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Mellow Ads Faucet

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Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
3 like this post 2 people
10/06/2016 14:21
bull ...once a day to get a few banner imp with 0% clickthrough rate...
Please prove me wrong
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
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12/06/2016 08:40
Congratulations to BOTH of my Referrals who won 100000 Satoshis ($0.62 worth) yesterday in just one claim on Mellow Ads Faucet !! w00t

Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
1 like this post 3 people
12/06/2016 10:53
You do understand that claim can be worth a million, you still only use it for inside advertising and they also set the price of that...
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
2 like this post 1 people
14/06/2016 12:05
2 days ago I created a 'Daily Campaign' on Mellow Ads using ONLY money earned from the Mellow Ads Faucet.

So, what were the results? ... Check them out yourself:

I got 101 Unique Clicks and around 20 Referrals for FREE using just the Mellow Faucet earnings!!! w00t

Traffic Value: $1,079.85003 Bulgaria
2 like this post 2 people
14/06/2016 17:01
5000 impresion 1 click im out of this ... 
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
2 like this post 1 people
15/06/2016 19:59
My 2nd 'Daily Campaign' on Mellow Ads using ONLY money earned from the Mellow Ads Faucet just completed!

So, what were the results? ... Check them out yourself:

I got 55 Unique Clicks and around 10 Referrals for FREE using just the 0.004 BTC from my Mellow Faucet earnings!!! w00t

Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
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19/06/2016 10:13
Congratulations to another of my Referral who won 100000 Satoshis ($0.75 worth) 2 days ago in just one claim on Mellow Ads Faucet !! w00t

Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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20/06/2016 13:46
I know you are trying to get as many ref as you can, but first looks are deceiving...
I repeat you can't cashout, so let's call it 100 000 units, and guess what min campaign price is also 100 000...
Free advertising is what it is, free...
I joined long time ago, and left right away, now I am giving it a 2nd try because min was increased to 5000 units.
What I hate the most is that faucet only gives 1 reward every 24 hours, so even if you are a no life you will eventually miss a day...
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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24/06/2016 08:26
For those who have joined Mellow ads I want to share a better strategy for advertising. From my experience I have found that the more Balance you spend on 1 day, the more effective that advertising campaign is. So I suggest that when you win 100000 satoshi, then only advertise, and choose the number of days as 1. This way you will have more clicks. Since it is a text ad, so clicks are what matters. After that its your affiliate page that may or may not attract the referrals. So always try to spend big balance on a single day on 1 advert, rather than spending small amounts daily.

For those of you haven't joined this monitor, I must tell you that it is a free advertising platform. You must be seeing 'mellow ads' everywhere. So this monitor is a product of mellow ads only. Here you have to claim satoshi once in 24 hours and you can win 5000, 10000 or 100000 satoshi in a single claim! Much better than spending your whole day clicking on captchas. And the amount is also huge. Winning 100000 satoshi in a single claim is not rare and anyone can win it. Although you can not withdraw this amount, but you can use it to advertise your referral links. Make sure to edit the ad style to distinguish your ad from other ads. The more beautiful, attractive text ad you will have, the more clicks and finally more referrals you will have. So don't wait, you can't miss this free advertising platform and that too without grinding yourself whole day.
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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26/06/2016 15:39
Not sure if I picked the best way to advertise, it took 2 days to deliver 10 clicks, and I got 0 or 1 new refs, hard to tell because I advertise my website all over the place...
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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26/06/2016 15:50
Faucets have the most chances to get referrals.Other stuff,not so much.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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26/06/2016 18:16
Well it all depends on how attractive and distinct ad you have. Plus as I said text ads have a very low click rate. I have advertised lot of text ads on other platforms, but I hardly ever got clicks. But here I am at least getting some clicks. Also 10 clicks are not at all bad. 10 clicks mean 10 potential referrals and that too for free. But if they didn't join your affliate link, then it only means 2 things. Either they had already joined that site or it wasn't attractive enough. So keep on trying. After all you just have to claim satoshi only once in a day and it's free. Also try to spend 100k or more satoshi on a single day per ad, then advertising daily with small amounts of satoshi.
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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27/06/2016 11:26
And why do they ask for banner if it's text advertising?
I bought the 10 clicks campaign for 100 000, only had 3 clicks in the 1st day...

Could have gotten only 10 000 impressions for same price...
And I never advertise 1 project, I advertise my list...maybe I got some extra refs on websites that are not listed on the splash page...

So free is good, but I hate that I have to login every time, and 24 hour rule instead of 1 per day...
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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27/06/2016 13:30
The banner is for those who pay from their pockets. And no one cares what you hate or not. You are the first advertiser who cribs over the fact that you got clicks but not referrals. I have seen many platforms where you don't get referrals even after advertising full pages or graphical banners, I have also seen many platforms where you purchase the advertisement pack and instead only blank pages are shown. ***

[Edited by Mod Team: Please, be respectful.]
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
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27/06/2016 13:40
So it's worse than I thought...
I spent 100 000 at fixed 10 000 per click, thinking they will see my banner...
will have to edit my text ad, so it's more targeted clickers next time...
Traffic Value: $39.623 Netherlands
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27/06/2016 14:05
I'm getting "unexpected system error" each time i try to login. For 13 hours straight already
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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27/06/2016 14:12
@ Ragetester Yes that might bring you more clicks.

@Olavski-NL  It' s working fine for me. Usually it gives error on logging first time. But you can login just after your first attempt.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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27/06/2016 14:21
You can upload banners without paying from your pocket.You do not need to advertise only text ads.Text ads pretty much suck.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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27/06/2016 14:46
@Crimson yes you can upload the banners but they don't display them if you are using the free satoshi to advertise. But you can advertise them with your pocket. I am the owner of the monitor list but I won't lie. You really can't advertise your graphical banners with the free satoshi.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
27/06/2016 15:29
They must advertise them since its the only ones i uploaded for the campaign.
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