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Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
1 like this post 0 people
16/01/2015 18:23
A long post miatt. 

You will have to find another way than PTC to promote this site. And yes it is not allowed here and PTC sites for many reasons.

Good luck.
Traffic Value: $258.73426 Germany
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17/01/2015 11:58
I know its not allowed I asked the support befor I uploaded my advertising here. And got a NO that I respect. Thats the reason I did not meantion the page, only wantet to give people who are looking for that kind of PTC site a information that there are PTC sites where 18+ Ads are allowed. And that thouse People who are spaming here with Adult banner and sites a place where the can do it legaly. I just gave the name of the Admin no ref links or any other names of the site, and I will not do it here.
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