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10th October 2014 - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
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10/10/2014 15:41
1.5m to 3m …............... 0.105 …............... 1050 …............... 155 …............... 6.7741935484
3m to 6m …............... 0.095 …............... 950 …............... 68 …............... 13.9705882353
6m to 20m …............... 0.1 …............... 1000 …............... 42 …............... 23.8095238095
20m+ …............... 0.09 …............... 900 …............... 12 …............... 75
50m+ …............... 0.05 …............... 500 …............... 3 …............... 166.6666666667
100m+ …............... 0.05 …............... 500 …............... 1 …............... 500

100.000.000 - $500.00
50.000.000 x3=150.000.000 -$500.00
20.000.000 x12=240.000.000 - $900.00
6.000.000 x42=252.000.000 - $1,000,00

I`m confused
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
0 like this post 1 people
10/10/2014 15:42
It's not chat. These are called "Text Link Ads". Here is one for eg. that I use for promoting paidverts on other traffic sites.

"Paidverts - Earn up to $700 Daily! (155% ROI)"

This is the custom message that i type, and then below you find the url section where we put the link where we want the clickers to be redirected to. Just like banners works.

Once submitted we can add how many impressions or views we want to purchase, like 1000 views/10000 views, etc.


2 Disagrees?! I'd like to know the reason. It's a cost effective income generator that can be integrated easily and you people don't like it.
Traffic Value: $147.55365 Bangladesh
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10/10/2014 15:52
Nice Adds....How can i upgrade my group?
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
1 like this post 1 people
10/10/2014 15:55
By purchasing more ads.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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10/10/2014 16:12
I think the most attractive thing to do now would be making a 1v1 multiplayer game.. It doesn't need to be something special , just a game where player could beat a player ( no luck involved ) where house takes like 5% of the BAP involved. This would really get lots of BAP debpt removed and the most important it would attract like 90% of PV members, other 10% are people in 20m+ groups grin
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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10/10/2014 16:19
yea like 4 in a row multiplayer like loads of textbased used to have grin

and u say u dont want to promote the same banners?! well then get yourself a unieke made for personal use wink or make one yourself.

I never ever use banners they offer always create them myself lol
Well almost always.
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
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10/10/2014 16:24
Jo, thanks for the ads. You are doing really a extremely good job and make people very happy.
PV is one of the best (even the best in my opinion) of all other monetize systems and ptc.

Sorry to say, i really dont understand all whiners. You earn many dollars on an easy way daily. You see that never elsewhere. So be happy with PV and dont whine, thank you.
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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10/10/2014 16:31
Simply multiplayer games like:

 - 5 in a row
 - battleships
 - reversi
 - ...

That would be good grin
Traffic Value: $1,057.66713 United States
1 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 16:59
I think a spades tournament

AND a poker tournament with entry fees and the winner taking all besides the fee that the house gets is a good idea

JO please consider

I also sent you a friend request on facebook. I hope you have or will accept it

Martina GogetYourBlessing Perry
Traffic Value: $79.08065 Venezuela
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10/10/2014 17:39
i love paidverts smile
Traffic Value: $899.53291 Canada
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10/10/2014 17:42
all going great .... but we need more programmer =( we have so much project but maybe its me but its take very lot of time to build just single thing sad!
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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10/10/2014 17:45
I think multiplayer games are really gonna get a lot of attention and profit in 2015.
Traffic Value: $424.42272 Poland
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10/10/2014 17:49
Texas Holdem with tourneys and other multiplayer games like rummy , yatzy etc would bring superb amount of revenuesgrin
Traffic Value: $655.08001 Lithuania
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10/10/2014 18:19
I have 700.000 BAP so im in 7 group ? Who can explain me? 

Traffic Value: $1,367.86746 Romania
7 like this post 4 people
10/10/2014 19:04

If you are interested in the actual earnings this is the average from the last week.
If you invest 100$ it will take aprox 1 year to get that 100$ back if you go by the 30% rule.
I think it is better to invest in the 250% plan.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
3 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 19:32
If shares really start rising in price more, paidverts ad issues will be higher.  Plus a lot of people just don't have the patience for the 250 plan, they want daily earnings.

A chart like that every week would be cool to analyze though.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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10/10/2014 19:43

if you think about it, PV is like 194% power plan we had until a year ago with the daily payments but without fast track, right?
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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10/10/2014 20:10
Some differences, but main similarity being the daily earnings.
Traffic Value: $117.44941 Netherlands
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10/10/2014 21:03
what is that 30% rule if i may ask ermm
Traffic Value: $1,367.86746 Romania
5 like this post 0 people
10/10/2014 21:10
30% is the actual money you can keep if you want to stay in the same bap group. If you want to move up groups you will keep even less. This bap system is genius. It makes you feel you earn more than you actually do. But the best part is that now when you want you can trade all your baps for shares and then the shares for money if you want to get out.
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Forum - News - 10th October 2014 - Daily News
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