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Help Mexican brothers

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Traffic Value: $342.6644 Mexico
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21/09/2017 03:36
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Hi, most of you have heard about the earthquake in Mexico, there are many people dead and others are still under the rubble, mexicans from other states are helping  affected people but the problem is that government doesn't want to help, Mexico has funds that are going to be used next year for elections instead of using them to help. Many people and companies are helping, there are free hospitals, free usage of mobile companies, etc. Unfortunately, the damage is too much and we need more help. All the cities are sending food, medicine, tools, etc. but they say that aren't enough, so if you want to help you can donate to these non-profit associations in Mexico (both accept paypal):

these associations are doubling the money that people is donating, if you are interested in donating but don't have a paypal account you can contact me by email "my " I can receive BTC, ETH, BCH or XRP, these are cryptocurrencies that can be exchanged in our country without having to pay high fees, if you decide to donate using them send me an email and will give you an address.

Also I think is a good way to have some advertise using MTV, I can send you a screenshot of the money that you send and re-send to these associations.

Remember mexican people are workers, and when a natural disaster occurs somewhere we always help others, in this case we need help because damage is too big and unfortunately government doesn't want to use funds that are needed.

Mexican people will thank you
Forum - Misc - Help Mexican brothers
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