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Members to fine

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Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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11/01/2015 19:53
Quote Jo Daily News - Nov 27 2014:

" I've fined username "frees" 50,000 BAP for 5 separate campaigns using inappropriate banners to promote money making programs. And i've disabled the banners on those campaigns.

* Our terms were updated last week permitting 10,000 BAP fines for users that violate our TOS... I may in the near future, add the option in the shareholder control panel for users to "recommend a fine" for campaigns that violate our TOS... And we'll automated those 10k BAP fines for offenders.

** And if all three shareholders agree to the fine, then it'll be deducted. And if any one of the three disagrees that a fine is appropriate; then it won't be deducted, but we'll still disable the banner. "

As soon as we get paid bonus ads, they are back, these members with disgusting banners. OK programmers are very busy and it is not a priority but it is money lost and we do not need members bothering other members and giving PV a bad reputation

As we cannot do it yet by ourselves, I would like you to look at these members. I think they should be fined for violating our TOS. You will note that there are some recidivists. This list is only for last 2-3 days. I added two columns to enable us to see in one table necessary information. Maybe programmers could make this change that would make shareholders tasks easier for editing campaigns instead of having to click “More” to access the information.

My table: (see next post)

Our current table: (see next post)
It would also be useful to write how to Edit an ad campaign because some members don’t know how and once they edited the banner without erasing or modifying the link of the promoted site, we cannot do anything further. It could be something like this at top of Ads and Stats page:

Do not forget to disable the disgusting banners and erase the link if it leads to a site violating our TOS. You can erase it or change it for By doing this, their campaigns will be automatically cancelled.

Thank your for your attention.
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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11/01/2015 19:54
Here are the two pictures:

Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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11/01/2015 20:02
Interesting names on those lists... Who would know! 
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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11/01/2015 20:03
Traffic Value: $1,206.40561 Germany
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11/01/2015 20:09
While I don't mind any sites, that is some impressive work you are doing there. Good job!
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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11/01/2015 20:11
Traffic Value: $157.85619 Senegal
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12/01/2015 10:43
J’espère que jo le verra.
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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15/01/2015 06:43
No reaction from Jo until now.
Traffic Value: $1,717.8092 Canada
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15/01/2015 06:48
hey why am i being left out. i wanna be on the list. lolol. 

sure the option to suggest fines is coming. 
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 0 people
15/01/2015 06:52
Hold up. yallit's on that list, like multiple times.ohh
So disappointed yallit...downer
Traffic Value: $520.75025 Palestinian Territory Occupied
1 like this post 1 people
15/01/2015 06:55
I am really sick of adult banners honestly, and i am sure thousands members are sick too , and i am sure too alot of members stopped using PV because of the adult banners which its really give a bad reputation of PV.

Programmers must GIVE PRIORITY to this issue and not ignore it. Programmers must add function on the banner itself "Report & Disable" in case the banners violate the TOS.

I wish JO see this and i wish Programmers take a fast Reaction.
Traffic Value: $1,717.8092 Canada
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15/01/2015 06:56
yeah michaelkline i taugh yallit everything he knows about posting nasty banners lolol
Traffic Value: $520.75025 Palestinian Territory Occupied
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15/01/2015 07:01
Another thing must PROGRAMMERS look at is when we do the swap ad "is not working"

for example :

i got adult ad to view worth 1$ , actually i don't want to view it and i don't want to profit from viewing adult AD , so when i click on swap it will give me another AD with different link but when it become to viewer it will bring back the same old adult AD which is the swap button is useless and not swapping the adult AD. THIS MUST BE FIXED.
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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15/01/2015 08:20
@Michael / plaxton
Yallis is the person who reported the ad in the Share Holders Panel, not the person who created the ad campaign!
Traffic Value: $16,300.80416 Netherlands
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15/01/2015 09:13
You are one of the offenders "slimgeld", Think about this: We have to keep mytrafficvalue accessable for the majority of the prospects who want to join, in order to keep the business growing.
Traffic Value: $919.13107 Philippines
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15/01/2015 09:26
For me I am ok with a democratic system that now decides to take down certain sites, but honestly, I also don't know why some people are so much annoyed or even say they feel sick about adult sites. Its a huge business, many countries make lots of tax through it. Adults are free to do and free to consume what they want. I don't care what I click here, as long as it doesn't contain viruses and malware. Many people are overreacting and they could just swap the add, as many of us here are glad to click them and have no problems with adult sites, as many have a liberal mind set. Also, because, where is the limit? Some have problems with adult sites, and I must say, there are many sites with other topics that could disturb others too. Ban them too? This is the internet, and it does not fall under certain narrow and strict national laws of some countries.
Traffic Value: $60.77536 Greece
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15/01/2015 09:32
for everyone getting sick there are lot that click those banners cause boobs are best seller lol
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
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15/01/2015 09:38
Well i gotta confess, i miss the nude banners cause they usually turned me on xD
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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16/01/2015 17:27
Again and again, this topic is not to discuss if nude, sexy or porn banners or sites are great or not, if we like them or not, nor to get a philosophical/ethic discussion. 

PV is a PTC site. Period. No PTC site allows this kind of banners and if you use them you are banned. PV is the only one that does not yet control this problem.

If I was Jo, I would publish in the daily news the list of fined members and the amount of BAP deducted. I wouldnt be long to stop these banners. 

I think that when a banner is disabled by a share holder, it should be instant like it is for links to porn sites erased.

At last some members have been fined this week and lost many BAP. 
Traffic Value: $258.73426 Germany
3 like this post 0 people
16/01/2015 17:43
One reason why its forbiden is that your allowed to join PV with the age of 16 and in many countrys with the age of 16 your not allowed to consume adult material. PBoy is in germany 16+ but everything else is 18+ so its just better to follow the rules. There are PTC Sites that are spezialy made for adult 18+ and there its allowed to advertise your 18+ stuff casinos and erotic. But the bad thing is that Im not allowed to advertise that PTC Site here at PV so its hard to get ref there and inform that there is a PTC site where its allowed. The Admin David Maas is doing hes job good and the site is growing so to all the people who really want to adertise some 18+ Sites you can do it there but stay away with it here.

I know Adult entertainment is a huge business and they make Billions of $ every year even if they are loosing a lot at the moment to the free illegal tube sites but still they sell a lot of stuff, and if your running a Adult toy company you can hardly advertise it somewhere. 
I know its a business and a job and there are a lot of people who buy that stuff and its totaly ok. Its a honest job and if you make your living with it thats totaly ok to me, if your a actor in the films also ok its a hard job, but it just doesent belong here. This is not the right place for that kind of advertisement.
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