is already a relatively known platform. So my suggestion is that the MTV team designs a new platform with this new way of seeing ads, and the project would be funded by its users. 

There, I just gave you an option to have and advertisement platform that may bring bigger products an a new project to crowd fund.
Traffic Value: $209.53846 Italy
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06/12/2016 12:59
Today, some ads gave me the error "Only one ad at time..."

without any reason (I was viewing one ad at time, of course).

After some attempts, I began swapping the ads that gave me that error.
This worked for me.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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06/12/2016 13:07

Create a topic about it please. Many good ideas (and many necessary ideas) disappear through the daily news without proper attention.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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06/12/2016 13:19

Thank you. I created it a long time ago. Search for "new way to see ads" and try to up it, if you really feel that is a good idea
Traffic Value: $39.623 Netherlands
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06/12/2016 15:21
When will people be able to add their own projects?
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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06/12/2016 15:28
@Olavski, will take a while. Right now MTV has still quite some projects left they want to build, so if those are gone, it'll probably open for new ideas. If the management keeps thinking about new things to build, this can go on for a while. It will really depend on the amount of profitable ideas by our management.
Traffic Value: $39.623 Netherlands
3 like this post 1 people
06/12/2016 15:37
Such a shame. It would be a big boost to the site's traffic.
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
5 like this post 0 people
06/12/2016 17:22
Where is our leadership last days? grin

It would be nice to hear something about Coin flip. Did they manage to do everything with advertising manager so game can go online?

Looks like PPMG has really high volume last days. Is it in our favour? tongue
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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06/12/2016 17:34
How many days does it take to get a support ticket answered? I sent it about an error in the CyberMonday Promotion, the support team said it was forwarded to the right department and waited for 7 days. Then I thought it "was lost in the queue" and tried again (sent a message again), but looks like it's taking the same way.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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06/12/2016 20:57
Over two weeks of green results! That's great!

I think it will get harder and harder for big gamblers to throw us off balance. That should look very enticing to new members cool
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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06/12/2016 21:10

Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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07/12/2016 05:07
I cuncur, there seems to be a desynchronization between the server and the browser. When the confirm pops up for an ad and you click it as soon as it appears, you get accused of watching more than one ad at a time. You have to wait 1-3 seconds before clicking it.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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07/12/2016 14:40
LOL, I see Marc and druthx disliking my previous post about BF. But I want to say that I really have no idea about the previous owner of MTV. I just know that he was some guy named Jo. I wasn't an active member at that time. Neither I know that BF is owned by Jo. But thanks for giving this info. I just asked out of curiosity and not because I want to question anyone's decision.
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