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Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
3 like this post 3 people
24/01/2017 19:39
Well...well Marc

What would you be doing with half a million dollars FUND?
Why the crook is better in recruiting followers and amass money?
Are you happy with all you have done so far?
Why loads of users are jumping to the other ship?

Are you sure we will ever get any dividends on RPs?
Do you feel you are the man to deliver us that?
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
24 like this post 2 people
24/01/2017 20:58
We're not getting half a million dollars in funding sadly. We would be able to build quite some big projects that would earn money in a sustainable way for years/decades to come. 

The site you're clearly referring to, is promising x17 returns in a year, a week later their gang leader is speaking of x20 returns, now even x33! If people don't want to join, just promise them more to lure them, right? NO, not here. Not with MTV. We don't promise those kind of returns, how can you promise x33 (or even x10) within a year? That's not possible for everyone, only a few users who're in first will earn this. How? By the big majority that will lose their money. 

We're trying to do it the honest way. Even while building a project like a matrix, where always people have to lose (it's in the nature of a matrix), we're tweaking it so people will get something back for their money. Not cash, but advertising. They sort of buy advertising while getting the opportunity to earn by referring other advertisers in the matrix. 

Why loads of users jump on the other ship? Because they believe everything they tell them. They follow the few big referrers in this industry who promise the x20 (or use anything from x17-33, apparently that's the same for those guys) returns, and they don't use their brains to think: hmm, maybe that's too good to be true. That's the reason, a few big fishes milking the small ones. A few smart ones, taking money from the ones who believe everything they get told. 

Are we happy with what we did? About some things, yes, others not as much. But at least we're building something REAL. We build projects that get used by others. We don't just take money from one person and give it to someone who joined before... We're not the website that'll be gone in a few months/years from now. We're building a real online business, not a get rich quick scheme. 

About the dividends... No one knows when they'll return. One day they will. We have to pay the FTQ as well and there's lots of stuff going on in the background. Just remember that it's not as easy as you seem to think it is to build something real. To go against the huge mass that wants their money quick and doesn't care about people joining after them. We're aiming for a bright future for all of our members, not only those who joined first.

You don't have to be part of this journey. If you don't want to wait and enjoy the possible nice profits later on, so be it. But let us do our work and let us laugh afterwards if we earn nice amounts of money in a honest and sustainable manner, something which can not be said of the site you're clearly referring to and something lots of other sites promise as well. We go for honesty and still want to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror in a few years time!
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
4 like this post 0 people
24/01/2017 21:20
I do not want to be annoying but

Last Reply By Time Since Last Reply
I need to change my 2 active BA campaigns SupportTeam 2 Weeks, 3 Hours, 20 Minutes

Last reply

10th Jan 2017, 17:56
SupportTeamAdministrator SupportTeam forwarded the ticket to the correct department. Please wait for a reply from our staff.

Because of an error trying to change my campaigns
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
5 like this post 2 people
24/01/2017 21:50
I want to bring this up... We have not had any negative daily revenue day since December 13th. Of course any negative revenue were added up with any profit made from playperfectmoneygames. I would like to see some kind of reward system built in for having such progress as this. Like for every week with no negative revenue, some fixed % of money goes to pay for Fast Track or added in money for another slush fund designed for dividend payout to payout quarterly or whatever. I hope Marc can implement something like that... I feel we need to be rewarded for progress such as this ! 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 0 people
24/01/2017 21:53

Have you tried asking 3 10K RP members via the RPHCP?
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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24/01/2017 22:01
@loreennaa, I just checked, and all your campaigns have been delivered! so no point in changing them.
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
24/01/2017 22:29
Really are not delivered, they were at 40,000 + and 70,000 when I asked for the change, Then there was the error and it was delivered at once, And the banners were left the problem of TOS, when I gave the necessary image
For that reason of the last message with change of section the ticket
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
10 like this post 0 people
24/01/2017 23:35

What you are saying doesn`t make much sense. I would rather have 30 days of negative results and one day with a green +$100.000. According to your "idea", that would be a "bad month".

Yes, it`s good to have green results everyday, adjusted or not with other revenues, but the truth is that first, we need to pay expenses and right now, MTV barely makes it. Things are indeed picking up but having 31 days of +$1000 is worse than having 30 x -$1000 and 1 x +$100.000.

FTQ (& dividends) will be paid WHEN we have profits that will allow it. It will not change anything asking for those until the management has in fact money for it.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
3 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 00:06

Have you ever taken a loan with fixed repayment rules, and when payment time comes (and you don't have the money) said "my loan will be paid WHEN i have the cash income that will allow it."?

Nothing personal here, but FTQ is in fact a debt.
It is a loan taken under fixed repayment rules.
I can understand the situation, but ... since when the payment of a loan (a debt) depends on the financial status of the loaner?

Please try to understand my statement, and i hope you don't feel offended (and MTV neither).
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
13 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 00:13

The FTQ NEVER had a fixed repayment time.
So your argument doesn't apply in this situation.
I do understand your point though, but the FTQ is paid with results AFTER expenses.
It only makes sense to keep it that way, otherwise it`s unsustainable.

I don`t take it personally tongue but you are wrong about those fixed terms on FTQ.
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
2 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 01:04
How much $ we need to get in result card each day in order to pay FTQ? $3000 right?
If $3000= Profit
It just like if we get $2999 daily= no profit cos not over $3000?

Another question is, since right now our daily result is about $500-$1000 (didn't reach $3000 daily), thus the expenses will increase, later will you say that MTV need to increase to $4000 daily in result card in order to cover expenses and pay FTQ?  If subsequent month, our performance not so good, increase to $5000? (Cos you know less profit, higher expenses right?)

I need advise, thank you.
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
7 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 05:53
Expenses do not increase due to decreasing profits. 

The time it take to achieve what we want just gets a little extended that is all. 

With multiple revenue streams we will eventually have expenses covered and increased profits to share. 

Achieving this is the current priority, once reached sustainably we can then focus on FTQ and other things
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
0 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 07:16
With 3k daily results you will pay ftq, right?
How much time do you need to start to do it after the first day of 3k result?
I mean, for every day lower than 3k you are accumulating debt right?
For how much time you will be in recovery mode after the first 3k day, thinking that you make - 2000$/-2500$ every day, the past 12/15 months?
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
0 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 07:26
What is the minimum and maximum bet amount for Coin Flip Cash Game?

It's not indicated in the game page.
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 08:29
@richiem 0.05 -100
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 09:16
Can't see ads because captcha is not showing
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 09:16
Changed to Google captcha and is working now, but can't use PV's visual captcha
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
3 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 09:43
I have an opinion about our holdem poker game. It is a very pupular game and i think we can use it to gain a lot of new users and revenues as well, i saw that people is more active and play more when those small prize tournaments are on but why don't you make tournaments with payed entry like 100 BAP, 500 BAP, 1000 BAP, with much more prizes to be won, rebuy and of course entry fee.I think in time you can add even freerolls when we gain more popularity. Chances to have success are very high i think because this is what people is looking for, an oportunity to became big and they can do this in this way by wining a tournament....
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 09:48

Recently, Marc said they were running $10-15K per month behind.

As far as the how far behind are they since 12-15months?

Well, we had a May 2016 report that showed we were breaking about even IIRC.
As well as, we got very close to having a FTQ/Dividend payment for Aug or Sep 1st.
The $10-$15K was mentioned after that.

We are always working to reduce costs, in fact, while it isn't a product, the reducing costs has been well worth the programming hours put into it.

As far as prediction, how many days/weeks of avg $3K results b4 we catch up on paying Marc and the staff:
1. Let us get to $3K avg first, b/c in theory, the longer it takes us to get there, the further behind we will get.
2. No one said we had to pay Marc and the rest of the staff, in full, b4 FTQ and maybe even Dividends start getting paid. The staff already are living with what salary they are getting (not all of it comes from FBG, as many of them work for other companies). Showing progress with the FTQ/Dividends could easily make the catchup time faster, in the end.
3. It is still unclear if Marc will expand the team, slightly, b4 FTQ payments, as he looks to determine which is faster to paying off a significant portion of the FTQ, bit by bit with what products/promotion we have or can an expanded team pay for itself and more in revenue generated through their efforts both short/medium and long term.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 10:33
Eventually, that's what MTV will be offering as well.

In fact, we've already been offering that since launch, at least privately.

Just no one has come up with a concept developed enough and "sure" worth it, that the FBG team has liked enough to strike a deal.

We have had a few ideas, that became minor products (forced timer), and even some actual products (Sublingua).

IF we could attract funding, we'd be willing to create user products, but we aren't going to promise returns that are unrealistic.

SumoRoll we are offering unlimited 1st year share of the profit.

The 2 ProjectFund Products aren't the only type of ROI's we are willing to offer, it all depends.

For instance, if you found someone who is willing to invest $50K, and they wanted some specific product created, you could negotiate a % of the profits via a Finder's fee. As a for instance.

We've shown that not every product can be a hit, and offering a blanket ROI is unsustainable.
It leads to diverting funding/profit from other products to pay off the not as big a hits.
How long a company lasts is more based on just how big the hits are and what type of returns are being offered.
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