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Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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27/06/2016 15:44
LOL. You can't force them to advertise your banner with free credits. But you can edit your text ad and make it more unique and beautiful to attract more clicks and hence more referrals.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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27/06/2016 15:56
I did not force them,its totally fine grin
Traffic Value: $139.74188 India
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27/06/2016 16:26
Hey siddharth is this website basically for advertising and getting referrals coz i don't really see something that will earn me a few bucks.

Enlighten me cool
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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27/06/2016 16:52
@Aniket yes brother, it is only a platform to earn free satoshi which you can only use to advertise your text ads. But you can't withdraw it. You only have to claim satoshi once a day and you can then advertise your affliate links from it. To claim your free satoshi just click on faucet and then claim. then go to my adverts, create your advert and assign your free satoshi to this advert. Try to allocate maximum satoshi you can to 1 advert so that you can get more clicks.
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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07/07/2016 15:13
Website is down for hours, and I was just 4k short of having 100k again...
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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07/07/2016 16:08
ya many times it gets out of service. This isn't good for their brand value.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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27/07/2016 17:55
Does ot requires to add banners while creating campaign. Is that free or cost is else for that??
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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28/07/2016 03:29
Abiotic you can add banners, but they don't display them for free advertisers. You can only advertise text ads with free credits. But you can still add the banners, maybe they display it sometime.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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28/07/2016 09:30
Thankyou sid smile
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