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27th December - News

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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
26 like this post 0 people
27/12/2016 21:32
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The results are in for the 5 million BAP prize pool!

Place# - User ID - BA purchases - BAP reward
1 SuperSaverBE $485.00 750000
2 t1psteris $474.00 500000
3 dguy $456.35 400000
4 hanoginvest $325.00 300000
5 Tony125s $318.00 250000
6 mio2815 $295.99 200000
7 liberdeus $257.00 150000
8 iranfc87 $182.25 150000
9 stobb $150.33 150000
10 almazik2517 $141.35 150000
11 rodnac $138.47 75000
12 unthink $137.00 75000
13 rui99 $132.92 75000
14 PiresT $124.92 75000
15 shoikot84 $120.58 75000
16 magicroulios $118.34 50000
17 robibiadov $116.35 50000
18 bdaminul33 $114.13 50000
19 Rizwansonu12 $100.50 50000
20 sunilmahalle $91.44 50000
21 druth8x $86.00 50000
22 yats $58.83 50000
23 grandbeach $57.00 50000
24 richawky $51.50 50000
25 anoniemouz $50.25 50000
26 vicololeg $50.11 20000
27 orlan12fish $50.00 20000
28 furqan01 $49.00 20000
29 zero $43.00 20000
30 raek22 $41.63 20000
31 Rubel159 $40.93 20000
32 umerfarooqo $38.00 20000
33 jbs514 $36.99 20000
34 kocio44 $36.99 20000
35 tutienhai $35.00 20000
36 graceacacia $31.00 20000
37 igneel $30.33 20000
38 lingo_buff $29.00 20000
39 Rain5 $28.67 20000
40 marina1963 $28.64 20000
41 Vixthra $28.00 20000
42 bobby40 $26.19 20000
43 Galushko $24.20 20000
44 HoyWoy2012 $21.95 20000
45 Tornado800 $21.95 20000
46 arlepin $21.95 20000
47 milagrohoy $21.39 20000
48 roidz $20.91 20000
49 Charliemg $20.10 20000
50 stubber11 $19.00 20000
51 dm85 $18.47 15000
52 victor1955 $18.19 15000
53 fcporto $18.00 15000
54 vk1990 $18.00 15000
55 vishalkarade $17.82 15000
56 nayan123xyz $17.08 15000
57 nusajesensek $17.00 15000
58 Hitchdz $16.99 15000
59 brijeshsam $16.33 15000
60 tm218flt02 $16.10 15000
61 DwarfVador $16.00 15000
62 alistair99 $16.00 15000
63 joca1973 $15.74 15000
64 kati143 $15.53 15000
65 jeeargos $14.92 15000
66 fantomas $14.09 15000
67 olgapaid $13.75 15000
68 yagame $13.01 15000
69 mcwahl $13.00 15000
70 carloscrv $12.99 15000
71 RioRiadh $12.53 15000
72 club333k $12.03 15000
73 edfano $12.00 15000
74 akmfakruddin $11.58 15000
75 shams33 $11.51 15000
76 Faric93 $11.30 10000
77 mstmonira $11.25 10000
78 oetek $11.00 10000
79 sh663286 $11.00 10000
80 Rizwansonu $11.00 10000
81 reddnbre $10.99 10000
82 suebelle29 $10.99 10000
83 pank41m $10.99 10000
84 HASINA11 $10.79 10000
85 Panochito $10.56 10000
86 fariraz123 $10.50 10000
87 1991Moe $10.10 10000
88 toniomos $10.00 10000
89 cerebro $10.00 10000
90 jamanpayza $10.00 10000
91 taruguito $10.00 10000
92 abdulrehmna0 $9.82 10000
93 osw1975 $9.60 10000
94 pankaj45 $9.57 10000
95 poitazore $9.00 10000
96 rainold1091 $9.00 10000
97 RIZKHAN2625 $9.00 10000
98 Raelzo $8.99 10000
99 digigrand $8.91 10000
100 den2002 $8.75 10000

5.000.000 BAP total has been paid to the winners, congratulations!


Polish office update:

During the last week the "Sumo Roll"-game development has started.
We received the first few graphical sketches from our Slovenian friends, so we had an entry point for the whole game architecture.
Since the rest of the graphics is in progress already we started the part of the game which doesn't need any further instructions as of now.
So we picked up some technology for the game/backend communication and designed it.
With our current approach any changes in this interface will be painless for us in both - game and backend code.
This will definitely save us some time in the future. Below are the actual changes which were made:

-Designed game-backend interface communication
-Generated client-server interface code
-Added data models while generating server interface code
-Changed interface model path handling
-Added generating namespaces with versioning

On PV we implemented a new feature that allows our members to update their campaign's content with the approval of our admin staff, added a special Christmas 5 million Bulk Ad Pool feature and prepared Black Jack issue raport for our management. Also a few minor tasks were done f.g. we added possibility to change Ad Grid pricing via admin panel.

Furthermore we took care of the BMF exchanger. We finished the backend on BMF widgets, now waiting for the designer to prepare the layouts.
After that you can easily promote the website and earn referral commission from every transaction made via the widget!
Additionally we almost finished a profit calculator tool, which generates a detailed summary for the admins.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
27/12/2016 21:39
That was really interesting. It was kind of like a blind auction. Had I known I was that close to more BAP I would have been tempted to bid more but I'm sure others would have been too.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
27/12/2016 22:01
I hate to do this and I hope I'm wrong  but #1  and #3 on the referral contest?
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
27/12/2016 22:45
@dguy It's so obvious... But you missed one xD.

Number #1, #2 and #3. Possibly more.

- Names and
- Ref names
- IP (first numbers are the same, admins can look all the numbers)
- Exact $1 spent by the refs

And number #24 is banned
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
27/12/2016 22:56
Looks like ~500-1000 BAP more per Ad Pack was the bonus, no matter how much you bought, with only the Top 1 getting ~1500. Oh well, maybe the advertising can prove itself. And, at least, the reward was pretty close to evenly distributed after all based on how much % you bought vs the total of the Top 100 Purchases compared to the 5mil bonus pool.
Traffic Value: $4,069.99578 Germany
0 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 00:07
Bidding increments for the fixed ads auctions is still at $2. Is that intended?
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 00:24
How do I get a ref link on PBG? It says i can get one by making a deposit, but i made a small deposit and still nothing...
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
2 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 00:32

You should be able to see your referral link here.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 01:19
Thanks. I did not see this link anywhere in the site.
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
0 like this post 3 people
28/12/2016 01:58
5000000 BAP have been paid? lol

When MTV become so rich and generous...

I don't think this is a good way to distribute such big reward to users in this current situation. (For healthy growth), my suggestion is distribute 500k BAP (OR lower) instead of 5million BAP.

Also, that 51% discount is way to "attractive", where MTV get profit from it? For current situation, why not start with some lower discount first, like 15-25%?

I think our management should control promotion and discount rate, as this is double edge sword, user might not buy Ads in normal days, and wait for the BIG PROMOTION just buy, in the end, for example during normal day ads sales $10, promotion day ads sales become $500.


Take a look at Referral contest,

Rank 1       5 (Qualify of referrals)       - $6.00- referral spent  (Rank Prize $50)
Rank 7       1 (Qualify of referrals)       - $38.00- referral spent (Rank Prize $5 )

Ok, let's say if i have only 1 referral spent highest amount $10000 on ads purchase, another person with 10 referrals, total referral spent $10, who will get the higher Rank Prize??

OR the person with Rank 1, his/her referrals did spent million dollars on Ads purchase and i just see JOHN CENAAA? (Music!)
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
1 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 02:18
^Just agree with the Ref Contest thing. And this way there is a way of people abusing of it finding many people to join with $1... I think a fixed ref value(small) + what he spend would work.
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
1 like this post 1 people
28/12/2016 04:08
Yaay i am on top 10 wohoooogrin
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 04:24
If uplines/promoters would be ok with it, I think a ref contest based not on results that the new refs did during the promotion time, but 6 months or so.

The rank based on refs, is b/c in an ideal situation, long term, more refs should mean more results. That said, the bell curve is more of a hill than a mountain.

In the short term, that is harder to see.

As far as getting users to join with $1, and that's it. Come on. It's a $250 contest, among 100 users. Not worth it. Besides, they are looking into any abuse of the system. Even if they got $1 from their upline, offsite, to join and deposit (in theory cashout minus fees once the prize money is rewarded), now that they have $1 in the system, that could easily lead to results anyways.
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
0 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 05:18
Who handles the monitor section nowadays? Wondered in how much time a listing get's approved.
Traffic Value: $16,533.40105 Belgium
14 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 06:21
grin Thank you MTV !! grin

And congratulations to all other 99 winners.
Traffic Value: $353.19046 India
4 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 06:28

Congrats for the number one spot, and congrats to all.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
1 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 13:14
Congratulations to the winers! grin

Please update the "project updates" of the sumo faucet.
2 weeks without any new images cwy
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
13 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 13:25
@piro I will try to add them later today, when the designer is finishing cutting and prepping all the images for easy adapation to all type of mobile devices.
Forum - News - 27th December - News
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