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Give a homeless a chance

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Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
17 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 01:17
Hi there, I just came back from a trip to London. In this short trip I just found out something quite incredible, in London almost every single homeless was looking for a job and to be honest, Im typing this right now due to a concret one, one I saw near Camden Town. He got written something like: I need a job, plis help me find one(and his email).

I thought wow, he even spend money on an internet coffee to check out his email... and then I thought, what if I tell him about PV and everytime he goes to the internet to check his email, he could also watch some ads and help him out. I thought about talking to him and with an internet coffee assistant and making a deal with him like: hey, I will pay you 30 min a day of internet for this man some months so he can earn some money and give him a second chance.
But I couldn't since I cannot afford these bills and it was just a 3 days trip, not living in the city.
Back to Spain, almost all the beggars are just asking for money for drugs, almost any of them are searching for a job so they might not even try this opportunity, but what do you think guys? The big fishes here that could afford this. It would be amazing to help people to come back to the society (just helping them out, not giving just free money, they will have to work).
And after all, you would get your money back from his referral comisions. We should just find a way to create them a bank account or something but dunno... It brings me an incredible hope and calm inside me...

In addition, couple months ago I watched some videos about homeless that were given some presents (like for example a pizza) and then another guy asked him to join the pizza with the homeless and he accepted and just shared his only meal of the day...
Another one, one guy gives a 1000$ win lotto ticket to a homeless and once the homeless get the money, he gives the half of the prize to the man that gave him the winner ticket... These videos really made me cry and made me think that many people should get another chance...

Hopefully, once the homeless has got some cash, he could do the same with others, trying to help them out... it could be fucking great and all we need is about 50-100$ to pay them 1-2 months of internet and some baps, maybe letting them start with 100.000 BAPs and explain them it's up to them, they can just get these 30$ back and spend them in drugs or they can see the opportunity and try to make a new living with this little help and I can promise you would had changed a life and someone would be forever greatful to you...

Here are the links of the videos I talked about:

Have a good night guys
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
3 like this post 3 people
30/01/2015 01:52
you have such innocent ideas... but you do realize that is kinda...impossible? i mean having access to a pc/internet demands money, having access to payment processors for deposits/cashouts demands even more money + troublesome verifications which homeless people would probably go through hell to complete them, although their only solution could be deposits/cashouts via bitcoin atm if available otherwise I don't see much hope for your thought here.

MTV/PV requires investment in order to earn enough for life, and I'd say a lot of investment for some basic life needs.
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
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30/01/2015 01:57
I know that for making a living you need to invest, but maybe just for feeding a man and hopefully giving him a place to sleep doesn't require more than 600/800$ a month. Once he can sleep under a roof, he may have more chances with some interviews and who knows...

And it would maybe take 1 year, but don't know, better trying it, huh? specially if you give him 100.000-200.000 BAPs...
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
26 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 02:00
It is possible.
I've had a Paypal and Bank account for years.
I became Homeless in May 2014
I joined Paidverts in June 2014, from a public library
A friend took me in in August of 2014
I'm still with them and Paiverts.

But to agree with you, it takes a Homeless person who is serious about changing their circumstances.
I was.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 2 people
30/01/2015 02:10
sorry man, you are compassionate and kind but that idea is a no go,
look at my traffic value, it's five figures and If I'm lucky I make almost half of your proposed 600/800$ per month, imagine how much one homeless person should invest to make that kind of money per month. heh homeless, not even some mid-class people have that kind of money to invest... they'd be way better off with a physical job
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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30/01/2015 02:16
I think you and I have a different point of view of the meaning homeless, I mean having absolutely nothing, no bank accounts no paypal, just beggars with no chance of finding a job momentarily.
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
6 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 02:22
There are many "homeless" people that would take that 1000 dollar winner and buy some sort of substance such as drugs, alcohol, cigerettes. Not all homeless people deserve a hand out. Many of them do it to themselves with their choices in life and doing bad things. 

I prefer to help people I know that really deserve a helping hand. People I know. Animals who are abused and killed by stupid humans, etc. 
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
11 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 02:31
Helping people in the first world nations is not cost effective to me. They have access to so many social services. I prefer to give my charity to the parts of the world where people don't even have access to food or clean drinking water. 2/3 of the world don't even have clean drinking water and it is killing them so that is where my charity goes. $600 could help approximately 20 people to have clean drinking water for a generation. So helping one person in the first world for six months could change the lives of 120 for a generation. I'm not trying to be mean or cruel, just economical. A life is a life in my books

I'd love to help but I need to help as many as possible with what I have been given
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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30/01/2015 02:32
You don't need any of that if you live in a big city with stores that accept bitcoin. There are millions of businesses that accept bitcoin worldwide, plus the deals you could cut with local vendors that may want to help by accepting your coins.

There is always a workaround when you want to find it.
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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30/01/2015 02:36
Sorry. Those homeless men in UK are not homeless at all. They are people from Romania searching a job in a foreign country and hope to earn more money then here and send to family. They quit their jobs and go in Spain, Italy, France, Germany or UK searching to earn $600 to $1000. Here with $200 / month you can have a decent life, paying all taxes and eating at restaurant one day/week or go to colege.

In France or Spain they know that people give them money very easy and no need to work because they make easily 60-100 euros/day begging people.

I know some who preferred to go there to sleep in cardboard boxes than to stay home invest some money to get in a high group and click some ads/day. It's a big difference between a homeless that will do anything for survive and help others like him to heave a hot meal, and someone who want to earn money and keep all money for him. If you pay in advance I'm sure that use those money in other ways than clicking for few dollars/day.  --- Look Here!
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
10 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 02:37
I started with Paidverts on no investment.
I deposited a dollar, at first, but lost the BAP attained playing games.
I've made one test cashout in November for $3.
Everything else I have in Paidverts is because of Blood, Sweat and Tears.
It took me barely 6 months to go from zero to $44 TV and that INCLUDES recovering from the BAP swap!
If I had been smarter, I would have even more.
Can you imagine if I 44 timesed my current TV in the NEXT 6 months?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
11 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 02:54
And as for homeless, I MEAN people trying to change their circumstances.

We have Homeless in Tucson that are SMI (Serious Mental Illness).
They will never be self-sufficient.

We have Homeless that are addicts.
Until they clean up, they will stay the way they are.

We have Homeless that are Hobos.
They live off the grid because they want to.

But maybe 10% don't like being Homeless and wish they had a way to change it.

You don't need any account to click ads.
You just need time.
Homeless have all day, every day.
Most have access to computers through libraries.

With mentoring, like suggested, when they have enough built up, the mentor could help them financially get their ID, set up a Payment Processor, Open a Bank Account, etc. and then the Homeless Person would withdraw some of their funds to repay the mentor for helping them.

It's very possible.
But not every Homeless person could be helped this way.
Traffic Value: $64.86159 United States
6 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 02:55
You've such a big heart... Your idea is good and humane. You can start with 1 man and see. I'm sure those homeless people are very much eager to change their lives if given a chance.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
4 like this post 3 people
30/01/2015 03:11
I am sorry and I do feel for people but I am with newguy there... animals.. if I have to choose I will help animals.
They can´t beg. Or cheat.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 03:53

Hearing about how far you have come in the last year has raised my respect for you man.

I hope you find even greater success here cool smile
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
3 like this post 1 people
30/01/2015 04:25

I'm with Catt on this one. Our kettle corn company supports hospital care for seriously ill children, and a no kill shelter for cats. There are more than enough social services for the homeless adults in Tucson at least...


you are one of the minority in Tucson--you didn't want to be homeless, so it doesn't surprise me in the least that you aren't anymore. It was a real pleasure meeting you this past weekend, and I hope we get to hang out together again. I believe the Bear would really like you smile.

I had an unpleasant run in downtown today by the court buildings with those filthy, rude OCCUPYING people--almost had to call the cops. 

Then they saw my son Ryan and took off--since he had them arrested several times already for occupying his train stations--and urinating and defecating all over them and intimidating passengers. They were under the mistaken impression the train stops were public property...

The were really annoyed when the cops not only arrested them and ticketed them, but also confiscated the smartphone they had used to film Ryan duly advising them they were trespassing. The smartphone is, of course, "evidence in an ongoing investigation".

They have been trying to create incidents with the sun link drivers, the sun tran drivers, and anyone else they can--ON PURPOSE. One of them CLAIMS to be a lawyer, and they all have phones worth several hundred dollars each (with the lifeline phone plan, of course), and they are deliberately harassing people and trying to create convenient lawsuits.Not to mention their public employment of bodily functions usually performed in private, their general filthiness, etc....

While I have no doubt that there might be another homeless person or two in Tucson that wants to get into a home and a job, the Bear and I have run into less than 5 in the last DECADE. Bear has offered so many homeless people jobs, and the two I know of that accepted promptly stole from him. The rest basically have told him to F* off, since they can make more money panhandling.

And that is MY homeless experience today. Boy, it was nice to see them take off when they realized I was with RYAN LOL. I do wish the TPD would DO THEIR FREAKING JOB. Ryan said they actually COMPROMISED with these people--AND THIS IS GOING ON WHILE THE GEM SHOW IS IN TOWN....
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
13 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 05:11

Most Homeless aren't nearly that rude. Though I discount a lot of them because most are mental to some degree and I just give them a pass. It would have been interesting to see who they were and see if I knew any of them.

I adopted two old men while I was homeless:

Pops, whose like 75-80 years old and not so homeless as others are. He has a check and a small motorhome, but lacks enough for space rent at times. Haven't seen him in some time, but last I did, he had a space and was doing fine.

The other is Crosby. He's a bitchy grumpy old fart, but it's all talk and no bite. He's in his 70's-80's, too. Diabetic, with pretty bad feet. He yells out loud and swears whenever he's gotta walk around. I pass him a buck or two whenever I'm out at the main library. He stays there in the park most of the time.

I've known a few to get off the streets and I've seen a few that are just becoming homeless and are just lost.

I'm was very fortunate. I was literally pulled off the street by a fellow parolee that I knew while I was on parole for a car accident. I got off parole in May 2014, which left me homeless. He found out I was living under a bridge at night, talked to the wife and kids and they told him to go bring him home. I help out around the house, just like I do here. As far as he's concerned, I got a roof for as long as I want it. I currently live in a 10 x 10 wood framed, barn style, shed with a loft. It's also my office. I do odd jobs and donate plasma to meet my needs. I live well below my income so I feel rich most of the time. Paidverts is primarily a full time hobby that I hope to turn into a full time income at some point.

I guess that covers the most important parts of my immediate life's story. Hadn't really figured on telling it, cuz I didn't want anyone thinking I was looking for sympathy or handouts, but it feels kinda good to share the good parts of it. I still haven't eaten, but it ought to be about done cooking inside, so I'll check in in a bit.

LOL. Just got my 'Dinner's ready' text. Later!
Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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30/01/2015 05:16

I am really inspired by your story.  
Traffic Value: $3,140.01274 India
7 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 06:31

You are an inspiration for me. 
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