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Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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27/03/2016 20:27
Monitor Listing -   grin

Launch Date:   2/15/2016

We offer a powerful advertising platform for our members to promote their 3rd party businesses, programs or referral links  excaim

As well as driving traffic to our members websites, they can also receive a share of our profits received from sales of our products, returning up to 135% per Media-pack purchased!
There are several E-books available for our members!

We use Payza, Payeer, OkPay, Perfect Money, STP, Bitcoin and 2pay4you  red face cool hmm

Purchase Media-Packs and receive credits for your advertisements and also a share of our revenue.

Please note that earnings are added every 2 hours so it may take some time to show in your stats!

RISK FREE !!  cheese
Media packs start from as little as $1 each. Revenue can only be shared when we receive sales, if we receive no sales then there will be eventually no revenue - simple mathematics.
Please note: All earnings are split 50/50, 50% of the earnings goes into your cash balance, the other 50% goes to your re-purchase balance to ensure ongoing income for all our members!

Best regards and lets make some money smile
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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27/03/2016 20:33
Friday March 25th- NEWS

[justify]Hi all,
As you all know by now, in less than 24h from now, I'll be off to Singapore for the next 4 days, now i need to ask a small favor: Due to very limited time tomorrow before I leave, I will move the cut off for withdrawals, registrations and deposits to around 8h from now, as I cant see getting all withdrawals processed before I leave (or approve payments manually) and I can NOT access most processors from abroad as I may risk getting account access blocked due to totally different country IP! A chance I am NOT prepared to take, hope you all understand that!
It is exactly for the same reason, that I will suspend the withdrawals for next Monday! That basically means that withdrawals will re open this coming Tuesday and you have 24h to do so!
I would also like you to consider the fact that MY replies to support will be extremely limited, so unless its super urgent, please do NOT send a support ticket, as hard as he tries, there will be some things that Julz can not 'fix' or check on my behalf, and it'll be crazy to have a support ticket sitting there for 4 days!

In other news, the document explaining how exactly the new capping rule works has now been added to the files section in our FB group! Which reminds me, if you have already withdrawn more than the 300%, you have now 2 choices:
1. Add more funds to fall below that (eg, adding another $100 will raise the withdrawal amount by another $300) or
2. Start the journey on our newscript from scratch smile

From all reports that I am receiving from those that are currently testing the newscript, overall people love the new back office, so whilst there might be a small bug left here and there, Julz and the programmer are communicating to have all of those fixed!

I hope you all have an awesome weekend, I will be back to 'normal' operations by Tuesday, until then: Stay awesome and Thank You!

Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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28/03/2016 08:42
Media pack            cost                %/day             $/day              days to mature

Starter                  1$                    12%                0.12                9 days
Advanced              2$                     10%               0.20                11.5 days

Expert                  5$                     8%                 0.40                 15 days

Pro                      10$                    6%                 0.60                 21 days

VIP                      20$                    4%                 0.80                 32.5 days

Elite                     40$                    3%                 1.20                 45 days
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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28/03/2016 10:00

1. The Sylvester Stallone Story

The Sylvester Stallone story is a true rags to riches tale. He rose from an almost impossible situation to the fame and fortune that he now enjoys.

Stallone attended school in suburban Philadelphia where he first started acting. He then spent two years instructing at the American college of Switzerland in Geneva. When he arrived back in the United States he became a drama major at the University of Miami where he also began to write.
He left college before graduation and moved to New York to pursue his acting career. He auditioned for almost every casting agent in town with no success. He decided to turn more towards writing and wrote many screenplays while waiting for his acting career to blossom.

In 1974 he got a break as one of the leads in "The Lords of Flatbush". He also received his first writing credit for additional dialogue on this film.
Despite this small break he struggled to build momentum. He kept auditioning with one rejection after the next. He started writing more screenplays and received similar rejection.

Stallone had run out of money and was living in a desperate situation. He could barely even feed his family. Then one day he was walking through the streets of New York and he wandered into the library to keep warm. This became a regular habit for him during the colder months.

During his time at the library he began reading books from writers such as Tolstoy and Edgar Allan Poe. This gave him a bit of an extra edge in his writing endeavours and so he pursued this more and more.
By this stage he was desperate to get work but he wouldn't take an average job, he knew his outcome, he wanted to be an actor and that was it.
He resorted to many regrettable things like hocking his wife's jewellery. I mean seriously, there are some things you should never do, you could get killed for something like that.

One day Stallone was sitting at home watching a fight between Weppner and Ali. Weppner was getting absolutely slaughtered but kept holding his ground and coming back for more. This underdog was really fighting for it despite the slim chance he would even get close to winning.

This inspired Stallone to begin writing based on his inspiration from this fighter. He wrote for over 24 hours straight and after this time he had written the entire script to Rocky.
He began trying to sell the screenplay to many producers with enormous numbers of rejections. This went on for months.
He was so poor by this time that he decided he had to sell his best friend, his dog. Stallone waited outside of a local liquor store asking people if they would buy his dog. Eventually someone bought the dog for around $50. He was devastated to have to do this.

He kept pursuing this story that he had written. Eventually someone loved it and they agreed to do the movie. He was wrapped and told them that he wanted to play the part of Rocky.
They declined and told him he was a writer not an actor. Stallone disagreed and told them he was an actor. He declined their offer of over $100 000 despite his current poverty.
A couple of weeks later they contacted him with an even higher offer and Stallone still insisted that he play Rocky. They once again declined. Was he nuts? I mean the man was poor, he could barely even eat.

The offer kept rising just so he would sell them the film without playing the part. The price eventually got to around $400 000 and still he declined. He was certain that he was actor and that was it, there was no compromise.
Eventually they offered Stallone a measly $25000 so they weren't throwing their money away by having him as the lead role. He accepted. Then the first thing he did was go back to the liquor store to buy back his dog.
He waited 3 days for the guy to come by and finally there he was with his dog. He offered the guy $150 to buy back the dog, the man declined. The offer kept rising, but again, Stallone knew his outcome and kept pursuing his goal.
It ended up costing him $15000 and a part in the movie to buy back his dog. The guy and the dog are in Rocky.

Of course we all know what happened with the Rocky movie. It won the Academy Award for best picture in 1976. At the awards ceremony he read out all the rejection slips from those who said the film would be sappy, predictable and a film that no one would want to watch.

How's that for a story of triumph? It shows that you have all the resources you need to overcome any obstacle and achieve any aim you have in life, no matter what your age, background, colour or gender is.

True persistence pays off every time in every circumstance. Persistence will fight off failure faster than skill or luck ever could. Just ask Sylvester Stallone, he persisted and knew his outcome and look where he is today, he is living his dream.
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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29/03/2016 13:42
STEP 1 (DONE): Wednesday March 23rd, all purchases of PAID ads will be disabled, so members can get their maximum 7days money's worth!

 STEP 2 (DONE): Friday March 25th, last day for deposits and new members to join!

 STEP 3 (DONE): Monday March 28th, earnings will stop at midnight server time.
STEP 4 (DONE): Tuesday March 29th, last withdrawals possible til midnight server time!

 FINAL STEP: Wednesday March 30th at midnight, the whole site will go into maintenance mode, so the programmer can do his job to transfer the main data, what will be transferred? All Active packs, ALL balances, ALL referrals.
What will not be transferred? ALL Ads, hence the cutoff time 7 days before. Reason this can't be done that the logic in the new database is completely differently coded and it would take at least 1 week to transfer over 400,ooo lots of data, NO thanks, haha.

 You will then be invited to login to your account On April 1st on the newscript and a powerful new cloud server!
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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29/03/2016 17:33
I'm excited!!

94 adpacks.

Plus I took advantage of the 24 hour withdraw window!
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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30/03/2016 16:42
Tom Taylor wrote on Facebook for anyone who joined us in our group URS
monior link:   smile

Ok, time to get busy!
URS is now officially in maintenance mode whilst we transfer all the data we can, your ads are still showing as well - Bonus!
Pls do NOT send messages, friend requests etc as I will be flat out together with the programmer to get all done - Thank you smile
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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31/03/2016 15:56
Tom Taylor: News, Facebook, URS

Hi all,
just to bring you up to speed, both the programmer and myself are still working very hard to get everything done, please note that we are on a new server and the sever time is now US Central time, we have tested most major functions and they all work well, we will be testing IPN functions later tonight to make sure ALL deposits are instantly approved.
And yes, my head is spinning, 12h thus far with at least another 6 to go, sigh
UPDATE: Just added, ANY changes in your profile? Instant Email notification!
Stay tuned, more to come later .......
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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01/04/2016 07:26
Tom Taylor: News, FB, URS

OK guys,
here's the verdict:
Despite best efforts by myself and our programmer, we cant complete all testing until DNS issue is resolved!
As that takes usually around 24h, that will bring us into Sat morning server time!
So my suggestion is to give that stupid DNS time to do it's job all over the world, then allow us to do the finishing tests re payments received etc....
So we will start on SUNDAY 3rd APRIL without any delays and 3 DAYS OF DOUBLE EARNINGS!
Sorry guys, but some things are simply out of our hands at times,
thanks for your patience, support and understanding smile
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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02/04/2016 08:19
Hi all,
whilst DNS seem to be giving a lot of problems to many members, I suggest you try this also:…/How+To+Clear+Your+DNS+Ca… then you still might have to refresh the page a few times, using the F5 button on your keyboard then maybe comment below if you can access at all and also if you have NO issues at all accessing URS!
That will give me a clearer picture at where we are at - Thx
Still testing the payment processors, so far STP, Payza and PM are working!
Stay tuned....

If do you have any question let me know smile
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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03/04/2016 07:36
Tom Taylor: Admin URS; news; facebook

Hi again everyone,
having a really great weekend here .... NOT!
Woke up this morning to find that my Comp had called it a day and wouldn't start at all so waited for 3h til the shops opened, then as a result got a new motherboard and processor whilst there.
Now, here's where we are at:...
As you can see by the image below, most part of the world are already on the new host (IP starts with 45)!
You should be able to tell, when the whole page loads without any images missing etc.
As soon as I can, I will send out an Email to ALL members, as the mail out function is still being setup by the programmer with detailed instructions on how to access the newscript!
Not long to go now thanks to the huge effort by all to get this right.
Stay tuned....

Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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03/04/2016 15:02
OK folks, not long to go now:
Status update:
3 more payment processors to test/fix!
Waiting for hosting to set up mail out function, as it is the weekend they a little slow in responding, yup, we have to wait!
For most ppl at least they can access the site now, but lets make 1 thing VERY clear:...
Login is DISABLED until all is fixed as we cant interfere with stuff happening in the script whilst the programmer is still in there making some final tweaks and stuff.
On that note: Spare a thought for James the programmer, dedicating his whole weekend to get us up and running!!
Frustrating? Yes, but these things just cant be rushed or forced.
It will all be worth it in the long run - DON'T take your eyes off the goal!

After all problems and issues Tom Taylor promises double earnings for next 3 days after URS Will become active again smile 

Tom and James making there best to become alive asap...
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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04/04/2016 15:24
The moment you all have been waiting for is finally here:
Account access granted!

Passwords could NOT be transferred from previous script as they were encrypted!
So here is how to gain access:

Step 1: Go to Lost Password on Login page
Step 2: Enter the Email you registered with AND your username
Step 3: Check your inbox/Spam folder for an Email with your details

This Email may NOT show UltimateRevShare in the sender as we still cant use our own mail server yet, so we are improvising here!

Step 4: ALL functions will stay disabled until server time midnight tonight!
You can see the time on top of your members menu.
So no add funds, purchase etc as yet!
Please note that many data could NOT be transferred either, so figures for individual ref commissions etc.are NOT correct, some other data as well, the main info like media packs, referrals, personal data is all correct.

If you need ANY assistance at all or having a problem, please send a support ticket ans we will reply as soon as we can!

Thank you very much for your trust, patience and support
Stay Awesome!
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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04/04/2016 15:28
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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05/04/2016 07:06
Hi all, ALL functions are open except new registrations, that will have to wait another 24h.
So you can purchase, deposit etc.
Only processors fully working are Btc, Payza, OkPay, PM and STP. All others still working on, sorry.
Keep in mind that this script is very unique and there might still be the odd small issue to sort out.
So stay tuned for the next chapter, hope you all like your new back Office grin
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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10/04/2016 08:17
Official announcement:
ALL accounts are FIXED!

Sooooo, double earnings it is this coming weekend, Fri - Sun

Also, landing page feature will be added this week: Create your own Landing page for ANY program, 1 time purchase per page, pages are hosted by URS smile

New registrations will open midnight sever time this coming Monday - Thank you
Traffic Value: $39.623 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
10/04/2016 18:26
The website looks like S*&t . Links don't work, cash links redirects to internal server error, registration is disabled, common, if you launch, do it right. It feels like you hired a beginner coder from pakistan...

Just my opinion
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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10/04/2016 18:38
I am failing to see the connection betweens Sylvester Stalone and revsharing=)))))
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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10/04/2016 20:01
@Olavski-NL  I really understand you what do you wanna say and i dont even care for your negative comment but i would like to invite you in our Facebook group where Tom Taylor as Admin every day whit his 3 programmer giving us all new updates and there you can even read what is going on whit URS smile Yes it was alot of problems while we moved to newscript but now everything working very fine.. new registrations Will be available on tuesday and till then we Will get new updates again smile

In our group we get answer on every post or even on every comment from members smile Admin talking with us all the time and we understand why everything still dont work very well smile

Anyway... If you join us i Will appriciate and i wish you all the best! If you dont wanna even heard for us anymore i Will not be angry and i still wish you all the best also on MTV/PV smile
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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10/04/2016 20:03
@Crimson  there is no real connection between Stalone and our bussines but is kinda motivation story for everyone who like read such storys smile I like it and i posted it smile

And also... have a nice day and wish you all the best smile
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