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Warclicks improvement suggestions

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Traffic Value: $6,447.40087 Czech Republic
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12/03/2017 12:40
I'm not sure what you're planning to do to make fun and sustainable for the long term. I might have
overlooked some post explaining it but I doubt it since I read almost everything.

I might have a suggestions that might make the game much more fun in the long run.

I would suggest to make a "restart" every month. That comes with following pluses and cons:

1) People that discover the game later might be discoureged to play it seeing the HUGE numbers in leaderboards.
By monthly restarts they might catch up easily when new season starts.

2) There is another ENOURMOUS benefit coming with this. People might buy the coins ,BS and other improvements much more often and the competitiveness each month might go over the roof.

3) On the other hand you would have to offer some really good compansation for it.
a) Creating all time leaderboards including for overall score, the best score, damage in a month... and of course some sort of HALL OF FAME
b) What would be totally awesome would be adding special screen with medals you would get eg. medal of honour, purple heart, cross of the knight...
c) The medals might be shown along with your screenname in the leaderboards which would make it even more attractive. The medals would have slightly different graphics each month and would be called "medal X for war A,B,C..."
d) Not giving good enough compensation might hurt the game so it would really need to make it as compelling as possible

4) The every day login price claim is great but considering the change a rework would have to be done of course.
I would be probably a little bit more creative. I would suggest making it a little bit more motivating by offering units, little improvements etc. That way people would be much more motivated to login and play every day.
I would also mix let's say every fifth day some perk for the NEXT season. Giving you a little advantage over players that are not so dedicated.

There are of course much more variables to consider but let me know what you think about it...
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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12/03/2017 12:55
I disagree with the restart in just 1 point: the gold bought must be kept! (At least some of it, 100% in the next season,  75% in the second season and so on) - and if you buy some gold on the last 14 days of season you get a full refun in the next..

That could work, but the main point of the idea is the compensation, if you play for months and in one reset a thousand new players have passed you, that's really bad.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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12/03/2017 12:56
I like some of your ideas and think they might be brought into the game at a later point.  Only one thing you got the name of the game wrong. LOL is war clicks. War of clicks is a totally different site and business.
Traffic Value: $6,447.40087 Czech Republic
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12/03/2017 13:01
Yes the the gold should be kept for sure. Good point.
I would suggest to make the restart every month, maybe 3. Just like hearthstone etc... and call it NEW SEASON, that sounds much better... grin

Is there any way how to change the topic name for the correct one?
If not I would like to ask the mods to change it. Thank you
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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12/03/2017 13:05
I think a mod will have to change it. I am sure one will come by soon to help out.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
6 like this post 1 people
12/03/2017 13:37
Sadly, we can't.

But you can contribute to the cause, just spread this hashtag:


Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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12/03/2017 14:15
We do not need a "new season".  We can simply make a new server for restart. So people can continue where they stay and start completely new on other server. That can generate even more profits.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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12/03/2017 14:51
I'd like to see where I rank, be it 11th (yeah, right), 50th, 100th, 250th, 1000th, or 2700.

This will allow me to stay motivated to try and keep getting ahead of those who are at about my level.  Granted, if no matter what I do (free/non offer wise), it could demotivate just as easily if I keep dropping. It could also turn some into buyers/offer fillers to get them to climb the lower ranks.

Just one line devoted to that in those Top 10's would be nice.

And/OR take the CFE code for Country/Day/Week/Month and how much more to rank the next number and place those ranks somewhere.

If this is simple enough and esp if it will help with newbie retention, I think this should be added in a couple weeks max, priority wise.
Traffic Value: $6,447.40087 Czech Republic
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12/03/2017 15:29
@bozof   @druth8x
The server restart and rank are good ideas.

I'm just wondering how low will it take to lose the players that we have. Because considering the fact how the game works I'm not really convinced that the player retention will be any high for let's say two week's+ period of time. For me personally right now it's getting O instead of S, while seeing other players having 10 fold or much more on any stat... not really that much motivating.

The game is really fun, but the long term view should be definitely well considered.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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12/03/2017 15:54
In the USA at least of me it been a fun battle for leader of the country that keeps me playing. Our old leader ran away from me a safe distance. He finally got taken down some how by someone that not that far ahead of me so it game on again.
Also i am having fun trying to get ahead of certain people i see here on the PP list. Just note if your a regular here and your near me you got a target on your back. LOL

The games l have played that do total rest every so often lose players like me cause i want to keep building on what i have. I dont want to build something up then it get wiped out for a few bonus items in the next season. another thing i noticed with them games it does not really change who at the top of them very much. Maybe the first couple weeks you will see new people in the top 30 but after that it pretty much come back to the same people that was there the season before and most of the time in the same positions as before.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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12/03/2017 16:55
There was another game that went the season route i remember that end up running it people spending on it off. Cause they got tired of buying the same stuff over and over with real money. The free players left before that cause they got tired of just getting a nicely set up game and the admin call end of the season. Even though he always told you in the forum when a new season started it would last x amount of time. When my friend stop playing the game a season was 6 months long. which if you worked really really hard as a free player would be just long enough to get a nice game build up. Just to be offer a free blah blah and x amount of coins in the next season. I think the game is still out there after it reinvented it self and went to a split game format. It gave players the option to play a extend game which would have updates or a season game which would have less updates because they did not need to update it as much as you was pretty much doing the same thing over and over. 

So it a very fine line you have to walk when creating a game like this.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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12/03/2017 16:58
One of the reasons I still play it is that I'm fighting for the top 10 damage tongue. Would be good to have some part of the game that needs Skill, training, so people could fight others near their rank.
Traffic Value: $6,447.40087 Czech Republic
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12/03/2017 17:00
I get your point bigbadmoose and carvalho17, but what would you do, If you joined the game right now and wanted to be on the top? You would have to spend ridiculous amount of money to get to the top. I'm sure that some people would do that, but most won't.

I'm just wondering what would massive marketing campaign achieve right now. How would competetive people see it...
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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12/03/2017 17:15
eaglers if i was to join right now i would spend a week playing the game then look for myself on the PP list. From there i would play the game pretty much how i am playing now just trying to climb up the list or see if i get ahead of people that keep being really close to me. right now the next position on the PP chart is 10S ahead of me. Since it night time or early morning in their country my goal is to pass them while they not playing. 

Evil little plan but it make the game fun for me and educates about different time zone in the world. I know if i see mexico, America, Canada, or any of the other south american counties ahead of me i am in a good fight to pass them cause for the most part we playing at the same time. But if i see countries from the other side of the world. I know with in the next few hours i have a good chance of passing them cause they sleeping. Which means they not upgrading their units to make more PP.

I would love to have a board that would show you everyone level so you could pit yourself against people the same level as you. Since i found out some people are way better at playing the game then me cause they higher on the PP and no where close to me on rank.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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12/03/2017 23:08
Well, I'll be, I didn't realize that I could find myself, if I took the time to go to view more stats and clicked all the page numbers (at least I know how much I have so I can click fast until I get close). Once I know where I'm at, there is even the go to Page number to find myself again.

I'm currently at
90 for Score Gained, with each 1mil gain increasing my rank by a few players.
71 for PP Gained, with only one nipping at my heels (I think) and separation of points occurs only a couple more ranks higher.

BTW, we have almost 5K members who have at least 1 PP score. We also have just over 2600 with at least 1 point (in fact barely anyone who has at least 1 under 100 and it quickly adds up from there.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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13/03/2017 01:29
I think this would be quite low on the burner, but I'd like:

When you are btwn a lvl, esp btwn say 500 and 600 and 600 vs 700,
how much more PP is needed to get to the next lvl (100 in my example).

Heck, it could even be included among the 1x/10x/100x/max  "lvlup".

I throw extra PP, just b4 converting, at these units, but then I'm under 100 b4 the next lvl, and thus I lost how much more it will take. Be really nice to know how much is left, no matter if I'm at 501 or 540 or 598.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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19/03/2017 13:51

I still want to know how much PP is needed to fill out the next 100, when we are somewhere in the middle.

In addition:
In no way is this a priority, but if we could have knowledge b4 a buy (esp 100) but even say 47 carrier's (500-547) vs 29 Rocket Launchers (656-685), how much that would increase our earning power, that would help with the anaylsis even more.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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20/03/2017 00:19
Gold upgrade:
Reduce the BS needed to buy upgrades.

The more upgrades you buy, they are more expensive, so it would be cool to buy discounts with gold
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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20/03/2017 00:58
druth8x i think that one of the secrets to the game you have to figure out on your own since you love numbers i am sure you already got the first page of analysis ready for fact checking.

piro00 that would be one i know i would buy a lot. while we on idea of new upgrades what about a temporary upgrade to where you can get 24 hours bonus in BC until the game get enough players to attract video so we can get it that way.  
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