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Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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08/09/2017 09:53
at my base with 10% recovery of over all health.
Without any double or triple DC..normally it will take 20 days to clear base 90 grin

surely i can use air strike but that option i can use only 5 time sad and future bases will be more difficult to clear. 
Traffic Value: $970.0477 United Kingdom
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09/09/2017 09:11
Hi all i did not receive spoils for my game yesterday anyone else have this problem,and what can i do about it.
Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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09/09/2017 10:02
same here... i guess...break the line will not give any spoil share or gold till we complete it But it always shows 20 gold as spoil share ... let us know if we will get any spoil share ?? or not
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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09/09/2017 11:39
I got my spoils.

IF you only worked on a Big Boss, and didn't complete it, I doubt you will get any spoil, though maybe 20 Gold. This (only working on Base 100) will be the US situation this day so I'll make note of my GOLD balance and see if it grows.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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10/09/2017 21:15
In our country invasion, everybody have 100% spoil share, regardless the damage they inflicted.

Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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10/09/2017 23:14
That happens until you finish the base you were in the middle of the previous day(s).

BTW, I didn't immediately get 20 GOLD like I figured. Meaning 20 Gold is currently setup only if you complete at least 1 base that day, not if you as a Country only work on, but don't finish, a Boss Base (or even a regular base if your country isn't big enough damage wise to complete 1).
Traffic Value: $11,838.29378 Italy
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11/09/2017 11:05
I have a small request.

Is it possible to have a confirmation popup when ordering an air strike? I moved the mouse pointer over it and accidentally clicked, vanishing days of team work on the same "break the line" basesad
Traffic Value: $20,936.72553 Poland
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11/09/2017 13:41
No news on new update? grin
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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11/09/2017 14:15
It's coming grin

Meanwhile, our update in one of the super specific niche subreddits, any support appreciated!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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11/09/2017 21:31
What does OCD stand for?

I know what it does, which I've used since hour one it was avl, but I haven't figured out what the initials represent. Just a very very minor pest of annoyance.

2-3months which means b4 the XMAS Holiday Break or shortly after, in regards to Mobile, but the BIG rework is planned for just b4. Which is good. While people need downtime away from their family for brief periods, they can play the reworked game!
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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11/09/2017 23:05
Obsessive–compulsive disorder would be my guess. as one of the sign of it is having things at a certain level.

waiting to see if there is any benefit to the new level thing in BC. All the changes to the game almost makes want to start over again and see what it like playing with them.
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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11/09/2017 23:12
I'm guessing....

Over Current Double / One Click Double / Other Calculation (Less) Done / One Confused Druth8x  tongue 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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12/09/2017 07:53
The spoil is calculated based on BS, so when there's no BS spoil yet it'll show as 100%. So not really a bug, but not ideal display.

Got it on the list along with some smaller invasion display issues.

Like the 20 gold spoils until at least 1 base is finished in a day is misleading as well.

@confirmation on air strike we'll add it in one of future updates as well.

@OCD BBD is right. It's a "play of words" to represent what the upgrade does - keeps numbers neat. Which most people like to do in incremental games.

The Goals added in BootCamp give you rewards when you reach them. Sometimes Gold, sometimes (most times) an instant boost in PP, to help you buy some of those upgrades/units faster.

We'll write a bit more about them today on our blog.

About the new updates/rework to the game, we'll provide more info in the following week or so. We're currently having tons of meetings to finalize what exactly we're changing - as it will basically be a huge rework of War Zone and it's main mechanics/progression. On top of a complete redesign.
Our designer already started working on it, so when we have some finalized first preview they're definitely coming.

It's going to be cool, can't wait to share some more details about it!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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13/09/2017 11:45
I have to ask something - has anyone had any Chat issues lately? Or none for like a week/two now?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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13/09/2017 11:54
Only issue I encounter is delayed view.

AKA, when I open CI, the chat part of the window takes another sec or two to go from blank to filled with the latest messages.

I could care less about this, nor do I want any programming minute looking into it, but since you asked.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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13/09/2017 15:06
like druth8x said that only issue with chat that i have. my biggest issue now is lag when doing CI. while it benefit me as i get more hits in because of it. it also annoying when a 30 second run takes almost a minute to do. 
Traffic Value: $20,936.72553 Poland
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13/09/2017 16:59
Our chat seems fine smile
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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14/09/2017 00:22
no issues recently....though i'd like to know if there is some event / interval that causes the chat to be empty / blank, i don't think it happened recently / less than a week, so i guess chat is doing fine recently, but it used to happen every few days a while ago before that.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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14/09/2017 00:32
BBM, I was talking about chat itself. The chat window is blank for a sec or two then I can read whtwas said after that.

YES, there is a bug where when actually invading (timer counting down from 30) that every few seconds it pauses for a sec or 2. I don't see the "exploision" image at the paused time. I get more than 20clicks per sec (brought down to 20 ofc), so I don't know if it's producing slightly more damage than the 30sec would allow.

While I'm mentioning bugs, does the save issue have anything to do with convert at 1.000X being what the BS should be. All too often, if I convert right at 1.00X or even 1.1X I don't get the full 1.000X convert...a couple hundred BS off. At this point, even the 135K BS is not too much, much less under 500, but still, it's a bug. It doesn't matter btw, whether I've already at the end of the day with the next 1.0X built up and I buy upgrades/units to bring myself down to 1.000X either or if I am on the screen for 2+ minutes or what have you.
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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14/09/2017 00:51
I'd like to ask about something that i've been curious about for a while.

In the warclicks score table that appears under the game UI, you can click profiles and watch their stats.

For example, when i click on druth8x profile, i see a number of upgrades (more than 300), but when i look at the items, i can only see upgrades up to "Chinook", and all items combined before that don't even sum half of that, nothing past "Chinook" is visible / doesn't load properly.

I consider this is a bug because there would be no way 2nd place wouldn't have Carriers.

So when i look at other profiles, this makes me doubt i'm seeing what they really currently have and if that is the only case.

Another different example is Antonio14 profile, only shows up to 3 Carriers, i can't even understand how does he has 10M+ DPC already with just 3, i mean, in this case there is nothing visually wrong in the profile, but still i'm not sure i'm looking at up to date stats.
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