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Worth Bitcoin mining with asic hardware?

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Traffic Value: $1,654.17 Spain
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26/05/2017 11:53
Hey ppl,

I have found some second hand Antminer S5 for 150€ (they used them for 3 months) the psu is included in price.

Every antminer will get me 1,1 TH/s , i have calculated how much that will produce me, and it's around $35 / month, calculated on this site:

So if i purchase 3 i will get arround $100 a month, ROI is about 3.5-4 months.

And i have "free electricity" if you know what i mean wink

Should i do it? I see it really profitable, my idea is to get more and more antminers, firstly 3, then 6 and so on doubling my incoming.

Firstly i would try with one and see the result's if they are as expected, if yes then buy more.

I thinked to invest in cloud mining like hashflare but i don't trust them much, if something happens money lost, and no refund policies... And their contracts only last 1 year, mining with my asic would last as long as the hadware lives.

Buying my own hardware i have control and i have the money phisically atleast, no one can scam me.
Forum - Misc - Worth Bitcoin mining with asic hardware?
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