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Give a homeless a chance

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Traffic Value: $2,848.93563 Canada
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30/01/2015 06:57
@MichaelKline, what a wonderful person you are!

I hope you're blessed in every way imaginable!
Traffic Value: $97.45308 Pakistan
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30/01/2015 08:00
here is the thing Michael,
i too started in June 2014 with pv, and invested just $1 to reach here with 29 TV,, my TV could have touched or crossed $50 or more, but i'm holding myself for something big, just like you are doing, when firstly i saw you in this forum reading your posts, i really felt that you are here to prove something, i made up my strategy seeing your's, marking you as my rival or opponent and thinking that i have a race with you to the path of success here in pv, 
I'm here also to prove myself, but difference is i'm not homeless, in country like our's we live with a family system, our parents or elders care for us making and providing us all opportunities to become a man with decent life style, but rude things happens with everyone at any stage of life, i have not a same story like you, I hope you too could have all that love of family and a good home, be a kind heart man you will have success, respect for you,,, 
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 08:06
Thank you for your words.
And I hope we can still be rivals... friendly rivals, of course.
Traffic Value: $538.25641 Spain
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30/01/2015 08:08
man, i cant believe the wonderfull people i work with here ^^

first of all, once again mr Kline, RAspect!, you sir are the example of BE THE CHANGE and i hope to get the chance to see you rise and shine through your effort, here and in life in general.

vicura i thought i was the only one with this silly ideas, but gladly im not grin add me on skype creaactivos i also live in spain maybe we can sort something out as a test drive, im sure with a little thinking we can make this also work.

Thank you people for this morning cofee/clicking thread tongue you´ve made my start my day with a smile on my face.

Nam Miojo Rengue Kyo
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
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30/01/2015 08:38
Why Michael Kline is popular? 
I want to be popular in paidverts. smile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
8 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 08:52
You are welcome to do so.
I was not trying to be popular, but I guess by being myself, people have decided to make it so.
I am ok with it, I suppose. Definitely not used to it.
I find myself feeling thrilled, blushed and heart touched all at the same time.
Regardless, I will be myself.
That is the most important thing to be.
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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30/01/2015 08:58

you deserve even much more respect and admiration than that already given to you.

i see you as an openhearted, kind and utterly polite person grin

if there were something equal to Nobel prize`would have it 10 times over already.

u can blush, but u can`t hide smile
Traffic Value: $3,834.0699 United Kingdom
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30/01/2015 08:59
I only read a first post.
I've been living and working in London for 9 months.Yes here is some homeless people but not as much as I saw living  in NYC.
Coming back to London and all UK. You have seen homeless people but you have not seen those who are taking money from the government just because they made few kids and are saying they are not able to make a living.
They are lazy f%^$& not offence to British people but some of them are so lazy and are living from those who work hard and pay taxes.
The government should change something with it and help these who really need help and would appreciate help.
These who are having free money from government are complaining it so too little.
I saw on tv there was a program make a living from benefits.They have better live than some people who work hard and pay taxes.

Coming back to homeless some of them could be pulled up if someone gave them a hand but there is so many who will buy drugs from money they got.

Whenever I see homeless asking for money for food and hot drink when I have few minutes I ask him to go with me so I can buy him some hot drink and food.Some come but some says fuck you I want money(for real I had this).I would not give any money to homeless just because I would feel bad to give them money which could be spend to buy drugs and slowly kill this people with my money.
Give food yes give money big NO.

Lately I have been thinking of opening a topic to donate some small percentage from our withdraw (notice that would be optional,optional,optional)
how big percentage let say btw 0.01% to 1% we could choose how much we can donate or do not donate at all(optional) 
That money could go to some organization like redcross or to fight ebola in Africa there is less on TV about this than it used to be but they still have a problem with it.
Or just simply donate this money to children hospital or to orphanage.
Youngsters are future of this world we should invest in them.
We could have an option where we could donate money that would be the best option.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
3 like this post 0 people
30/01/2015 08:59
Hi I am/fill USELESS in my family almost 2 years . I fail to earn my past business . Some are don't like me now. But now PAIDVERT$ give me chance to turn my TABLE . 6 + month here i am and now group 6 . Group 10 good for me . $300 is good + i have small business too.

Thank Jo and all of user .
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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30/01/2015 09:12
@MichaelKline - Just read your story, and can relate to all of it. Would have never thought about that. I highly respect you. now even more. I am glad to know you grin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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30/01/2015 09:21
I once went on an odd job where we emptied a semi full of supplies for a school. When I saw the large, unused school, an idea churned in my head. Such a building would make a great overnight shelter for the homeless. There are large rooms in which to put cots. Most all the rooms had sinks. There were restrooms and a cafeteria and even a nurses station. This small school had perhaps a dozen classrooms that could easily house 10-20 homeless a piece. Just as a bed for the night.

I recently re-evaluated that idea as a 12 hour stay, at any time there was room, and you could sleep, eat a meal, shower, do laundry and/or get a haircut during that time if you needed. You could return 24 hours after your last entry.
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
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30/01/2015 11:18
I was really touched by your story. you're and inspiration haha.  
I'm 18 yrs old and my family does't know that i'm doing this. My friends when i first told to some laughed, so later when they asked i said i quit it. But as you can see i did't. I can't, honestly.
I see my mom and dad working hard 9 to 5, come home feel like crap and then because money's tight we grow tobacco, which is really awful thing to do especially when you don't have money to buy machines to make job easier. You have to pay someone else to  plow ( i think that's the word to use) with their tractor and we pay a lot of money to them and pay for a lot of other things and when we finally sell it, it won't sell for much money.

 Luckily my brother is too young to come work with us on the farm, although this summer he may still come to help with the little things, but i don't want him to. I'm kinda used to it although i already have back pain that doctors say it could from that.  I don't want that for my brother.

Hopefully soon i will be making enough money to support my family, so we don't have to work that stupid tobacco anymore smile

And than maybe ppl will start believing me and they also start with this. I'll definitely make my cousins start with this, because they are also doing the same thing. But first i got to prove to them. 

Proving will take some time, but i'm not going anywhere and until then no one will know what i do

But all that makes you appreciate all this so much more so... Sorry for the big txt grin
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