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PaidVerts is not for all

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Traffic Value: $205.26155 Bangladesh
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06/09/2014 15:21
Perhaps this site is designed for the investors and gamblers, not for the ordinary people. It is not possible to earn here through clicking ads, where as it takes much more time than other PTC programs.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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06/09/2014 15:29
if you do it right from the beginning you can earn more but if you stand still doing nothing else but cashout your 1$ earning you will fail, that's like the real world job you must give all it takes to get a salary you can't get it doing nothing

how can it take longer when most other sites pay you 0.001 per ad up to maximum 0.047$ per day and mostly they fail before you can cashout because they have payout limit at 5$

whenever you receive 1$ buy new ad-pack, then when you receive atleast 3 dollar per day you can start also with FT186% with 1$ every day and for the rest buy ad-pack, then all this earnings will help you in the end
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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06/09/2014 15:36
Patience is required here!
If you cashout $1 from the beginning and you don't invest anything,
without pure luck you won't be able to get $100 per day!

Invest $30-$40 and you will start earning $1 per day!
I am in group 9 and earning $10-15 per weekday, and $2-5 per weekend!

PaidVerts will shoot up revenues I think by 30~200% if the revenue gets higher!
Traffic Value: $219.55896 Philippines
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06/09/2014 15:36
 I Disagree with that just like you i also just earn through ptc but comparing with this site i earn faster than other ptc which only earn 0.005 per click as free member while here its possible to earn 0.10 daily without worrying for your incoming renting ...and if you put at least $10 then your earning will grow more...just a little dedication to click daily free baps ads then you get soon..(and some known ptc are starting to have problem with payments...if you want to see the potential of this site you might consider putting at least $10 and you will see how it works..(you wont get rich just by a matter minutes) time is essential to earn big..

Good Luck... 
Traffic Value: $205.26155 Bangladesh
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06/09/2014 15:43
Dear rtrplay, I disagree with you, because i had joined 1 months ago and become active (I want to say very active) from 27 August. Since then I have already clicked 1174 ads (almost all the ads), purchased $1 (once 1.35) ad for 3 times (1 time i have invested $1.60 from my pocket). Instead of that my present earnings is $0.65 only + 6000 BAP. It has been taking hours after hours to clicks $0.00005 ads! 
Traffic Value: $153.2372 Italy
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06/09/2014 15:43
The others above told you everything about it, there's no need to add anything, but remember that other ptc and similar sites become soon scam or overloaded (so you earn nothing...) wink
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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06/09/2014 15:50
if you're looking for a quick killing, that's not PaidVerts.

Like rtrplay said, if you earn your first $1 using your free BAP, and withdraw it, you will be earning a dollar or two a week like typical ptcs. That is not all bad if that is what you are looking for, and  Paidverts can scratch that itch if that's all that you want.

But Paidverts is not a typical PTC. It gives you the chance to make real money, if you're willing to invest some time (and maybe a little cash IF you are in a hurry but NOT necessary) in the beginning.

Starting off, every dollar you earn reinvest into ad packs. The earnings will come faster and faster with each reinvest. Soon you will be making DOLLARS everyday. Then you can reinvest some and withdraw some if you choose. Add to to that the MTV investment plans like the 186 and 250 plan, and the marketplace which is a GREAT way to make even more money. You can build a very nice portfolio for yourself in a hurry.

This whole site created by Jo, Paidverts and MyTrafficValue, is like the Disneyland of money making. Around every corner  there is another way to make money, REAL MONEY!

And don't forget all of the very fair games for both cash and BAP.

Quite frankly, if you can't make good money here, and have fun doing it, there is something wrong with you, not this site.

#ImJustSayin wink
Traffic Value: $205.26155 Bangladesh
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06/09/2014 16:01
I didn't make any withdraw, rather I have invested $1,60 from my pocket, and reinvesting my earnings to purchase ad packs. Within the last 10 days I have purchased 3 $1 ad packs but can not see any success - i mean increasing my rate of earning! 
Traffic Value: $434.40467 Bangladesh
3 like this post 0 people
06/09/2014 16:01
uddog as you can see I'm from your country too. Do you know what amount I did invested here??? only 4$, and after 30 days I have 68000 BAP (34$) on my account even after a loss of 2000 BAP in total on coin flip game. Yes I have to work hard to build up my platform by clicking 3000+ ads, but believe me its worth it. So I can't see your point on why you are arguing. Stop complaining mate and find your own strategy in the paveway of success.
Traffic Value: $400.67513 Philippines
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06/09/2014 16:29
uddog? Did you try to upgrade your account for $0.05 only?
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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06/09/2014 16:30

Just keep doing what you're doing. And yes those $.000000005 adstongue seem like a waste in the beginning, but ya gotta start somewhere, especially if you don't want to dump $20 in out of your pocket. It took me a bit to get up a few BAP levels. Then I reinvested just enough to maintain that level, and I saved the rest till I had $10. I then bought the ad filter and set it at $01. That solved all of those tiny ads, and made my time spent much more profitable. 
Also, make sure you buy the recycle upgrade. It will be the best $.05 you spend ( keep it active, it will run out after $1 of ads). Soon you will be spending less and less time, and making more and more money!

Good Luck uddog
Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
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06/09/2014 17:04
 #uddog i am also from your country bro and my story is at 1st i used to click all the ads as you  but now i only click ads worth $0.005 and above i still get $1 a day  most of my earnings are from my referrals  i have 9  of them only 2 of them are really active and they help me to get $1 a day  BTW paidverts is the best compared to any other PTC wink  And my advice is get as many refs as you can that will help you a lot                                Happy earnings!!!!!!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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06/09/2014 17:11
@uddog it is also important to remember that in here, everytime you invest $1 - which in other sites would be to "rent referrals" or something like that - you are also ADVERTISING. Be smart, use that advertising in your favor and capitalize on it as well.
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