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Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
10/04/2016 20:04
Thanks,at least you made me laugh.
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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12/04/2016 06:29
After waiting for a long time, new registrations are now open,
after a marathon session between James and myself (another 2am night), we managed to fix most of the major issues! there are still some minor things to be fixed, but nothing too urgent!
Re Withdrawals, please use dollar amounts only, anything with a ,00 in it will cause an error messages.
Reminder: Surfing to start in 3 days from now April 15th - Thank you all for you wonderful support - Lets rock!
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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12/04/2016 19:07
borut986 great! I'm also a member of Ultimate revshare.I have just one question though...would the click link be fixed also? So far I can't earned anything from click links,and also most of the time there aren't anything to click.

Traffic Value: $14,164.7049 Spain
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09/05/2016 14:50
How are you doing with this one?

I joined on the "Double earnings weekend"  24 days ago. 160% so far. Starter and Advanced packs filled and Expert almost there. I'm not really interested in the others. With these ones I'd be able to withdraw +30$ daily without losing any adpack. That's enough. Putting greed aside.

And now waiting for the surprise Tom mentioned...perhaps another double earnings weekend?tongue
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