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Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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11/12/2017 00:42
How comes that during the last week in PVP I only got to do air battles? No land, no water, only air... always!

This sucks, because troops are depleted now, rebuy is expensive and whatever I manage to purchase back cannot get me even the smell of a chance with any of the contrincants I get and is gone after the following encounter. 

Explanations.... or a fix! Whatever is needed, thank you.
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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11/12/2017 23:00
I've been noticing lately that HQ upgrades quickly start getting irrelevant compared to just upgrading some / only one of your units dpc. didn't spend billions of Battlestars and probably it gave you a lot more dpc than the biggest HQ upgrade will give you everytime (+200).

In my opinion, these upgrades should give more with each purchase, maybe using some non game breaking formula, and not just get super expensive for no reason (Old upgrades in Warclicks V2 used to mean A LOT, so it made sense for them to become huge in cost). Granted, this is permanent dpc, so it has that benefit, instead of a considerable size of dpc you can lose anytime in a pvp battle. Anyway, after a while it starts being non-factor. It would be cool if those became more rewarding, while it becomes more difficult to get them over time.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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12/12/2017 00:40
Right now, my DPC vs needed damage doesn't need me to select the Support DPC...however, often I can't select a new one, unless I refresh. So, for those that need it, quite annoying bug.
Traffic Value: $6,650.95153 Finland
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13/12/2017 10:30
I was clicking on wz when I got into pvp battle with this message: 
There was some issue detected with progress saving.<br> We are re-initializing the Attack Monitor, please wait! 

Here is errors on console:

TC end fired from user
warZone.js?v=61120:2160 TC end fired
warZone.js?v=61120:5275 error: This is NOT a PvP battle 
warZone.js?v=61120:5275 error: Something went wrong WZ 1
Traffic Value: $6,650.95153 Finland
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13/12/2017 11:09
Another one: 

Error in console:
error: This is NOT a PvP battle 

number went back into 505th which was a boss battle. that cannot be clicked. if I go back to BC and back to WZ. I now have boss battle with full fuel. 

After Reload: 

I have full fuel and I am back to 505 from 510.

First latest update clearly shows it was supposed to be a pvp battle:

  1. [left]type:
  2. [left]actions[0][type]:
  3. [left]actions[0][attacks]:
  4. [left]actions[0][dpc]:
  5. [left]actions[1][type]:
  6. [left]actions[1][id]:
  7. [left]actions[2][type]:
  8. [left]actions[2][attacks]:
  9. [left]actions[2][dpc]:
  10. [left]actions[3][type]:
  11. [left]actions[3][id]:
  12. [left]actions[3][dpc]:
  13. [left]actions[4][type]:
  14. [left]actions[4][id]:
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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14/12/2017 00:44
Andraz, do you know about the viewing ads bugs?

Often, I start an ad, do nothing else (leave the other tabs/windows/browsers as they are), then a few econds in or near the end, it craps out on me, often saying "We're out of offers to show in your region. Please try again later. Plenty of more offers are waiting for you just a click away."

At times, there'd be 2 windows that show up, and so I'd get credit for one, both or neither.

Sometimes, I'd get double (maybe even triple) credit for viewing an ad.

Sometimes, I'd get a blank screen, but still get credit.

There are times that after clicking and having an ad popup, it goes back in hiding right away, and no credit ofc.

BTW, the other bugs STILL exist OFTEN.

I've got many ppl in chat, longterm members even who've quit/threaten to/are tired of doing the same thing over and over again.

Also, seems like the next privatize is way too far away.
Also, seems like we lose way more units than we can rebuy.

I fear Jan 1st how low my DPC will drop to (it drops 300K per PVP aka ~3%) but whn I lose all my old bonuses as well. UGH.

I know the US got ahead of itself with regards to CI, due to the first day bugs, but even if we didn't we'd already need to be using AirStrike, and even regular bases take 4 days or more.

Again, I really like the game, and the new gameplay (if I knew how to have a chance) is a nice improvement. I only comment to try and get it better.
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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14/12/2017 04:50
Why there are almost no upgrades in the order of 1e96 up to 1e108? is this a bug? or is this supposed to be intended, like some kind of bootcamp wall / low KPH traffic sign? xD. Only one upgrade per level... It is really slow to advance through those levels...

Well, the game can do that, at some point... just not sure if it will suddenly normalize in future upgrades, they would need to be something crazy like production x15...

It might be a good idea to use some bribes at this point.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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15/12/2017 01:44
How about a quick button for Manual Progress Saving?

I always lose my progress when I move from Bootcamp to Warzone and vice versa. I use the manual save a lot. It would be more convenient to have a quick button for it.
Traffic Value: $199.10914 India
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15/12/2017 03:30
Shouldn't the daily missions be different to choose one, today I got the same mission. Not a major bug but needs to be looked into.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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15/12/2017 03:38
I think just like the rewards, same day in a row (like getting two aces) is random enough...heck even a few days in a row can occur.  One time someone mentioned being "stuck" on 5% DPC for like 4 or 5 days...others had AC's for "too long".

I'd rather get new PVP opp, they are the same 3 for like a week or so now, and are all ahead of me, by quite a bit.

BTW, I "keep" getting increase score by X %, maybe not in a row, but many days this past week..and I'm like yeah, right...I'd have to win my 1 PVP of the day, and I have no idea how to win those, cause I sure feel like I know how to setup my force, but I'm often no match, unless I beserk.

As far as "bugs" in the choices, I've found at times that some higher reward choices are actually easier than the lesser rewards...and I don't think it's b/c of my profile.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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16/12/2017 00:56
Well, I was tired of using FireFox as my main WC and Edge for I experimented with Opera, and lo and behold, those ads that show for a second and then disappear? Well, in Opera they are credited as a view, but not ad, so I get 2hrs instead of 4hrs for 3/6 times. I also got the not in your country once, but that was allowed to be do over as it didn't take a chance or give me any hours.

So, I've lost all my time cushion past reset and in fact a couple hours short!
I should have experimented with WZ ads instead, a loss of a bit of gold/fuel is not as much (it seems to me).

BTW, CFE ads works just fine in Opera, which gave me the confidence to try.
Maybe that is a hint to the problem?

Please fix this.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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17/12/2017 00:06
BC ads are not working correctly i got shorted 4 hours today. I got the box but it did not show a ad before going off the screen and gave me 2 hours not 4 hours using firefox.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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17/12/2017 00:25
Well, EDGE WAS fine enough, just let me try again. Today, I got 2 one went away right away, one popunder (I had a youtube video ad already started, then a "banner" ad pop under), but that went away. The no offers in your country, even after 29/30sec still lets me try again.

I'm left with 18hrs though....which is weird...must have gotten double credit.
..which is a known to me bug.

I'm saving 1 ad for the final min, so I can regain my buffer (if all goes well) and so I have max PP TW rate, in case I win that at the end of the server day.

NOT just BC, WZ as well.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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17/12/2017 13:14
havent noticed the problem in WZ. then again with the new format a lot of things go unnoticed. would love to have a few of the pop up back from the old game. like CI winnings, i would love to figure out how to get my pvp up to the rate some of the other players have. i think the must deploy more often then i do.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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17/12/2017 13:33
After you privitize, you will start deploying more often.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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17/12/2017 21:03
Richiem, sure, until you get to my lvl where the privatize is 10.000e129 and it's taking you 4 days just to get 1+2=3, and you are not even 1e120 yet.

Heck, I was at 500e117 when it took that I deployed and it may be a week again b4 I get to I'll give up at 1+1=2. AND, this is all provided I can get 24hrs of bonus time, like I should being in the US.

But, still, I'm not even 4K units on ANY of my it's not like I'm really helping my PVP chances, when I lose more than that each PVP chance (which happens once daily now- used to be 3 or more).

MY DPC keeps decreasing more than I can deploy. The only reason I have so much is b/c of my bonuses that will leave me in 2018 and I keep buying 6xDPC.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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18/12/2017 00:03
Well, so much for saving my final video for the end of the's 0/6.

BTW, the reward was double PP, and since it wasn't even a complete 24hr double day...I still want from 0 pending to almost 0.970 (my goal of 1+1=2 is 4.131), so I must have been so close to finally getting some pending to show up. AND, yes, even with 24hr double time, this will take a full 8 days to get to 1+2=3, unless Double PP/bunch of TW's.

There is nothing to buy, in that time frame, that will make my gain rate change noticeably.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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18/12/2017 01:43
Dang, again, not fixed...the "banner" which these days shows video most of the time, was about to show me an ad then just as quickly went away and left me with 2hrs.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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21/12/2017 02:13
The Pop under ad banner, that is a video, showed up 2 times today and still I heard the movie trailer, even if I didn't see the time I got 2hrs, the other I got 4hrs (I pressed play on the university ad and got almost to the end, only change btwn the 2 as both popunder and university where the same ad just seconds apart each attempt, 1st attempt I didn't hit play on university, aince the popunder was playing, I figure try and get 4hrs.)
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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22/12/2017 09:55
We are still looking into the remaining issues with video ads as they're extremely hard to replicate/detect - as it only happens to some people/countries it seems.

Those that do experience it, how often do you get issues viewing it - every time or just on occasions?

After 1st Jan, we will be improving the "lack of upgrades" massively - we have to wait for the old boosts to run out otherwise it would just scale the problem out of proportion and create too massive differences between old and new players. We'll be able to balance out the late progression then as well as reduce the gaps between late privatizations a bit again.

We'll also consider doing some changes to support unit losses, adjusting HQ upgrades to give more of a punch, as well as support power increases.

Patches & bugfixes 7th-22nd December

The past 14 days we’ve been consistently improving the game – bugfixes, optimizations and various other improvements.

- Spin the Wheel gold collect bug fixed
- Removed score from achievements as it resulted in weird scenarios/Experience as it’s now changed in both worlds
- Press page overhaul
- Massive tutorials improvements
- Many help sections & popups updated, hover infos added
- Help page updated and improved
- Renown goals bug/blocking issue fixed that was occuring for some users
- hide tutorial option added to settings
- improvements and bugfixes to video ad handling
- gift not adding some values correctly fixed
- pvp improvements & pretifications
- general warzone progress saving improvements
- various out of focus issues on bootcamp resolved
- bootcamp animation optimizations and preventions of some bugs that stopped bars fixed
- preventing rewarded video ad giving several rewards at a time
- having ad block enabled will now notify you when trying to watch a video ad, before it just didn’t work
- preloading of images and sounds better handled (less „flicker“ occassions if slow net)
- fixed issues with support power and boss battles not starting if you had no fuel
- Warrior (must purchase starter) and Explosive (must first purchase warrior) Kits added to the shop – great one time deals to get some extra gold and get yo ustarted on some upgrades!
- Invasion performance vastly improved (more to come), as well as confirmation popups added to buy and unlock, to prevent clicking on them by mistake
- BootCamp prevention of buying „regular trainers“, but end up wasting godl after deploying due to some save issues. This has been fixed/prevented.
- Profile now show’s player’s DPC correctly
- Level text added to the level progress circle
- Acheivements display fixed in WarZone
- many various smaller display fixes/improvements and some improvements to saving/weird occassions when game not in focus and gettign back – not fired instantly anymore but only after a set time
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