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Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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25/05/2016 09:05
Monitor Listing
There are many Bitcoin casinos and online gambling websites out there, yet Faucet Game is bringing something entirely different to the table. Not only can players play casino games on this platform, but it is actually a Bitcoin faucet. Combining the opportunity to earn free Bitcoin with playing casino games is an interesting concept. In fact, the site even mentions how most of the games are rigged to favour the player.


Earning Bitcoin in exchange for small tasks is the bread and butter of any digital currency faucet. Faucet Game is offering a similar experience, as users can earn 250 satoshis every 15 minutes by hitting one button on the web page. The only requirement is that users need to turn off any ad blockers in their browser, as these remain in operating by showing advertisements to visitors.

For those users looking to earn even more sem-passive income, there is a referral program. For every claim made by one of your referrals, you will earn 50% of the amount they claimed. Assuming the user claims the reward four times per hour during 8 hours of the day, the affiliate will earn 4,000 Satoshi from one referral.

But there is more, as users can claim a Daily Bonus from Faucet Game, worth 1,000 credits. Increasing one’s level – by playing the casino games offered by the platform – will reward in higher daily bonuses. There are certain requirements that need to be met before this bonus is paid out, though, such as completing some slot spins, dice rolls, and so on.

Speaking of the games offered by Faucet Game, there are a few different options to choose from. Players can pick between slots, spin the wheel, dice games, blackjack, or Falling Fortune. This latter option is a Bitcoin drop game, which can – together with all of the others – be played entirely for free. However, all earnings will be credited to the player’s balance. A timer will also show below the game as to when users can claim their free credits from the faucet again.

To maximize earnings and increase the betting limits, users can upgrade their Faucet Game account. The maximum rank is level 20, which will cost the user 2 million credits. What is rather intriguing is how this platform does not allow any manual deposits for gambling purposes, as users can only spend their earnings on upgrading the account and playing games. This keeps everything fair and also ensures players come back to improve their standing over time.

Last but not least, there is an option for VIP membership, which gives various perks. Not only is there an Exclusive Chatroom, but also increasing faucet and referral earnings, no more ads and captchas, an auto-play bot, and much more. Before Faucet Game users can apply for VIP access, they will need to register an account with the platform. Depending on how long they want to remain a VIP, package prices vary between 0.01 BTC for one month and 0.1 BTC for lifetime access. This is the only exception to the “no deposit” rule on the platform.

Future upgrades will be coming to the Faucet Game platform too, as the owner has informed us multiplayer poker will be added over the next few weeks. Similar to all of the other games on the platform, there will be no external Bitcoin deposits accepted. Faucet Game players might want to start saving up some of their credits for when this new feature launches. Additionally, there is a rumour about a potential deal with Betcoin, which would let Faucet Game users withdraw funds to their Betcoin account. Plus, they would receive 10% of their withdrawal amount on top, courtesy of Faucet Game
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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25/05/2016 09:34
I introduced this to pv a while ago.Since then i have arrived at the conclusion its not worth it.
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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25/05/2016 10:21
New admin, so different to how it used to be. Cashed out 105,000 Satoshi in 4 days.

There's also ;rain; where once every hour Satoshi from the pool is given to 30 random users, who are active in chat
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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25/05/2016 10:24
Isn;t admin;s name mexicantarget?
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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25/05/2016 10:57
Regardless of what you may think, it's still one of the most highest paying faucets out there atm
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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25/05/2016 11:10
Yeah,good luck with that.
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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25/05/2016 11:13
Today only... Post your username here and I will give you 100 credits.

ToC... Must sign up and not use anonymous & must make at least one claim from the faucet
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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25/05/2016 13:16
Just been informed by the site admin, there will be a massive 0.2 BTC rain either tonight or tomorrow
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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25/05/2016 17:34
25/05/2016 13:16
Just been informed by the site admin, there will be a massive 0.2 BTC rain either tonight or tomorrow

That's a massive 666k each for 30 active users in chat! So come in over and chat away (the pool size is likely to be much larger than this, this is just the guaranteed amount)
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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27/05/2016 19:40
105k Satoshi Cashout today
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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29/05/2016 17:13
150,000 Satoshi cashed out today smile
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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30/05/2016 19:29
I have joined FaucetGame already.So far it's a high paying Faucet casino game with bonus included.I earned allot with it already one of the best free BTC earning site out there right now or atm.(no need to invest to start earning at all 100% free)

@Minerjon1991 you should promote their new Faucet game site as well which is another good site from this same owner.
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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01/06/2016 12:40

It really is a great site!

I have upgraded to VIP, I will paste my ROI below.

Total Received 0.0056
Total Sent 0.02
ROI % 28.00%
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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01/06/2016 19:42
@Minerjon1991 yes it is.I'm currently LV10 and waiting to upgrade
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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02/06/2016 17:23
Same here - Level 10. I'm cashing out 30% of my earnings when I can though as I'm trying to make my VIP investment back lol

My name's RiglerKrave on FG. Say Hi lol
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
2 like this post 0 people
02/06/2016 22:52
Another 50K cashout, so posting my new ROI

Total Received 0.0061
Total Sent 0.02
ROI % 30.50%
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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04/06/2016 17:51
Another withdrawal done

Total Received 0.00685
Total Sent 0.02
ROI % 34.25%

I'm only withdrawing a small percentage of my overall winnings due to wanting to level up. Using the rain pool, staying active in chat, you can easily earn +400k daily!
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
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05/06/2016 18:47
Another 55K withdrawal

Total Received 0.0074
Total Sent 0.02
ROI % 37.00%
Traffic Value: $1,699.92249 Lithuania
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08/06/2016 16:10
According to the site games are rigged to favour the player. Has anyone won from casino more than lost? 
Also, how much credits does it take to lvl up to lvl 20 after becoming VIP and is it worthy at all?
Traffic Value: $302.62954 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
10/06/2016 13:06
the only game not in your favou is Roll of chance, which has a 0.02% house edge.

I am vip since 25/5/16 and my results are below

Level 11

Total Received 0.0092
Total Sent 0.02730952
ROI % 33.69%

0.00730952 was spent on advertising. so without that i am looking at

Total Received 0.0092
Total Sent 0.02
ROI % 46.00%
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