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10th October 2014 - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
4 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 21:15
@shaquille3 thank you for this table is very instructivewink, as Mike says 
we  should be analyzed   this kind of table for several weeks ,after everyone its strategy 
me   I prefer receive daily gains rather than waiting +100 days in the 186/250 plan to receive gains even if it is more advantageous but hey as I have active downlines that compensates 

@azraell84: the potential of  news games is unlimited ,   but the  Site is constrained by a lack of good programmers I think ( for the momment )but hey we must leave time to time 
already when the game  poker will be  launched it will be a big step for MTVwink
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
1 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 21:20
Actually the last week of fast tracks that was all paid off was completed in 92 days, meaning it took 92 or less days to get fast tracked.
Traffic Value: $1,367.86746 Romania
7 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 21:33
@mike @polo I'm glad you like the table. I will make one every week so we can analyze how the earnings are evolving as paidverts gets bigger. I will also make a Graff with the stats after some time and I hope it will point upwards smile
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
0 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 21:39
Ad issues could double next week and I would still have the BAP to stay in the top group.
Traffic Value: $915.64947 Bangladesh
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10/10/2014 21:42
what is Percent (x100)?
Traffic Value: $834.04364 Viet Nam
0 like this post 1 people
10/10/2014 23:40
lower rate
Traffic Value: $3,150.04492 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
11/10/2014 01:02
I wish I would in 50M+ BAP group...
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
0 like this post 3 people
11/10/2014 02:04
I thought you once have stated that the share fees will drop to 0.25%?
AND.... transfers will be automatic!

When will that happen?
Traffic Value: $40.26175 Indonesia
0 like this post 6 people
11/10/2014 04:21
now the ads very low ?? what happen to pv ??
Traffic Value: $2,190.01679 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
11/10/2014 04:22
@soza1sheng then you will have to invest a total of $16129 cheerful
Traffic Value: $40.26175 Indonesia
0 like this post 2 people
11/10/2014 04:24
@jo, please make the rate little higher -_-
Traffic Value: $40.26175 Indonesia
1 like this post 1 people
11/10/2014 04:27
in one day i click 145++ ads but never get $1 daily, so jo please make the rate little higher
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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11/10/2014 04:42
wtf,why would you click 14x ads in a day...
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
3 like this post 0 people
11/10/2014 04:49
For the 7 cents he earns of course!
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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11/10/2014 06:37
If you want higher ads, you'll have to spend money first happy
Traffic Value: $19.34207 Indonesia
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11/10/2014 07:59
when my ads bulk status delivered what should I do then ?
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
11/10/2014 08:12
Nothing. Your campaign is finished. You could buy a new campaign to receive more BAP.
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
7 like this post 0 people
11/10/2014 08:39
Folks, the money isn't coming out of nowhere.
Changes in rates is what PV makes stable.
Fixed rates in a fixed amount of time just can't work, so stop whining and relax.
Traffic Value: $117.44941 Netherlands
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11/10/2014 13:56
Traffic Value: $106.82002 Romania
Undo 5 like this post Disagree 0 people
10/10/2014 21:10
30% is the actual money you can keep if you want to stay in the same bap group. If you want to move up groups you will keep even less. This bap system is genius. It makes you feel you earn more than you actually do. But the best part is that now when you want you can trade all your baps for shares and then the shares for money if you want to get out
thank you for your answer

Traffic Value: $296.99123 Serbia
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11/10/2014 15:13
Yeah some small 1v1 multiplayer game would be great while we're waiting for poker! smile

Like, balancing a ball on a pad.. It can be said that could be game of skill.. And it would be great if we had a free to play version with same algorithm so we can practice... House takes fixed % fee..

Like, I want to play.. I click play, select how much BAP I want to play with, game waits for 2nd player that has selected same amount of BAPs.. When we both join, it starts.. We both have to either a time (like 30s) or until first one drops the ball.. It could be easy, fun and would definitely attract players since it's not a game of luck for example...
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Forum - News - 10th October 2014 - Daily News
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