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What effects the priority of payouts?

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Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2023 12:28
I saw that Bitcoin was processed before Litecoin in the last round of payouts and the requests were made in the same day.

I am curious which is the reason that defines what payout method is processed first?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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25/02/2023 09:57
I always pay them all at once, might be a few minutes of difference or I might have to leave in between and catch up later on the rest.
Another scenario is that the support might not have checked some yet.
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
3 like this post 0 people
25/02/2023 11:12
Thank you.I believe it was leaving and catching up later as they were paid out today with 1 day difference.
Forum - Misc - What effects the priority of payouts?
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