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Ethtrade - Unique Learning/Earning Platform

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Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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10/08/2016 16:16
Hello all--stumbled across this website a week or so ago, figured "What the heck, I'll check it out" and became very intrigued when I started digging a little deeper as I've been looking for a long-term online investment as a complement to MTV that wasn't quite as risky and the majority of them out there.

The main service of Ethtrade is asset management, with income being generated from the daily earning of the company's trading portfolio (M-F no weekends). They claim 15-25% per month, and I am going to put this to the test with my initial deposit of $50 (the minimum is $10).

They also offer trading lessons and strategies for Ethereal and other crypto currencies. I haven’t gone through all the material yet, but it seems well written and concise.

I could list all the features and benefits here, but the website does such a good job, it wouldn't make sense. You can find past financials, trading records, affiliate presentations, etc. all within the site.

One unique aspect of the affiliate program is you earn not only your referrals deposits, but also their daily earnings, which could really add up over time. Also, for those that are successful recruiters and have pre-built teams, there are significant advantages to bringing them in to Ethtrade including increased affiliate percentages.

If this sound interesting and something you might want to be a part of, just view my monitor site at:

As always post any questions here on the forum

Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 0 people
10/08/2016 21:52
August 10th Earnings Results

Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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12/08/2016 16:47
August 11th Earnings Results

Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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15/08/2016 15:20
August 15th Earnings


This just keeps chugging along paying sustainable results M-F
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 0 people
22/08/2016 23:19
Weekly Profit Report for 15.08.2016 - 19.08.2016

Total investor profit:.....................................4.12%

Folks, I know it doesn't sound like much, but 4% per week compounded for a year is a staggering figure...

You need to give this one a second look, nothing but realistic returns on the horizon.
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
1 like this post 0 people
23/08/2016 01:07
joined gonna invest as soon as I hit the 10 bucks point on a website 70 percent close smile
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
23/08/2016 02:16
Welcome aboard--did you just join today? or earlier?
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
1 like this post 0 people
23/08/2016 03:21
Join some days ago, I always watch what you promote it usually turns to be good for me smile
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
23/08/2016 22:02
Thanks--I've got a feeling this one could do well for a while--their 1 yr. anniversary is coming up.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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30/08/2016 09:41
Weekly Profit Report for 22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016

Total investor profit:.....................................4.1%

Another steady return...chug a chugga chug a chugga--woo woo!!
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
06/09/2016 00:24
Weekly Profit Report for 29.08.2016 - 02.09.2016

Total investor profit:.....................................4.3%

Nice steady returns with no surprises from Ethtrade...
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
18/09/2016 15:02
For those following this one (and there are quite a few)--I just wanted to bring up a unique aspect of the Ethtrade business model.

Not only do you earn on your team's deposits, but you also earn on each daily earnings. If you build a large team, this could add up to a substantial sum added daily (M-F).

Also here is the latest news items if you haven't been to site lately.

If you want more info on Ethtrade and begin enjoy daily earnings, just visit the monitor listing:

Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
18/09/2016 15:26
Let's try this again....

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